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A letter from an unborn baby

*Disclaimer: This is a hypothetical letter from the perspective of an unborn baby.

Hi mom! How are you? I am doing just fine, thanks. Only a few days have gone by since I was conceived
and I am now growing in your tummy. To tell you the truth, I can’t explain how happy I am to know that
you are my mom. It also makes me proud to know that I was conceived out of love. I’m sure I am going
to be the happiest baby alive.

Mommy, a month has gone past and I have started to notice how my body is forming. I know I am not
much to look at now but just wait and see – I’ll make you so proud! Even though I am feeling happy, I
sense that something is wrong! You seem to be having strange thoughts that leave me restless and
worried; but I am sure everything is going to be okay! Don’t despair!

Two and a half months have gone by mom, I now have hands that I can use to play with. Oh, I am so
happy! Mommy, please tell me what’s wrong? Why are you crying so much lately? Why do you and dad
argue every time you meet up with one another? Don’t you guys want me anymore? I’m going to do
everything I can to make you want me…

Three months have now past mom, but you still seem to be so sad. I am not sure what is going on… I am
so confused. Today we went to see the doctor and he booked an appointment for you tomorrow. I don’t
understand why I am feeling so good and you aren’t mom!

Mommy, where are we going? What’s happening? Mommy, this is not normally the time that you take
your afternoon nap; don’t lie down. Besides, I am not tired! I still want to play! Uh!!! What is this thing
doing inside of my house?! Is it a new toy? Hey! It’s sucking up my house…

Please… don’t tug at me! No… don’t hit me! You’re hurting me! Can’t you see that I am still small?! I
can’t defend myself! Mommy!!! Stop them – that’s my hand!!! Mommy, my leg… they are ripping it
out!!! Defend me, mom!!! Help me, mom!!! Tell them to stop, I promise I’ll stop kicking them if they do.
How is it possible that someone can be doing this to me? Oh mommy, I can’t go on anymore… h-he…lp
Seventeen years have gone by since you made that fateful decision. Now you still suffer over the very
thought of it. Please don’t cry… I know you’re still hurting but you are not alone. Mommy, if you are still
sad, you can visit Rachel’s Vineyard. They give you a chance to get away from all the daily pressures of
work and family, and let you focus on the hurt you’re feeling. They provide a safe and comforting
environment for you to find forgiveness and reconciliation. It is a 3-day retreat and I know it will take a
lot of work and courage to go through. But, mommy, I know you can do it. When you are ready, just
contact They will take very good care of you.

Remember that I love you and I’ll be waiting for you with open arms.

Love you lots,

Your baby.

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A letter from an unborn baby

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