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Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239

Week 2 - Consumption & Shopping Behavior

Consumption is the possession and or use of goods and services and the benefits they deliver.

Consumption situation (physical and social

context, marketer control)
Ritual consumption CONSUMPTION ACTIONS
Sacred & Profane consumption
Compulsive consumption

The brand or the outlet?

Brand choice driven:
- Savvy consumer
- Strong brand loyalty
- No particular outlet preference or loyalty
Outlet choice driven
- insufficient product information
- Low brand loyalty
- High store loyalty or preference
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Factors affecting outlet selection

1. Outlet image

2. Retailer brands
3. Retail advertising
4. Outlet location and size
5. Consumer characteristics
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Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239

Week 3 - Shopper as an Individual pt 1

A want is a specific manifestation of a need that personal and cultural factors determine. \

Need -> Utilitarian Need -> Objective, tangible attribute of products, durability etc
Hedonic Need -> Subjective, experiential, luxurious brands

Brain -> Neocortex -> identify needs, ideological needs

Limbic system -> Relationship needs
Brain stem -> Survival needs
Reptilian behavior
1. Routinization
Regular round the clock, temporal sequencing behavior
2. Tropistic
Fixed action patterns unborn inclinations to stimuli
3. Isopraxic
Performing or acting in a like manner, mass adoption of fads and fashions
4. Deceptive
Deceptive behavior to get prey, advertise products to depict struggle of power
5. Repetitious
Repetitive performance of a certain act
6. Reenactment
Repeated performance in which a number of actions are meaningfully related
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McClelland’s Theory
Achievement - Desire to do things better or to surpass standards of excellence
Power - Exerting influence e.g collecting symbol of power or prestige possessions
Affiliation - Harmonious relations, fear of rejection, intimacy

Motivation is the energizing force that activates behavior and provides purpose and direction to
that behavior, consumer motivation is the drive to satisfy needs and wants through purchase and
use of products and services.
-Physiological: internal drives or primary needs e. g hunger & thirst
-Psychological a series of processes of a goal-directed behavior
-Behavioral: acquired drives through learning/external drives e.g avoiding extreme
temperatures .
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Value is an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally
or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conducts or end state of existence.
Two type of values:
- Terminal values: highly desired end-state of existence
- Instrumental values: a specific mode of conduct that’s needed to achieve the desired

Lifestyle is a person’s pattern of living as expressed in his psychographics, can be measure

through AIO’s: Activities, Interests, Opinions. 

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VALS - Value and Lifestyle

IDEALS are guided by knowledge and principles,

ACHIEVEMENT look for products and services that demonstrate success to their peers.
SELF-EXPRESSION desire social or physical activity, variety, and risk.
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Successful, sophisticated, take-charge people with high self esteem. 

Abundant resources, exhibit all three primary motivations in varying degrees. 

Very active consumers

Image is important, not as evidence of status or power but as an expression of their taste,
independence, and personality.


Live narrowly focused lives. 

Few resources 

Comfortable with the familiar and are primarily concerned with safety and security. Cautious

Loyal to favorite brands, especially if they can purchase them at a discount.


Motivated by ideas

Mature, satisfied, reflective and comfortable

Well educated

Conservative, practical consumers; 

they look for durability, functionality, and value in the products they buy.


Motivated by ideas. 

Conventional people with concrete beliefs based on traditional, established codes. 

such as family, religion, community, and nation.


Motivated by the desire for achievement

Goal-oriented lifestyles and a deep commitment to career and family. 

Image is important to Achievers

Favoring established, prestige products and services that demonstrate success to their peers.
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Trendy and fun loving. 

Motivated by achievement, and concerned about the opinions and approval of others. 

Strivers are active consumers because shopping is both a social activity and an opportunity to
demonstrate to peers their ability to buy.


Motivated by self-expression. 

Young, enthusiastic, and impulsive consumers

Seeking variety and excitement, favoring the new, the offbeat, and the risky. 

Avid consumers 

Their purchases emphasis on looking good and having "cool" stuff.


Motivated by self-expression.

Experiencing the world by working on it-building a house, raising children, or fixing a car, and
having enough skill and energy to carry out their projects successfully.

Suspicious of new ideas and large institutions such as big business. 

Unimpressed by material possessions other than practical or functional purpose.
Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239

Week 4 - Shopper as an individual part 2

Individualism root:
A person is an autonomous entity with a distinctive set of attributes, qualities or processes.
People’s attributes and processes should be expressed consistently in behavior across

Collective set:
A person is an interdependent entity who is part of an encompassing social relationship. Behavior
is a consequence of being responsive to other and originates in relationships. Individual behavior is
situational, sensitive to social context and varies from one situation to another and from one time to

Self concept:
Self-concept is the totality of individual’s thought and feelings having reference to himself herself
as an object. Dimensions of self self-concept :
- Self Esteem
- Real and Ideal self
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- Symbolic Interactionism

- Looking-glass self
Self fulfilling prophecy: we act the way we assume others expect us to act. A woman imagining
herself as unattractive woman with little sex appeal will choose unflattering clothing that actually
does make her less attractive.

- Self Consciousness
A heightened concern about the nature of one’s public image results in more concern about social
appropriateness of products and consumption activities.
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- The Extended self

consists of the self plus possessions, some are considered as an integral part of person’s self-

- The Digital self

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Freud’s Theory of Personality

One’s adult personality stems from a fundamental
conflict between:
- a person’s desire to gratify her physical needs
- the necessity to function as a responsible
member of society.
These conflicts occur on an unconscious level, so
the person is not necessarily aware of the
underlying reasons for his/her behavior.

The id is selfish and illogical, it directs a person’s psychic energy toward pleasurable acts without
regard for any circumstances, it doesn’t care about morality, societal pressure, or other people.

The moral aspect of personality: the conscience and the ego ideal. Aim for perfection, controlling
the id, telling it when gratification is appropriate (feeling of pride) and punishes when inappropriate
(feelings of guilt, shame etc.)

Rational, mostly conscious part of personality. Attempt to satisfy the id’s instinctual needs but does
so according to the reality principle. control the id, keeps the person in touch with the reality. Aim to
keep us safe through compromise.

Personality Trait Approach

Traits can be defined as dimensions of individual differences in tendencies to show consistent
patterns of thought, feelings and actions. Personality traits are identifiable characteristics that
define a person. there are two approaches in identifying person’s trait.
Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239
-Single trait approach.
One trait is relevant to understand a particular set of consumption-related behaviors.

-Multi-trait approach
Several traits in combination capture a substantial portion of individual personality, these core traits
are formed by genetic and early learning.
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Emotion is affective responses that reflect the activation of deep-seated and value-laden beliefs
within the consumer. Emotion is strong, relatively uncontrollable feeling that affect our behavior,
and is triggered by a complex interplay among individual characteristics, genetics, and external

Chaudhuri’s consumer behavior model

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Buck’s forms of emotions
EMOTION I (EI)– Physiological responses
Heart rate changes, blood pressure, sweating, etc.

EMOTION II (EII) – Spontaneous, expressive behavior

Facial expressions, gestures, postures.

EMOTION III (EIII) – Immediate and direct subjective experience or “affect”

Joy, sorrow, fear, envy, anger, pride, etc. It serves the function of self-regulation.
Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239

WEEK 5 - External Influence Toward Shopper pt 1

Group consists of two or more individuals who share a set of norms, values or beliefs; and has
certain interdependent relationships. Group can be classified based on several criteria:
1. Membership
2. Strength of social tie : Primary vs. Secondary group
3. Type of contact, Direct (face to face), Indirect (online)
4. Attraction: Dissociative vs. Aspiration

1. Formal Group
- Criteria or specific requirement for group membership.
- Special rules for conduct.
2. Informal Group
-Less organized.
-No special membership or attendance requirement other than common interest.
3. Primary Group
- A group with which we have face-to-face interaction.
4. Secondary Group
- A group in which interaction with other members is less frequent or limited.
5. Associative Group
- A group to which a person currently belongs.
Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239
6. Aspirational Group
- A group that we admire and desire to be like, but are not currently a member of.
7. Dissociative Group
-A group who attitudes, values, and behaviors we disapprove of and do not with to emulate
8. Brand Community
- A non-geographically bound community based on:
- A structured set of social relationship among owners a brand.
-The psychological relationship they have with the brand itself, the product in use, and the

Reference Group is a set of people with whom individuals compare themselves for guidance in
developing their own attitudes, knowledge, and/or behavior. Is an actual or imaginary individual
or group that significantly influences an individual’s evaluation, aspirations, or behavior. Steps on
reference group influence:
1. Set levels of aspirations
2. Offer cues of what lifestyle and related purchasing patterns we should strive to achieve
3. Help define the actual items considered acceptable for displaying the aspirations hat
appropriate for a member of the group.
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Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239

A family is a group of individuals living together who related by marriage, blood, or adoption:
Nuclear family: father, mother, children. Extended family: nuclear family plus relatives (e.g.
grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins). Non family: persons living alone or with other non-
relatives. Blended family: a couple living with children from a previous marriage

Roles of family in purchase decision making

Instrumental roles:
- Gatekeepers – > collect and control information important to the decision
- Influencers – > try to express their opinions and influence decision
- Deciders – > actually determine which product or service will be chosen
- Buyers – > physically acquires the product or service
- Users – > consume the product
Expressive roles:
- Indicate family norms, e.g. choice of color or style
Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239

WEEK 6 - External Influence Toward Shopper pt 2

Cultural values system is constituted by relative importance or ranking of universal values. In
short cultural value is a general set of core values uniquely define a culture.
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Culture is complex of values, ideas, attitudes, and other meaningful symbols created by people
to shape human behavior, transmitted from one generation to next.

Culture is interactive aggregate of common characteristics that influence a group’s response

to its environment.

Culture is norms, beliefs, and custom that are learned from society and lead to common
patterns of behavior.

Cultural behavior is how ones behave, think and feel in a manner consistent with that of other
members of the same culture because it seems natural or right to do so.

Components of culture:
1. Crevice Norms
Learned and practiced by members of a social unit but unrecognized by non- members
Custom: a traditional and widely accepted way of doing that is specific to a particular society,
place, or time; often passed in family setting. More: A set of standards for value and behaviors that
are considered “morally right”. Convention: Practices tied to the conduct of everyday life in various

2. Enacted Norms
Explicit rules, easily recognized by people inside and outside of the social unit

3. Sanctions
A negative action taken by members of the culture when a person acts contrary to norms, mores,
customs, or conventions: Social disapproval Banishment from group

4. Rituals
A pattern of behavior tied to an event that we consider important.
- special symbolic meaning
- fixed or predictable sequence
- repeated with some regularity
Rituals in holiday: homecoming, vacation
Rituals in marriage: engagement ring, bachelor party, honeymoon
Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239
Rituals in milestones of life: birthday party, silver marriage
5. Belief
Religion : Shaped by the underlying religious philosophies of the people
Myth : a story reflects important values shared by members of a culture and that is used to teach
one or more of these values.

Cultural Homogenization
Rituals and product preferences in different cultures become homogenized. Creolization is the
meaning of consumer goods mutates to blend with local customs and values.

Adopt a Standardized Strategy:

-Etic perspective
Many culture are now so homogenized, the same approach will work throughout the world. Focus
on commonalities across cultures, Culture is objective and analytical it reflects impressions of a
culture as outsiders view it.

Adopt a Localized strategy

-Emic perspective
Each countries has a national character, a distinctive set of behavior and personality
characteristics. Stresses variation across cultures. Culture is subjective and experiential, it
attempts to explain a culture as insiders experience it.

Hofstede’s Dimensions of National Culture

1. Power Distance

The extent to which the less powerful members of a society accept and expect that power is
distributed unequally. The bigger the distance, the less equal the power distribution is.

2. Individualism vs Collectivism

The degree to which individuals are integrated into groups.

Individualism: freedom of choice, decision making, and personal initiatives; with a high
importance on personal goals and achievements. 

Collectivism: look after benefits of social group as a whole and conform to norms of group.

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3. Masculinity vs Femininity 

The distribution of roles between genders. 

Masculinity refers to the importance a culture places on the perceived masculine traits: high
earnings, recognition, achievement, assertiveness, advancement, challenge. 

Femininity is characteristic by nurturance, care giving, co-operation, etc. 

4. Uncertainty Avoidance

A society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.

Strong uncertainty avoidance: Need for rules and formality to structure life and belief in
experts, More interested in process rather than in results, Higher level of anxiety and
aggressiveness, Showing emotions is accepted, Conflict and competition are a threatening.

Weak uncertainty avoidance: As few rules as possible. More result oriented than process
oriented. Belief in generalist and common sense, less on ritual.Conflict and competition are not

5. Long Term Orientation

How the society has to maintain some links with its own past while dealing with the challenges
of the present and future.

Long term orientation accepts change, thrift, perseverance, and pursuit of peace of mind.
Short term orientation respect for tradition, fulfilling social obligations, and protecting one’s

6. Indulgence vs Restraint

The extent to which a society allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human
drives related to enjoying life and having fun. High on restraint surpasses gratification of needs
and regulates it by means of strict social norms.
Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239

WEEK 7 - Shopper Decision Making

Involvement is a heightened state of awareness that motivates shoppers to seek out, attend to,
and think about product information prior to purchase.
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Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239

1. Problem Recognition

The shopper compares between his/her current situation and their desired state. When there’s
a difference between the two it will lead to problem recognition. But when there’s no difference,
it means satisfaction is achieved, and there’s no problem to identify. There are 3 determinants
in influencing problem recognition process.

1. Shopper Influence : Culture, Social Status, Reference Group, Emotion, Motivation. 

2. Situational Influence: Product depletion, Product acquisition, Changed circumstances

3. Marketing Influence: Price information, Promotional activities, Product development, Place 

There are also ways use by marketers to arouse shopper in recognizing their problems, such
ways are

1. Generic problem recognition : Arouse problem recognition that any brands could resolve

2. Selective problem recognition : A discrepancy that only one brand can solve

3. Timing of problem recognition 

In doing so, marketers may approach by influencing perception of the existing state or
influencing the desired state. 

2. Information Search 

Pre-purchase information search : 

- Directed information search : Purposeful, clear & conscious objective to gather info to solve

- Browsing : no immediate intention to buy

- Accidental information search : as a result of a firm’s marketing activities. 

Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239
Post-purchase search

Consumer has already made a purchase but continues to gather information to evaluate other
options in the marketplace.

Ongoing search

Looking for and being open to new information in the marketplace.

Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239

3. Alternative evaluation and selection process

Determination of evaluative criteria

Tangible factors: Cost and performance features

Intangible factors: style, taste, prestige, feelings generated, brand image

Characteristics of Individual: product familiarity and age

Purchase situation: time pressure

Consumer Decision Rules 

1. Decision heuristics

Rules of thumb of rapid decisions about which alternative is best.

2 .
Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239

Allowing trade-offs between strengths and weaknesses of alternatives being evaluated, generates
a winning choice.

Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239
3. Non Compensatory
Weaknesses in one alternative cannot be offset by its strengths, reduce number of alternatives to
be further evaluated.

1. Conjunctive Decision Rule
Considers all evaluative criteria as determinant, establishes minimum required performance
standards for each evaluative criterion. Select the first of all brands that meet or exceed
these minimum standards.

2. Disjunctive Decision Rule

Decides which criteria are determinant and which are not. Establishes a (high) minimum
level of performance for each important attribute. All brands that meet or exceed
performance level for any key attribute are considered acceptable.

Catatan Shopper Behavior Bagus Unggul Pranoto - 19017239
3. Elimination By Aspects Decision Rule

Ranks evaluative criteria in terms of their importance, establish a cutoff pint for each
criterion. if it more than one brand remains in the set after the first elimination phase,
process is repeated until only one brand remains.

4. Lexicographic Decision Rule

Ranks evaluative criteria in terms of their importance, select the brand that performs best
on the most important attribute. If more than one brands on this attributes, evaluate on the
second most important attributes until one brand outperforms the others.

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