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Tea drinkers all over the world are being experimental when it comes to flavors and

aroma of their favorite tea drinks. The classic honey blend is no longer the only variant

available for tea drinkers since the introduction and infusion of fruits, flowers, vegetables,

and spices in tea and herbal drinks like turmeric and Moringa. There are quite a number

of Moringa and Turmeric benefits for tea drinkers seeming that more people are eager to

try and continuously drinking this new healthy concoction. Separate or combined,

turmeric and Moringa on its own have beneficial effects on humans whether these are

used for cooking or drinking. Combining 2 elements always result to an extra boost and

more powerful effect. The absorption of the body will be a determining factor of an

effective herbal tea that offers numerous benefits to one’s health and over all being. Just

imagine how powerful a drink tea would be when all these powerful ingredients are taken

in one cup. No caffeine but purely the goodness and wellness of your body and mind with

the Moringa and Turmeric benefits in every sip of your cup of tea. Enjoy the goodness of

this soothing and spicy tea hot or cold each morning of every day.
Queen Heart M. Baddiri

Jassen Marie R. Gacho

11- Queen Jehoaida




iBrain and health boosting ingredients

fights inflammation naturally

soothes soreness

relieves muscle and joint pains

packed with vitamins and minerals

eight essential amino acids

rich in flavonoids or antioxidants

good for one’s diet and digestion

slows down cognitive degradation related to aging

healthier alternative caffeine-free drink

good for the heat

aides in fighting cancer and diabetes

relieves stress

boosts energy

better immune system

 - Fighters Tea Recovery Tea in Moringa and Turmeric Blends are just some of the most
effective teas for faster fighting, healing, and recovering mainly for its anti-inflammatory
properties among other benefits. The unique blends of herbs and spices in a tea is
perfected through a series of careful studies and laboratory tests to ensure that you get
the right amount of nutrients and benefits for every cup of tea you take.
 When taken warm or hot, Fighters tea efficiently attacks flu-causing virus. Will you still
take a bitter pill to fight sore throat and cough? Or will you simply prepare an all-natural
blend of tea to do the same? You will feel better in no time.
 Combined herbs provide a more effective solution in detoxifying the liver and minimizing
lactic acid formation for faster muscle recovery. Aside from that, you will also
experience less muscle pains, cramps, and spasms while drinking Fighters tea.
 Your immune system is supported and protected causing stress-free, clearer thinking,
and sound decision making on your part with your choice of tea bag or loose-leaf in
preparing your tea.
 The combination of herbs and spices means the nutrients as well as vitamins and
minerals found in each blend are supplied with fast absorption to the body for utilization.
 Traditional herbal teas are so popular for its effective compound that increases white
blood cells in fighting off germs and faster relief for headache, common colds, and
ordinary flu.
 Spices like turmeric acts as a natural anti-inflammatory for upper respiratory ailments
and diseases and a very effective painkiller without any side effects. It greatly reduces
pain, inflammation, morning sickness, nausea as well as vomiting caused by post-
natal surgery, general surgery, therapy, and others.
 Aside from the medicinal components, fighters tea also carries a more flavorful and
aromatic blend to soothe a headache and boost your energy while enjoying a cold or
hot tea. In fact, Moringa and Turmeric blend has a doubled potency to boost your
immune system and energy for a healthier well-being.
Sipping a cup of the spicy blend of Moringa and turmeric shall keep you hydrated and
protects your throat when flu is rampant. You can add lemon to fight off cold and ease
congestion fast.

- Making bones healthier. Moringa also contains calcium and phosphorous, which help keep
bones healthy and strong. Along with its anti-inflammatory propertiesmoringa extract might help
to treat conditions such as arthritis and may also heal damaged bones.Nov 4, 2017
Turmeric and especially its most active compound curcumin have many scientifically-proven
health benefits, such as the potential to prevent heart disease, Alzheimer's and cancer. It's a
potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and may also help improve symptoms of depression
and arthritis.Jul 13, 2018


This product, Fighter’s Herbal Tea, aims to determine if moringa and turmeric combined

together can be a good herbal tea. Some questions may follow as:

1. How Do Herbal Teas Fight Inflammation Naturally?

2. What are the benefits of Moringa and Turmeric Fighter’s Herbal Tea?

3. Why Moringa and Turmeric is good for you/us?


The result of the study will be a great benefit to all:

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