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Marching towards global Citizenship

The sands of hourglass has much moved from the ages when the ‘World’ was only a group of small
self-contained villages and towns. Even India- the Bharat was split into large number of autonomous
kingdoms till the great warrior King named Samudragupta of the Gupta Empire unified the large
Indian Subcontinent into one empire for the first time upto a large extent in the 4th Century AD.
From that time till independence in 1947, Indian state has redrawn herself numerous times. Today
just like our country, the whole is passing through the phase of unification. This unification where
the boundaries of citizenship is losing its place or more precisely speaking this word ‘citizenship’ is
redefining itself into a broader sense which is termed as Globalisation.

Today the world is becoming one big village where the people started travelling and settling into far
away countries in search for better jobs and prospects which suits their needs and skills. This
advancement started taking place from the time when the world starts realising that every nation
need a particular human resource for continuous development. According to recent report by
United Nations, Indian diaspora population stands at a whooping 16 million people which is largest
in the world. Some of the countries next to India with such huge Diasporas are Mexico, Russia,
China, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Ukraine.

Globalisation impacts everyone socially, economically and culturally. It helps in making the world
a peaceful place where the societies starts accepting people from other communities. This
intermingling of cultures is consolidating the world peace which is an essential element for the
survival of human race. The increase in free trade and commerce among the nations opens the
bigger markets for the producers. This gives an easy access of essential goods, services and
technology to the member nations which earlier lacked it. For instance the flow of agricultural
products helps in mitigating global hunger. Even the India’s development is the result of
globalisation when the technologically sound MNCs started establishing their industries and selling
those products here. This shifted technology from Europe and America makes us more productive
and scientific. Also the exchange of other essential elements like healthcare and education is playing
a major role in global development.

Just like most of the phenomenon, Globalisation is also facing some challenges which need to be
checked. These are inequality, human trafficking, adverse impact on environment like pollution
emissions and deforestation to name a few. If the world leaders want to reap the optimum benefits
of Globalisation then they must take care of such above mentioned challenges. Overall, we can say
today the world is a much better place to live than it was in the past.

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