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Value Proposition of Architect

I define value proposition as the collection of the best reasons your target customers have for
taking the action you’re asking for.
In other words, it describes why they would want to pay attention to you, join your email list,
buy your products, or hire you. Or do anything else you hope for.
The normal definitions reduce the concept or value proposition to something that has little
practical value. “Promise of value to be delivered” is something investors and executives
consider interesting, but it’s far from what it could be.

What a clear value proposition gives you

Having a clear, strong value proposition gives you a foundation for marketing and building
your business.

Without a clear value proposition, you’re essentially guessing what you should focus on with
your marketing and business.

The clarity not only helps you say the right things that move people to action, but also helps
you improve your products and services. In other words, it makes you a clearer and better
choice for your customers.

Develop a new value proposition for architecture

 Know your worth. Improving professional compensation starts here with the AIA Compensation
Report & Calculator (or similar). Get a sense of what others are earning at comparable levels and
 Improve your worth. Understand what skills sets are valued in your firm, or the firm that you seek to
be aligned with in your career path. Research which skills sets are lacking. Set goals to learn these
skills, even if you are stretching out of your comfort zone.
 Learn strategies to become better negotiators. Practice negotiating with peers beforehand to get
feedback on your communication style and observe the other person’s possible reactions to your
request. Overcome the bias that asking for more money is a bad thing.
 Build strong client relationships based on trust, engagement and integrity. Trust is the foundation of
any client / architect relationship. Your success and value relies on your ability to maintain trust in
any situation.
 Become a Citizen Architect in your local community to champion good design. We often forget that
we have a greater role to serve as advocates for better environments. The public is still challenged
with understanding what architects do. Becoming the champion will increase your value as a leader
and communicate our worth to society.
Tips for Business Architecture Value Proposition:

1. Links Execution to Strategy:

o Associate which capabilities support the strategy pillars.
o Align funding to core capabilities
o Assign, measure and monitor key performance indicators
2. Competitive differentiation by focusing on Core Capabilities:
o Invest into core capabilities and leapfrog competition
o Standardize the context capabilities and outsource the commodity capabilities
3. 360 Degree view of the Enterprise:
o Coherent and comprehensive view of business motivation, capabilities, processes, data
and resources
o Ability to understand interconnectedness, overlaps and synergies
4. A Common Language:
o Provide business and IT an actionable framework and a common language
o Communicate across the organization that is devoid of business speak and technical
5. Better Business Definition:
o Business architecture help provide a better business definition which leads to effective
and efficient technology solutions
6. Fosters Reuse of IT assets:
o Build once and use the IT assets many times by leveraging capabilities and processes
and Lego blocks
7. Helps breaks down Business Silos and hence IT silos:
o Focusing on conceptualizing, creating, managing and evolving capabilities over the
long-term will help defocus annual funding cycles and silo’ed functionality
8. A Capability centric Organization design: Creating an organization around clusters of
common capabilities, complemented by centers of excellence and communities of
practice, will help focus organizational resources on core capabilities.
9. Footprint analysis leads to Portfolio Rationalization: A capability to system/application
heat map allows for understanding the footprint, leverage, and redundancy of
applications in orchestrating capabilities and processes, which in turn will help
enterprises make intelligent portfolio optimization decisions.
10. Speeds Time to Market: Reusing existing capabilities as foundationa l building blocks
allows for faster time to market thus enhancing enterprise agility.

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