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DOWN SYNDROME  In 1959, the French physician

Jérôme Lejeune identified Down

syndrome as a chromosomal
What is down syndrome? condition. Instead of the usual 46
 Typically, the nucleus of each cell chromosomes present in each cell,
contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, Lejeune observed 47 in the cells of
half of which are inherited from each individuals with Down syndrome.
parent. Down syndrome occurs  In the year 2000, an international
when an individual has a full or team of scientists successfully
partial extra copy of chromosome identified and catalogued each of the
21. approximately 329 genes on
 A few of the common physical traits chromosome 21. This
of Down syndrome are low muscle accomplishment opened the door to
tone, small stature, an upward great advances in Down syndrome
slant to the eyes, and a single research.
deep crease across the center of
the palm
What are the types of DS?
 although each person with Down
syndrome is a unique individual and  Trisonomy 21 - Down syndrome is
may possess these characteristics to usually caused by an error in cell
different degrees, or not at all. division called “nondisjunction.”
Nondisjunction results in an embryo
with three copies of chromosome
How common is down syndrome? 21 instead of the usual two.
 The estimated incidence of down - Prior to or at conception, a pair of
syndrome is between 1 in 1,000 to 1 21st chromosomes in either the
in 1,100 live births worldwide. Each sperm or the egg fails to separate.
year approximately 3,000 to 5,000 As the embryo develops, the extra
children are born with this chromosome is replicated in every
chromosome disorder cell of the body. This type of Down
 According to the Down Syndrome syndrome, which accounts for 95%
Association of the Philippines, Inc. of cases, is called trisomy 21.
(DSAPI), one in every 800 Filipino  Mosaicism - Mosaicism (or mosaic
babies has Down Syndrome—and Down syndrome) is diagnosed when
with 1.5 million live births, this there is a mixture of two types of
cells, some containing the usual
makes up about 1,875 new cases in
46 chromosomes and some
the country. In fact, more than containing 47. Those cells with 47
100,000 Filipino families are living chromosomes contain an extra
with a person with Down Syndrome. chromosome 21.
- is the least common form of Down
When was Down Syndrome discovered? syndrome and accounts for only about
 late nineteenth century, however, 1% of all cases of Down syndrome.
that John Langdon Down, an Research has indicated that individuals
English physician, published an with mosaic Down syndrome may
accurate description of a person with have fewer characteristics of Down
Down syndrome. It was this syndrome than those with other types
scholarly work, published in 1866, of Down syndrome. However, broad
that earned Down the recognition as generalizations are not possible due to
the “father” of the syndrome. the wide range of abilities people with
Down syndrome possess.
 Translocation -which accounts for
about 4% of cases of Down How is Down Syndrome Diagnosed?
syndrome, the total number of - Prenatally- screening tests and
chromosomes in the cells diagnostic tests. Prenatal
remains 46; however, an screens estimate the chance of
additional full or partial copy of the fetus having Down
chromosome 21 attaches to syndrome. These tests do not
another chromosome, usually tell you for sure whether your
chromosome 14. The presence of fetus has Down syndrome; they
the extra full or partial chromosome only provide a probability.
21 causes the characteristics of Diagnostic tests, on the other
Down syndrome. hand, can provide a definitive
diagnosis with almost 100%
What causes Down Syndrome? accuracy.
- The cause of the extra full or - Most screening tests involve a
partial chromosome is still blood test and an ultrasound
unknown. Maternal age is the (sonogram). The blood tests (or
only factor that has been serum screening tests) measure
linked to an increased chance quantities of various substances
of having a baby with Down in the blood of the mother.
syndrome resulting from Together with a woman’s age,
nondisjunction or mosaicism. these are used to estimate her
However, due to higher birth chance of having a child with
rates in younger women, 80% of Down syndrome. These blood
children with Down syndrome tests are often performed in
are born to women under 35 conjunction with a detailed
years of age. sonogram to check for “markers”
- The additional partial or full copy (characteristics that some
of the 21st chromosome which researchers feel may have a
causes Down syndrome can significant association with Down
originate from either the father or syndrome).
the mother. Approximately 5% - At birth- features may be
of the cases have been traced present in babies without Down
to the father. syndrome, a chromosomal
analysis called a karyotype is
Does Down Syndrome run in done to confirm the diagnosis.
families? To obtain a karyotype, doctors
- only 1% of all cases of Down draw a blood sample to examine
syndrome have a hereditary the baby’s cells. They
component (passed from parent photograph the chromosomes
to child through the genes). and then group them by size,
Heredity is not a factor in trisomy number, and shape. By
21 (nondisjunction) and examining the karyotype, doctors
mosaicism. However, in one- can diagnose Down syndrome.
third of cases of Down syndrome Another genetic test called FISH
resulting from translocation there can apply similar principles and
is a hereditary component – confirm a diagnosis in a shorter
accounting for about 1% of all amount of time.
cases of Down syndrome.

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