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To play/have a(n) important/key/vital/crucial role in (doing) sth: đóng vai trò quan
trọng trong việc…
Ex: My grandparents played an important role in rearing me.

2. To make a significant/substantial/valuable/great/outstanding contribution to sth:

có sự đóng góp quan trọng/đáng kể cho…
Ex: Technological breakthroughs have made an outstanding contribution to the development of

3. To be a key/contributing factor influencing sth: là yếu tố chính ảnh hưởng đến…

Ex: Price is a key factor influencing customers’ decision to buy goods.

4. To gain/derive benefit (from sth): lấy/có những lợi ích từ…

Ex: Both schools and learners derive substantial benefits from the process of applying
technological advances in class

5. To have a(the) right to do sth/ to be entitled to do sth: có quyền được làm gì đó

Ex: Every man has a right to cry just like women.

6. To benefit greatly/enormously/considerably…from sth: có lợi đáng kể từ việc gì

Ex: The success of a film obviously benefits enormously from a huge budget spent on it.

7. To have/enjoy/achieve a huge/great success in doing sth: có/đạt được thành công

lớn/rực rỡ trong việc gì…
Ex: Current hard work hopefully enables us to enjoy huge success later in life.

8. To meet the need of/demand for sth: đáp ứng nhu cầu về
Ex: Multiple manufacturing companies have been trying to make products that can meet the
demand of their clients.

9. To fulfil(l) a requirement/condition/obligation: thi hành một yêu cầu/làm theo một

yêu cầu/kiều điện/tròn nghĩa vụ/nhiệm vụ
Ex: You’d better off fulfil your obligation as a student, buddy!
10. To have/gain knowledge/understanding of dth: nâng cao/có hiểu biết/kiến thức về…
Ex: Locals have been trying to gain knowledge of foreign languages so that they can
communicate more effectively with the tourists.

11. To undergo a dramatic change in sth: trải qua sự thay đổi lớn về…

Ex: Our modern society has undergone dramatic changes,especially in terms of science and

12. To narrow/widen the gap between… and…: thu hẹp/mở rộng khoảng cách giữa … và

Ex: The uneven economic growth widens the gap between the rich and the poor.

13. To stimulate/promote the development of sth: thúc đẩy/kích thích sự phát triển

Ex: Modern technology can stimulate the development of a variety of things, especially

14. To be exposed to sth: tiếp xúc với điều gì

Ex: The more exposed we are to English-speaking environments, the higher chance we will
have of mastering that foreign language.

15. To have/exert an effect/impact/influence on sth: có ảnh hưởng/tác động đến…

Ex: Smoking definitely exerts an extremely negative effect on not only smokers themselves but
the people around them as well.

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