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September is National Catechetical

More than a thousand catechists from different parts of the country attended the first general assembly
of the National Association of the Catechists of the Philippines (NAC-PHIL) held recently at the Sienna
College in Quezon City.

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 September is National Catechetical Month

September is National Catechetical


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Published September 13, 2019, 12:16 PM

By Christina Hermoso

More than a thousand catechists from different parts of the country attended the first
general assembly of the National Association of the Catechists of the Philippines (NAC-
PHIL) held recently at the Sienna College in Quezon City.
September is National Catechetical Month

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Published September 13, 2019, 12:16 PM

By Christina Hermoso

More than a thousand catechists from different parts of the country attended the first general assembly
of the National Association of the Catechists of the Philippines (NAC-PHIL) held recently at the Sienna
College in Quezon City.
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (MANILA BULLETIN)

With the theme “Catechists: Empowering the Youth for a Synodal Church,” Bishop Roberto C. Mallari,
chairman of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines-Episcopal Commission on Catechesis
and Catholic Education (CBCP-ECCCE), stressed the significant role of the catechists in strengthening the
faith of the communities under their care.

The most dynamic workers of the Church are the catechists, individuals who can organize and do the
different tasks needed by the Church. I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of the Church for
the catechists’ love for their vocation and notable work in the life of the Church,” Mallari said.

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