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Arlene Rosas_______________________ ______

Writing Standards/ Text Types and Purposes __ Grade 6

1. Standards: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a

topic and convey ideas, concepts, and
information through the selection, organization,
and analysis of relevant content.
o Observable objective: SWBAT to write an essay about bullying.
• Multicultural goal: Respect for human dignity and universal human rights.
o Observable objective: SWBAT identify causes and effects of bullying.
• Auditory-Visual-Kinesthetic learning styles: The auditory learning style will be implemented
by reading the lesson out loud, while also writing the material on the board for visual learners to
follow along and take notes. Taking notes will help kinesthetic learners retain the information
better. I will also be randomly calling on students to read from the board to keep them engaged
and paying attention.
• Gardner's Intelligence: I will be implementing the interpersonal intelligence into my teaching/
learning activities. This lesson is intended to teach students to be accepting of others and show
them to have empathy towards others regardless of race, disabilities, language, gender, religion,

2. Materials: White board and marker to present information (notes and included information attached)
Computer and projector
Pledge sheet
Essay outline
Bullying PowerPoint

3. Instruction- learning Process:

• Do First: Day 1: Students have bene taught prior knowledge about essay writing, I have taught
them the different types of essays, and the last writing type is expository.
Day 2: Once students have been taught how to write an expository essay, they will write an essay
on bullying. To get the students attention I will chose 1 in every 5 students to stand up. I will then
ask the students to look around and tell them that every 1 in 5 students are bullied. This will serve
as a hook and allow them to physically see the statistics.
• Mini-lesson: Day 1: The material being taught will be presented in a lecture. I will take the
information from the provided notes to teach students the parts, purpose, and organization of an
expositor essay.
Day 2: Present students with facts about bullying using notes and PowerPoint. Engage class in
discussion on additional causes for bullying while focusing on bullying strictly from race, gender,
and religion.
• Guided Practice: Students will use the essay format outline to set up their essay. At this point I
will walk around and ask each student which point of view/ stance they have chosen to write their
paper on. I will also help any student if they need help setting up their outline.
• Independent Practice: Students will use the remained of class to turn their outline into a full 5
paragraph essay. Students will take their essays home as homework to complete and bring back
the following class.
• Exit Slip: Aside from having students show me their completed essay outline, the exit slip will be
for students to sign an anti-bullying pledge. This is meant to encourage students to be kind and
accepting to everyone.

4. Resources:
Expository Essays. Retrieved April 27, 2018, from
National Bullying Prevention Center. Retrieved April 27, 2018, from
Nevada Academic Content Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social
Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. Retrieved April 24, 2018, from

5. Reflection:
The base for multicultural education is to be accepting and understanding of others, and the main way
people show unacceptance and prejudice towards others is in the form of bullying. By informing students
of bullying, they will be able to understand that they should be kind to everyone and to not judge people. I
attempted to make essay writing, an exciting concept, and incorporate and interesting topic that I believe
students should be informed about.

Lesson plan strengths: used multicultural education to teach something that students usually find boring/
Used an everyday issue, bullying, and showed the multicultural/diversity aspect of it.
Taught parts of an essay in a simple easy to understand manner.
Lesson plan weakness: Would have preferred students to finish essay in class so they can ask questions
and for feedback in class

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