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Link to my completed Google form:

3. When it comes to apps on Google, I use Google Drive and Slides because I can show my colleagues the
things that I’ve done. For anyone who has a Google account, they can also refer to either my Google
Slides & Docs so they can tell me to readjust some minor mistakes or something that needs to be fixed so
the teacher or a colleague could give some credit that I done this. This would be helpful for most students
so the teacher and a student who has a google account can overview basically everything the student has
done to their writing assignment or their presentations on slides.

Screenshot of Google Slides:

Screenshot of Google Drive:

4. Even though I’m suppose to find a YouTube video that provides more further info about Google Apps
for education purposes, I did find however a YouTube playlist (FYI) that goes over mostly everything that
you can use google apps in education basis.

Link to the YouTube Playlist:

5. For anyone that has Google, I highly recommend that you use Google Docs. Even though that you can
use many other documenting software, this one provides mostly everything when it comes to writing out
your new writing assignment, test or exams, or anything in particular for your colleagues. It also manages
when you did your creation of google docs, and it allows anyone who has a google account to edit mostly
everything for you if you have major mistakes or editing.

Link to Google Docs (more information):

Link to more information about Blended Learning:

Link to more information about 21st Century Studies:

Link to the Website more information of Apps, Extensions, & Add-Ons:

Link to Glogster:

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