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Nama: Andrik yulio

Nim: 15620987



Read this text carefully.

Orange,the popular fruit which is easy to find relatively cheap, in fact contain much
nutrition, which is good for our health. The fruit has widely been known as not only vitamin and
mineral-rich fruit but also containing essential substances, which cannot be produced by human
body. As a matter of fact, those substances are necessary since day were used in the process of the
growth and development of human body. The non-nutrition compounds in orange can minimize
the risk of some dreadful diseases, such as cardiovascular, cancer and eyes problems.
Unfortunately, for many years people see the food only as the source of vitamin C while
actually also produces carbohydrate, potassium, calcium, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B, phosphor,
magnesium, riboflavin, another natural chemical compounds.
Consuming orange is also suggested for those who have diet program, since there are only
60-80 calories in one fruit. Therefore, by having this fruit in daily menu, someone can reduce
his/her weight.

And answer the question correctly.

1. What does the text mainly talk about? The text mainlytalk about orange, the
popular fruits, which is easy to find relatively cheap, in fact contain much
nutrition, which is good for our health.
2. What are the substances of orange? The substances of orange are necessary
since day were used in the process of the growth and development of human
3. What is the benefit by consuming orange in our daily menu? The non-
nutrition compounds orange can minimize the risk of some dreadful
diseases,such as cardiovascular, cancer, and eyes problems.
4. Does orange contains of vitamin A, D, E and K? No, does it’s not
5. How much calories contained in one fruit? 60-80 calories in one fruit.
6. Why do we have to consume oranges? Because, since there are only 60-80
calories in one fruit. Therefore, by having this fruit menu, someone can
reduce his/her weight.
7. What kind of diseases can be minimized by consume oranges? Diseases can
be minimized by consume orange such as cardiovascular, cancer, and eyes
8. What is the main topic in the first paragraph? Orange, the popular fruit which
is easy to find relatively cheap, in fact contain much nutrition, which is good
for our health.
9. Find the meaning of these words!
a. Contain : Berisi
b. Reduce : Mengurangi
c. Chemical : Bahan kimia
d. Weight : Berat
e. Development : Pengembangan
f. Dreadful : Mengerikan
g. Source : Sumber
h. Necessary : Diperlukan
i. Cheap : Murah
j. Disease : Penyakit
10. Translate into Indonesia the third paragraph! Mengkonsumsi jeruk juga
disarankan bagi mereka yang memiliki program diet, karena hanya ada 60-80
kalori dalam satu buah. Oleh karena itu, dengan memiliki buah ini dalam
menu sehari-hari, seseorang dapat menguangi berat badannya.
11. Make 2 examples of Dependent Clause
a. She went to the market yesterday after she visited her uncle’s house in the
b.The man who is cooking for the lunch is my father

12. Make 2 examples of Independent Clause

a. Dita is studying in her room.
b. Dodi went to the library alone.

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