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NPM : 9188203002505

Advisors : (1) Agus Muharyanto, M.Pd

(2) Adi Susilo, M.Pd


This research uses the Classroom Action Research (CAR) design, so, the researcher
uses an actional hypothesis. The hypothesis of this study can be stated as follows: “If Find
Words Game is applied to the eighth year students, it will improve their Vocabulary mastery
at SMPN 1 Sumbergempol in the academic year 2012/2013”.
The procedure of this research consists of five steps namely, preliminary study,
planning action, observing the action, implementing the action, and reflecting the action. This
study was conducted in two cycles to evaluate the students’ vocabulary mastery ability. And
the data collected from: observation, field notes, interview, questionnaire, and vocabulary test.
Observation and field notes describe the process of the implementation of the find words game
method. Interview and questionnaire use to know about the response of the students about find
words game method to improve their vocabulary mastery ability. Vocabulary test needed to
evaluate the students vocabulary achievement.
This study is conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Sumbergempol. The subject of the study was
38 students of the eighth-E class.The criteria of success were 85% among the whole member
of the students in the class. Andpassing gradescore was 75. The result of the study showed that
the application of the find words game method can improve the students’ Vocabulaary ability.
The improvement was indicated by the increasing of the class success of the vocabulary test
administrated at the end of each cycle. On preliminary test there were 10% of 38 students in
the class passed the test. In cycle I, there were 50% of 38 students in the class passed the
vocabulary test cycle I. In cycle II, there were 90% of the students passed the vocabulary test
cycle II. The result of the students’ questionnaire showed that the students were excited to
follow the activities and they were interested to use find words gamek method to improve
vocabulary mastery through find words game.
It means that find words game method could improve the vocabulary mastery ability
in the eighth year students, and there are points that can be concluded from this research.
Key Words: Vocabulary, Find Words Game.
Learning is one of the primary activities of students in the classroom. In the area of
language learning, it is found that the effectiveness of using learning strategies gives a great
support towards the success of learning. Brown (2001) confirms that successful mastery of the
second language will be due to a learner’s own personal “investment” of time, efforts, and
attention to the target language in the form of batter of strategies for comprehending and
producing the language.
One of the most difficult aspects of learning a foreign language, particularly in an EFL
context, is the retention of vocabulary. Vocabulary is the central of language teaching and
learning. It plays an important role in the four language skills. It gives contribution to the
learners to perform or practice their skills better. It means that by mastering the vocabulary, the
learners will be able to produce so many sentences easily either in spoken or written one. It is
impossible for the learners to perform their English well if their vocabularies are very poor.
They will find any difficulties in expressing or mastering their language skills because of
having too limited vocabularies.
In learning a foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role. It is one element
that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing all together. In order to
communicate well in a foreign language, students should acquire an adequate number of words
and should know how to use them accurately.
Even though students realize the importance of vocabulary when learning language,
most students learn vocabulary passively due to several factors. First, they consider the
teacher's explanation for meaning or definition, pronunciation, spelling and grammatical
functions boring. In this case scenario language learners have nothing to do in a vocabulary
learning section but to listen to their teacher. Second, students only think of vocabulary learning
as knowing the primary meaning of new words.
Therefore, they ignore all other functions of the words. Third, students usually only
acquire new vocabulary through new words in their textbooks or when given by teachers during
classroom lessons. For example, learners find many new words in a text and then ask the
teacher to explain the meanings and usages. Forth, many learners do not want to take risks in
applying what they have learnt. Students may recognize a word in a written or spoken form
and think that they already "know the word", but they may not be able to use that word properly
in different contexts or pronounce it correctly.
Therefore, it needs strategy to help students learn language, especially vocabulary to be
more interesting and worth doing. The teacher also needs to create a method or an activity that
can stimulate the students to be active, not passively learn by heart. One of the activities of
teaching and learning vocabulary which is believed to be the best way of teaching and learning
vocabulary is through game. Games help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest
and work. Games also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and
meaningful. The students want to take part and in order to do so, they must understand what
others are saying or have written, and they must speak or write in order to express their own
point of view or give information. There are so many games that can be applied by teacher
concerning to how to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery, such as the alphabet game,
the word guessing game, word search and so on. These kinds of activities help both teacher
and students in the process of teaching learning. Teacher is able to create a situation in which
the language or the vocabulary will be used. However, in order to achieve the most from
vocabulary games, it is essential that suitable games are chosen. In addition, teacher’s attention,
creativity and ability are needed. By seeing the advantages of using these games, the researcher
tries to apply the game for teaching English in UPTD SMPN 1 Sumbergempol Tulungagung.
The researcher uses “finding word” game as one of the activities to improve the students’
vocabulary mastery.
In this research, the researcher tries to find out the use of “finding word” game in
learning vocabulary. The researcher will investigate how to implements “finding word” game,
to figure out the reasons behind the use of the game and to get a description about teacher’s
and student’s perceptions on the use of the game.
Since the data include in this study are in the forms of qualitative and quantitative, then
the data analysis is conducted in different ways. The data collected through the observation
sheets, field notes, and questionnaires are analyzed qualitatively. The data obtained are
compared from different points of view by the researcher and the collaborative teacher to get
good speaker of the implementation and the effect of the action. By comparing the obtained
data from multi instruments (observation, field notes, and questionnaire), appropriate
justification is hopefully acquired. Meanwhile, the data from the students’ vocabulary scores
are analyzes qualitatively.
1. Findings from Preliminary Study
This chapter describe about academic tests and examinations conducted by researchers
in preparation for a longer, more complex, or more important. consist of Finding from
interview, finding of pre-test, finding from cycle 1, finding from test, finding from observation,
and Reflection of First Cycle.
1.1 Findings from Interview
This interview conducted on before the implemented of the method. The interview was
done in Indonesia language, which is the researcher and respondent’s first language. The use
of this language was to enable the respondent to express what he knew and felt about the
R : What books do you use in teaching and learning English
TR : Students handbook (LKS).
R : Any other books?
TR : No! In this school just use students handbook in
every subject.
R : Do you ever use variation method to teach and learn
TR : Hmmm, Yes. Sometimes, I ask them to make a group to
R : What method do you use in teaching and learning
TR : Sometime I give a game
R : What games you usualy give?
TR : Not so much, just as a substitute for the atmosphere
R : What is your purpose using this method in teaching and
learning vocabulary ability?
TR : mmmmm….I think, it’s simple and interesting because
this method can improve the students vocabulary
(Teacher’s interview, , 2013)

From the quotation above, the teacher used some of method to teaching and learning
vocabularuy in the classroom activities but he did not explain more detail about the purpose of
the methods, so this method could not improve the vocabulary mastery. And the students’
respond was low because they poor of having ideas and they were too shy and afraid to take
part in the daily conversation.
1.2 The Findings of Pre-test
The first step which has been done by the researcher before doing the phase of the
classroom action research is the preliminary study. It was conducted to know the real problem
in teaching and learning process especially in vocabulary. As the result of preliminary study, it
was found that the students have some difficulties in learn vocabulary such as the students poor
of having ideas and they are too shy and also afraid to take part in the daily conversation.
The preliminary study was conducted on First lesson Friday 3 may 2013 at 07.00-07.40
From the preliminary study, the researcher knew that the students in VIII-E class at SMP Negeri
1 Sumbergempol in the academic year 2012/2013 had problem in vocabulary, in this case
improving vocabulary mastery use find words game. Many students got low score than passed
grade score (KKM), the passed grade score of English in SMP Negeri 1 Sumbergempol is 75.
Due to the students were less motivation to follow the process of teaching and learning
vocabulary. And they had poor ability in vocabulary. The researcher gave pre test before
implemented find words game as the method in teaching and learning vocabulary.
In this pre-tes, the researcher not direct used Find Words Game,but to know how much
Student’ vocabulary, the researcher asks the students to list the names and classifying animals
into animals including Carnivora, Herbivore, or Omnivore. The researcher opened the class by
greeting to the students, checking the students’ attendance, and also motivating the students to
follow the researcher and learning process seriously. The researcher started the lesson by giving
questions about the material in order to stimulate the students.
After that, the researcher asks the students to list the names and classifying animals into
animals including Carnivora, Herbivore, or Omnivore, This intended to allow researcher can
find out how far more students vocabulary,
Before closing the class, the teacher asked the students’ difficulties during teaching and
learning process, the students could ask their difficulties to the researche. The reinforcement
by giving the conclusion about the material also was done by the researche to the students.
Then, The researcher closed the class by praying and saying goodbye to the students.
The data of the students’ vocabulary test score in preliminary study was shown, students
passed 5 students and they were failed 33 students. The graphic shown the data of pre-test:
Graphic 1:
The Students Preliminary Test Score


20-40 50-70 80-100
Students Score

Graphic of the students’ preliminary test

The data of the students’ vocabulary test score which they were got in the preliminary
study indicated that vocabulary score of many students was below criteria of success. There
were only 5 students got the good score, it was higher than criteria of success, and there were
33students got the poor score.
2. Findings from Cycle 1
In the first cycle, the researcher had two meetings that every meeting has different
finding, they were:
The first step in every cycle was planning. This step hoped the researcher to teach
vocabulary easier and the students felt enjoy and also they would produce a good vocabulary
of find words game. When the students’ score are not good enough compare with the criteria
of success, it would be continued on cycle II. Everything needed in every cycle was prepared
by the researcher in this stage, likes teaching schedule, designing the lesson plan, preparing the
method, scoring system, and preparing the criteria of success.
Meeting I was administered according to the schedule which had been set earlier, that
was on fifth lesson Tuesday 7 may 2013 at 10.00-10.40, The researcher opened the class by
greeting to the students, checking the students’ attendance, and also motivating the students to
follow the researcher and learning process seriously. The researcher started the lesson by giving
questions about the material in order to stimulate the students. The researcher asked the
students about what they know about game and about Find words game. From the students’
answer the researcher knew that some of them had understood about the find words game, but
they could not mention the function, the linguistic features, and rhetorical steps of find words
game. Then, the researcher explained about find words game to them. The researcher also told
them about linguistic features, and rhetorical steps of find words game.
After that, the researcher showed a find words game as the example, in this case the
teacher give a find words game. In meeting I of the first cycle, the researcher given the students
text of find words game as the method, and the researcher give one Clue to do find words
game,clue is about animal.
Before closing the class, the teacher asked the students’ difficulties during teaching and
learning process, the students could ask their difficulties to the researche. The reinforcement
by giving the conclusion about the material also was done by the researche to the students.
Then, The researcher closed the class by praying and saying goodbye to the students.
2.1. Findings from Test
The data of the students’ vocabulary test score in preliminary study was shown, students passed
8 cstudents and they were failed 30 students. The graphic shown the data of meet 1 cycle 1:
Graphic 2: The Students Test Score in meet 1 cycle 1


Students 15


20=50 60-70 80-100
Students Score

Graphic of the students’ meet 1 cycle 1 test

The data of the students’ vocabulary test score which they were got in the meet 1 study
indicated that vocabulary score of many students was below criteria of success. There were
only 9 students got the good score, it was higher than criteria of success, and there were 19
students got the poor score.
Then, the administration of meeting II was on First lesson wednesday 8 May 2013 at
07.00-08.30 Meeting II researcher give find words game and the find words game with clue
to,the clue is about animal, and meeting II was the post test of the first cycle.
The teacher opened the class by greeting to the students, checking the students’
attendance, and motivating the students to follow the teaching and learning process seriously.
The teacher asked some questions to the students to review the previous meeting. For example,
do you still remember vocabulary in find words game while the first meeting?. It was to know
whether the students still remember the previous lesson or not. Next, the researchergive find
words game test and explain the clue. Most of them have problems doing that. The researcher
told them, the level of question more difficulty , but most of the answers are equal as in the
first meeting, but there are additional vocabulary.
In this meeting, the researcher helped the students to understand the Find words game.
After 45 minutes passed, the researcher invites students to discuss these test,by appointed some
students to come forward to answer some questions that have been written evidently still a lot
of students which have less vocabulary, it was known from the many of students which can not
do these test. After the researcher knows many students have low vocabulary, then, researcher
invites students to discuss the correct answers from the test and gave translete Indonesian
language. Researcher using the method, intended to allow the students can find out and increase
his vocabulary. Because the purpose of this study by using find words games students will be
happy to learn english and with find words game the students will be able to add and improve
his vocabulary. At the end of meeting II, the teacher asked the students’ who got difficulty
during teaching and learning process to asks especially the teacher gave opportunity to the
students who got difficulties.
2.2. Findings from Test
The data of the students’ test score in cycle 1 was shown, there are 10% students
passed. The graphic shown the data of pre-test:
Graphic 2:
The Students Post Test 1 Score



20-35 40-55 60-70 75-85 90-100
Students Score

Graphic of the students’post test 1

Based on the result of the post test in this cycle, the students score improved. There
were 26 students got less score than criteria of success, and 12students passed. It means that
this cycle were unsuccessful, because the target of the criteria of success were 85% among the
whole member of VIII E class who as the sample of this research. Because unsuccessful, so the
researcher continued in the next cycle.
And the result of the students’ activities shown that the students’ participation in
teaching and learning process revealed that they indicated their participation by following the
teaching and learning seriously. So, they can do find words game test properly and correctly.
2.3. Findings from Observation
In this research, the researcher also took on observation in the data collection. The data
obtained from the observation were use to find information about the condition of the class and
the students’ responds about this method. In addition, some data from the interview would be
concluded in the following section with how the researcher prepared her teaching of find words
2.4. Reflection of First Cycle
Reflecting was done to reflect the result of observation and fiind words game test
evaluation in every cycle. Before the researcher made the decision whether to stop the research
or to continue with the next cycle, he needed to reflect. Reflection was analyzed main teaching
concluded to find the strength and the weakness of the first cycle. The result of the data
analyzed would be matched the criteria of success from the cycle 1. There were 20 students
who failed the test. It means that the research was unsuccessful, because the target of the
success in this study was 85% among the whole member of VIII E class. The students can do
find words game test properly and correctly.And the students are very enthusiastic and showed
an increase in vocabulary. It became as a reason why for researcher continued with the next
3. Revised Plan for Cycle 2
The second cycle was the process to improve the first cycle. There were two meetings
cause the students are still less able to achieve the set targetson time in meeting 1 so the
researcher told them to continued in meeting II.
The result of the action in the cycle 1 had already shown that find words game could
improve the students’ vocabulary ability but there were several words which some students did
not know before. In this stage, the researcher prepared the simple and detail material then
before and the students brought dictionary to easy understand the test so they who still have
score lower than KKM could understood. In general, the lesson plan of cycle II was similar of
cycle I. In this cycle the researcher intended to give the material in detail so that the students
can enrich their knowledge.
The administration of meeting I was onFifth lesson tuesday4 june 2013 at 10.00-10.45
The teacher opened the class by greeting to the students, checking the students’ attendance,
and motivating the students to follow the teaching and learning process seriously. Then, the
teacher reviews the previous lesson and gave the questions related to the material in order to
remembering the students about the material given and the students answered the question
Next, the teacher showed a text of find words game, in this section the researcher gave
a clue about of profession.The teacher continued the lesson in order to stimulate the students
Because this clue is associated with daily life and not too difficult. He reinforced the material
by giving conclusion about the material. Then, she closed the class by saying goodbye to the
3.1 Findings fromTest
The data of the students’ vocabulary test score in preliminary study was shown, students passed
13 students and they were failed 25 students. The graphic shown the data of meet 1 cycle 2:
Graphic 2:
The Students Test Score in meet 1 cycle 2




20-40 50-70 80-100
Students Score

Graphic of the students’ meet 1 cycle 2 test

The data of the students’ vocabulary test score which they were got in the meet 1 study
indicated that vocabulary score of many students was below criteria of success. There were
only 10 students got the good score, it was higher than criteria of success, and there were 28
students got the poor score.
Meeting II was administrated on First Lesson Friday 7 june 2013 at 07.00-08.30
Meeting II was administrated to continue the previous cycle. The first, the teacher opened the
class as usual by greeting to the students, checking the students’ attendance, and motivating
the students to follow the teaching and learning process seriously.
Then, the teacher asked them some questions related the previous material in order to
stimulate the students. Next, the teacher told them to continue their work as the post test in the
second cycle. Before give post test The teacher called the students one by one to memorizing
vocabulary words that exist in the find words game which has been given in the previous testtin
front of class. After that researcher give find words game,and this time giving researchers find
words games about the animal and profession,why the researchers took this theme? Because
the researchers want to find out success or failure the use methodof Find words game to
increase students' vocabulary start from pre-test until post-test 2.After finish, the teacher say
goodbye the students as the closing.
3.2. Findings fromTest
The data of the students’ vocabulary test score in cycle 2 was shown, there are 90%
students passed. The graphic shown the data of post-test:
Graphic 3:
The Students Post Test 2 Score

60-70 75-85 90-100
Students Score

Graphic of the students’post test 2

Based on the graphic above, post test of cycle II shows that there were any improving the
students’ speaking skill. In fact, there were 5 students failed,and 33 students passed.
During the implementation, observation was also conducted to collect the data about
teacher’s and students’ activities. Based on the observation of the teacher’s activities, the
teacher can implemented the method in teaching learning vocabulary was very good based on
the prepared planning.
And based on the observation of the students’ activities, it was found that there
was a good result. The students were more interesting with the lesson and they could speak in
daily activities, they listened the teacher’s explanation carefully, and the students did activity
that teacher’s ordered. By the observation above, the second cycle indicated that the students
looked more serious and active joining the teaching and learning process.
3.3. Findings from Observation
In this research, the researcher also took on observation in the data collection.
The data obtained from the observation were use to find information about the condition of the
class and the students’ responds about this method and also how the researcher implement the
find words game method in teaching and learning vocabulary ability.
3.4. Findings from Questionnaire
The questionnaire given to the students consisted of one question with five kinds
of answer. The question was “ Apa pendapat anda tentang metode “Find Words Game”yang
digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan vocabulary ?”. The explanation of each answer
were as followed:
1. Answer number 1 “Menarik/TidakMenarik”
There were 34 students answered “Menarik”. The percentage was as followed:
%s = x 100% = 89,47%
The percentage showed 89,47%, it means that most of students thought that learning
vocabulary through Find Words Game was interesting method.
2. Answer number 2 “Suka/TidakSuka”
There were 32 students answered “Suka”. The percentage was as followed:
%s = x 100% = 84,21 %
The percentage showed 84,21%, it means that most of students like to learn vocabulary
through find words game method.
3. Answer number 3 “Baik/Buruk”
There were 36 students answered “Baik”. The percentage was as followed:
%s = x 100% = 94,73%
The percentage showed 94,73%, it means that cross talk method is good method to
teach and learn vocabulary ability.
4. Answer number 4 “Menyenangkan/Membosankan”
There were 35 students answered “Menyenangkan”. The percentage was as followed:
%s = x 100% = 92,10%
The percentage showed 92,10%, it means that most of students thought that learning
vocabulary through cross talk was happily.
5. Answer number 5 “Mudah/Sulit”
There were 20 students answered “Mudah”. The percentage was as followed:
%s = x 100% = 52,63%
The percentage showed 56,25%, it means that most of students thought that learning
vocabulary through cross talk was easy.
3.5. Reflection of Second Cycle
From the analysis of the teaching and learning result, it could be concluded that there
were some evidences showing that the criteria of success were achieved. First, the students
were more active in speaking class during the implementation of the students’ activeness
increases. Second, all of the students could finish the vocabulary test use find words game
based the time was given. Third, based on the cycle II, there were 5 students who failed the
test. It means that the research was achieved, that was 90% among the whole member of the
VIII-E class. If there are 38 students, so there would be 5 students were allowed to fail in this
The improvement in students’ vocabulary ability by using Find words game indicated
this research was successful, and the students’ vocabulary ability can be improved.
According to the discussion above, the researcher concludes that there was significant
enhance on the eighth grade students’ ability in vocabulary mastery using find worwds game
at SMP Negeri 1 Sumbergempol. The enhance of the students’ skill indicated that using Find
Words Gamme in two cycle is effective to increase the students’ vocabulary mastery ability.
4. Discussion
From the data of the preliminary study, cycle I, and cycle II were shown that the
students’ vocabulary mastery ability improved. In the preliminary study, there were 33 students
could not reach passing grade, and 5 students got good score. Then in cycle I, there were 26
students could not reach the passing grade, and 12 students passed. And in cycle II, revealed
that there were 3 students could not reach the passing grade, and 35 students reach the passing
grade. So, the hypotheses is to raise motivation of the students speaking skill in narrative text.
Graphic 4: The students score in preliminary study, cycle 1, cycle 2

Chart Title
Axis Title

25-35 40-55 60-70 75-85 90-100
Pre Test 3 18 12 5
Post Test 1 3 6 22 5 2
Post Test 2 0 0 5 20 13

Graphic of the mean students vocabulary mastery ability score in preliminary study,
cycle 1, cycle 2

Based on explanation the conclusion above, find words game method could improve
the vocabulary mastery ability in the eighth year students, and there are points that can be
concluded from this research. First implementing, find words game could activate the four
language skill at the same time. Second, find words game in the method produces live,
interesting and fun English. Third, find words game method can activate the students and also
the teacher at the same time since the English teacher should guide and monitor the students
while they were doing the method.
Based on the result of this study, it can be concluded that the best way of find words
game to improve the vocabulary mastery ability. First, the teacher gives a different theme in
every Find Words Game. Second, the teacher combines the different themes in the last test.
Third, the teacher asks the students to come forward in front of the class and the teacher gave
questions about vocabulary have ever given in the material word find game before.

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