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Kuehne FamllyYMCA - YMCA Sale Visit

T 2036 NW Taylor
Thpeka, Ka•••• 66608 (78S) 234-4(,71 Fox (785) 2)4.S46/j

The Honorable Evelyn Wilson

Shawnee Co District Court Div 5
200 SE 7th
Topeka. KS. 66603

Case # 960217: Claudine Dombrowski & Hal Richardson

February 1, 2006

Dear Judge Wdson:

this case is set for hearing on 2-2-06 to consider modlllcation of 1tle parent/child
contact. Staff apologizes for the timing of this report.

Rikki continues in the Safe VISit Program having supervised visitation with her
mother, Claudine, on a weekly basis; Sunday from 4-5pm. Since the previous
report of August 22, 2005. there have been 23 visits. No visits have been
cancelled during this reporting period.

Rikkl arrives promptly for the visitation time. She is usually talkative and friendly
towards staff and oltan shares personal Information about her weekly activities.
Rikki's comments are always upbeat and age appropriate. Claudine arrives for
all visits on time and "ready to see her little girT'. She often tells staff that her
contad with Rlkklls the highlight of her week. Claudine brings 1.3 bags of craft
Items to aD visits to ensure parties have something to make and do that Rlkkl will
enjoy. Claudine also brings drinks or snacks. Parties usually exchange hugs.
and greetings as they begin and end their contad. Rikki and her mother
celebrated Chris1mas and Rikkl's Birthday dunng this reporting period. Through
out most visits, Claudine makes multiple supportive comments to Rikki about the
art projects and crafts. Rikki seems to appreciate the compliments given by her
mother and will often ask for her help selecting colors and ideas. Rikki talks
freely during the visit often sharing information with Claudine about school,
activities, friends, movies, and family members. Rikki continues to ten steff thaI
she is at times emberrassed by her morn as she"still treats me like I am 5 years
old and that her comments and behavior can be embarrassing". staff has
encouraged Rikki to try to explain to her mother her likes and dislikes. On one
occasion during a visit Rikki did tell Claudine that she did not like something and
her mother was able to accept Rikla's position.

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a-rat Oa/rlJ. -
Claudine listens. laughs and responds with great interest to all of Rikkl's
comments. Claudine tells Rlkki about things she does week to week; getting a
cat, communicating with Rlkkl's teachers (12 reports dally) and preparing for their
visits. Claudine always tells Rlkkl how much she 10Ye$ and misses her and
usually references old time "memories" when Rikki was a baby ()( younger child.

Staff has communicated observations of the parent/child contact to the GAL, Jill

In November 2005, Claudine shared WIthstaff her participation In the Domestic

VIolence Walk. She described a poster she made and how important the Week
without Violence cause was to her. Staff ssw her on TV as she held a poster of
Rlkkl as a child.

Safe Visit services are available to Rikki for safe parent cantad as long as the
Court deems It appropriate. Please notify staff regarding any modlflcatlon of the
current orders.

Respectfully Submitted,

Connie sanchez. LMSW, Safe VISit Administrator

Safe Villi Staffd_"'" prc""ch _Ioarlam afthe/"",Ut" ••1to"'. tJro prOfl'''''''' ''''''~ or milU
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