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Dear person that is reading this,

I would like to thank you for reading my letter and I’m eager to receive your feedback.
I’m writing you because I am interested in your S.E.P(Student Exchanged Program)
which got into my attention thanks to our physics teacher.
I am one of the students of the Gheorghe Sincai high school in Bucharest, Romania.
I think that joining your program would be a grate opportunity to learn something about
the variations of the educational system around this continent.
Going to Spain would be a first experience in travelling with the airplane and visiting a
new country.
I already know a little bit of Spanish and I think it will be quite an awesome experience
to learn some little bits of this language from it’s native country. Learning this language
would really help me on my list of ten known languages followed by English, French,
German and Romanian.
I like trying and seeing new and stunning things. It would be great if I learned a little bit
the flamenco guitar style and its origin.
I really hope to meet someone that has some of my free time occupations such as
playing the guitar, taking landscape pictures, pc programming and gaming, listening to
music and maybe change opinions and become pals.
It is always nice to learn something new from others.

Best of regards,
Arin Ionita 01.10.2019

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