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The Baron Munchausen was a character inspired in a real person. He said lot
histories about his young life. In the start the movie, the actors were doing a
representation about the Baron. In this moment arrived the original, he came to fight
with the actors.

The Baron saw the turks had fallen where he arrived at the town therefore he told
the Grand Turkish’s History, wherein the war came because a bet between the
Grand Turkish and Baron about the best wine on the world. Just there the history of
the movie started into the Sally’s mind. It´s checked when she sometimes saw the
death stalking to Baron.

She imagined the narration of Baron (adding up Baron’s exaggeration), as he rode

a cannonball in the turks’ attack toward the town. As Baron said about his friends of
battle; Berthold run very fast (possibly he was a courier), Adolphus could see far
away (possibly he had something similar to a magnifying glass), Gustavus could
blow very hard (maybe he made machines capable of doing it) and Albrecht was
very stronger (maybe he was more corpulent than Baron).

According to travels, Baron traveled an isolated, silent, rocky place and possibly on
top of some mountain searching to Berthold (it´s represented with the moon and its
kings, thus Baron and his friends come down with a rope). Also Baron met to God
Vulcano (maybe he was an owner of a factory because the hot environment), there
Baron danced and kissed to Vulcano’s wife (Goddess Venus). Baron found Albrecht
there. The monster of the ocean was a grand boat, where Adolphus and Gustavus
were possibly sailors. Therefore, that Baron saved them.

When they arrived the town, Baron and his friends saw the turks had fallen. In this
way, Baron came in the town trusted and decided for he accredited the success. For
that reason, the Baron told his own death and his funeral.

The movie is complex. Maybe the Baron History’s town is different to the Sally
imagined and only the Baron told some of the histories. Because in the finally all
came back to normal, even the Baron’s statue.

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