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ू ोर(1)
Time Allowed 3 hrs. Max.Marks:70

General Instructions:
 All questions are compulsory
 There are 22 general questions.
 Question nos. 1-7 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each .Answer to these questions
should not exceed 20 words.
 Question nos. 8-13 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each Answer to these questions should
not exceed 80-100 words.
 Question nos. 14 -20 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each .Answer to these questions should
not exceed 150 words.
 Question no. 21-22 are related to identification or locating and labeling of geographical features
carrying 5 marks each.
 Outline maps of the World and India provided to you must be attached within you answer-book.
 Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.

Q.1 Name two densely populated regions of the world with more than 200 persons on every sq. km.
विश्ि भें 200 व्मक्तत प्रतत िगगकि.भी.से अधधि दो घनी आफादी िारे ऺेत्रों िे नाभ फतामे

Q.2 Give two reasons for unfavourable sex ratio in the world.
दतु नमा भें विषभलरॊग अनुऩात िे लरए दो िायण दीक्जए।
Q.3. Enumerate two factors responsible for the slow growth rate of population in India since 1981.
1981 िे फाद से बायत भें जनसॊख्मा िी धीभी िद्
ृ धध दय िे लरए क्जम्भेदाय दो िायिों िी गणना ियें ।
Q.4 Explain one reason for Kerala’s highest value in HDI.
भानि वििास सूचिाॊि भें िेयर िे सफसे ऊॊचे भूल्म िे लरए एि िायण स्ऩष्ट ियें .
Q.5.What are satellite towns? उऩग्रह िस्फों तमा हैं ?
Q.6 Name two member nations of SAFTA..साफ्टा िे दो सदस्म दे शों िे नाभ लरखो
Q.7. Q1 What is the unit of measuring noise pollution called?
ू णिोभाऩनेिीइिाईिानाभफताइमे ?

Q.8 “There is a direct dependence of human beings on nature for resources which sustain them”. Justify the
statement by giving any three points in the light of environmental determinism.
"उन्हें फनाए यखने िे लरए जो सॊसाधनों िे लरए प्रिृतत ऩय भनुष्म िा प्रत्मऺ तनबगयता नहीॊ है ।ऩमागियण िे तनमततिाद िे प्रिाश
भें किसी बी तीन बफॊदओु ॊ ऩय फमान िा औधचत्म लसद्ध ियो

Q.9. Find out the reasons for the countries with low Human Development index value. Give three reasons.
िुछ दे शोंिेतनम्नभानि वििाससूचिाॊि भूल्म िे िायणों िा ऩता रगाएॊ। तीनिायण दीक्जए।
Q.10Which mode of transportation in the world is used for carrying liquid and gaseous material only? Mention any
two characteristics of this modeof transportation.
सॊसाय भें खतनज तेर तथा प्रािृतति गैस िेऩरयिहन िे लरए किस साधन िा उऩमोग किमा जाता है इस साधन िी िोई दो
विशेषताओॊ िा िणगन िीक्जमे।

Q.11. Study the following map showing an inland waterway and answer the following questions.
एि आॊतरयि जरभागग ददखा यहा है तनम्नलरखखत भानधचत्र िा अध्ममन ियें औय तनम्न प्रश्नों िा उत्तय दें ।
(11.1) Identify the waterway and the two countries through which it flows.
मह िौनसा जरभागग है औय महकिन दोदे शोंिे भध्मभ भें फहती है ऩहचानें।
(11.2) Give one reason, why this waterway is the world’s most heavily used waterway.
मह दतु नमा िे सफसे व्मस्तभ जरभागग है एि िायणदीक्जए।
Q.12. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow:-1+2=3

12.A)Two types of mining are shown as A and B. Identify them and give the correct name of each.
ि. ददए गए ये खाधचत्र भें दो प्रिाय िी खनन विधधमाॊ दशागईगईहै - ’ि’ औय ’ख’। इन्हें ऩहचातनए औय प्रत्मेि िा नाभ लरखें।

12.B)State two characteristics of each type of mining.

ख. प्रत्मेि प्रिाय िी खनन विधध िी दो-दो विशेषताएॊ लरखें।
Q.13.The literacy rate is higher in southern Indian states than northern Indian states.Any three Give reasons.
उतयी बायत िी अऩेऺा दक्षऺणी बायत िे याज्मों भें साऺयता दय उच्च है िोई तीन िायण फतामे।
Q.14. (14.1) Explain the contribution of sugar industry in the country’s economic development.
(14.2) Why are most of the sugar mills located within sugarcane producing regions?
Q.15.Describe the salient features of ‘Dairy farming’ in the world under the following heads:
तनम्नलरखखतिेअॊतगगतदतु नमाभें 'डेमयीपालभिंग' िीभुख्मविशेषताओॊिािणगनउल्रेखिीक्जए I

(1)Meaning of Dairy Farming अथग(2)Capital Investmentऩज

ूॊ ी(3)Labourश्रभ(4)Market फाजाय
(5)Main Regions of Dairy Farmingभख्
ु मऺेत्र
Q.16 Classify the industries on the basis of inputs/raw materials with at-least one example of each. Explain in detail.
िच्चे भार िे आधय उद्मोग िा िगीियन ियो ओय प्रत्मेिप्रिाय िे िभ-से िभ एि-उदाहयण िे साथविस्ताय से व्माख्माियें ।
Q.17.Discuss the important characteristics of plantation agriculture.Name a few important plantation crops from
different countries.
योऩण िृवष िी भुख्म विशेषताऐ फताइए एिॊ लबन्न लबन्न दे शों उगाई जाने िारी िुछ प्रभुख योऩण पसरों िे नाभ फताइए।

Q.18Define ‘Population Growth ’. Describe any five characteristics of population distribution in the
ृ धध”िोऩरयबावषतियें .दतु नमाभें जनसॊख्मावितयणिी किन्हीॊ ऩाॉचविशेषताओॊ िा िणगन िीक्जए।
Q.19 “Indian railways network facilitates the movement of both freight and passengers and contributes to the
growth of Indian economy.” Justify the statement by citing the improvements made by the Indian railways so far.
"बायतीम ये र नेटििग भार ढुराई औय मात्री दोनों िे आॊदोरन िी सुविधा औय बायतीम अथगव्मिस्था िे वििास िे लरए मोगदान
दे ता है ।" अफ ति बायतीम ये र द्िाया किए गए सुधायों िा हिारा दे ते हुए फमान िा औधचत्म साबफत।

Q.20॰Describe the any five factors explaining the population composition.

जनसॊख्मासॊघटििोसभझानेिेलरए िोई बीऩाॉचघटिोंिीव्माख्मािीक्जए।
Q.21In the given outline map of world, the following five features are shown. Identify these features and write their
correct names on the lines marked near each feature.
सॊसाय िे ददमे गए याजनीतति ये खा भानधचत्र भे दशागमे गए ऩाॉच रऺणो िो ऩहचातनए औय उनिा नाभ लरखखए।
A. Country having the highest density of population in Asia .
दे शएलशमाभें आफादी िासफसे अधधि घनत्ििारे।
B. Largest region of extensive commercial grain farming.
ृ िाखणक्ज्मिअनाजिी खेतीिासफसे फडाऺेत्र है ।
C. Eastern terminal city of Trans Siberian Railway. ट्ाॊस साइफेरयमाई ये रिेिे ऩूिीटलभगनरशहय।
D. Major airport in Africa.अफ्रीिा भें प्रभुख हिाई अड्डे
E. Highest sex ratio country.सिोच्चरैंधगि अनुऩातदे श
Q22. Locate and label the following on the given outline political map of India.
बायत िे याजनीतति भानधचत्र भे तनम्नलरखखत स्थानो िो दशागमे एिॊ उनिा नाभ बी लरखे ।
1)The state having lowest literacy rate.सफसे िभ साऺयतादय िारा याज्म
2) The state leading in sugarcane production.गन्नाउत्ऩादनभें एि प्रभुखयाज्म है ।
3) A coal mine in Jharkhand.झायखॊड भें एि िोमरे िी खान
4) The state having smallest area.ऺेत्रपर िी दृक्ष्ट सफसे छोटा याज्म
5) An iron ore mine of Karnataka.िनागटििेएि रौह अमस्िखान

General Instruction:
1. The marking scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity in the marking. The answers given in the
marking scheme are suggested answer. The content in thus indicative.If a student has given any other answer which
is different from the one given in the marking scheme but conveys the meaning such answer should be given full
2. Marks are awarded in the left hand margin.
3. A full scale of marks 0-70 has to be used .Do not hesitates to award full marks if the answer deserves it.
4. In case where no answers are given or answer are found wrong in this marking scheme correct answers may be
found and used for evaluation purpose.

Ans.1. The two densely populated regions of the world are: (any two)
(i) The North-East part of the USA (ii) The North-Western part of Europe
(iii) South Asia (iv) South-East and East Asia
Ans.2. The reasons responsible for unfavourable sex ratio in the world are:(any two)
(i) Low socio- economic status of female (ii) Low literacy (iii) Female infanticide
(iv) Female foeticide
Ans.3. The factor which are responsible for the slowing down of the growth rate of population in
India since 1981:
(i) Improved qualitative life of females in society
(ii) Female literacy and participation of females in economic activities
(iii) Decline in Crude Birth Rate
Ans.4. Reasons for Kerala’s highest value or ranking in the HID (Human Development Index) are:- (Any two)
1.High literacy rate of females
2.Matriarchal family of Public Distribution system (PDS) and health sector.
3.High participation of females in economic activities.
Ans.5.Satellite towns are those towns, which are developed around the metropolitan cities and equipped with the best
infrastructure like a metropolitan city. Gurgaon, Noida, New Okhla Industrial Area development and Sonepat, etc are
satellite town.
Ans.6. India, Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are the member
nations SAFTA (any two)
Ans.7Decibel (Db)
Ans.8. There is direct dependence of human beings and human society on nature for resourceswhich sustain them,
1) Environmental determinism focuses on inter- relationship between man and environment, as man is slave of his
2) Environment provides certain forms to human society, his needs of food, shelter, dress, life style and settlement
pattern, etc.
3) The aborigines and ethnic racial groups everywhere in the world and adapted according to environment for
Ans.9. Most of the countries of the African continent (except Yeman ) are ranking with low
Humandevelopment value index (less than 0.5) and reasons responsible for it are:
(i) Most of these countries are small and suffering from intense political turmoil.
common phenomena. (iii)Most of the countries are facing natural disasters like famine and drought and low
agricultural production results in hunger and starvation.
1.Pipelines can be laid through difficult terrain.2.It needs very little maintenance.
3.It involve very low energy consumption..
Ans. 11.1) The Inland Waterways shown in the map is Rhine Waterways and it flows through
Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland and France.
11.2) Most of the internal trade of Germany done through this river.It is mainly the inland water. It has lead to
industrial development complexes.
Ans.12.1A.OPEN-CAST OR (STRIP MINING) B.SHAFT MINING(Underground mining)
12.2- 1.OPEN-CAST:-this type of mining is applicable only when minerals occur close to the surface.The output is
both large and rapid.2.SHAFT MINING:-in this method, vertical shafts are sunk from where underground galleries
radiate to reach the minerals. Rocks are extracted and transported to surface through these passages.
Ans.13.1.More urbanized.2.High proportion of non-agriculture workers.
3.Contribution of social and religious organizations towards education.
Ans.14. (14.1) Contribution of sugar industry in the country’s economic development is as follows:-
(i) India is largest producer of both sugarcane and cane sugar and contributes about 8 percent of total sugar
production in the world.
(ii) This industry provides employment to lakhs persons directly and a large number of farmers indirectly.
(iii) Khandsari and gur (jiggery) are prepared from sugarcane. Its residue (molasses) is used in making alcohol.
Moreover, sugarcane baggasse is used in making paper and is used as fodder to feed cattle. (any two points)
(14.2) Sugarcane is a weight-losing crop. The sucrose content in it begins to dry up immediately after it is harvested
from the field. For better recovery of sugar it should be crushed without delay. It is because of this that most of the
sugar mills are located within the cane producing regions.
Ans.15. (A) Meaning-Dairy farming is the most advanced and efficient type of rearing of milkanimals.
(B) Capital- It is highly capital-intensive. Animal sheds, storage facilities for fodder and
feeding and mulching machines add to the cost of daily farming. Special emphasis is laid
on cattle breeding,health care and veterinary services which require a huge amount of capital.
(C) Labour- it is highly labour- intensive as it involves intense care in feeding and milching.
There is no off –season during the year, unlike crop-raising so a large number of skilled and semi-skilled labourers get
ample employment opportunities in dairy farming.
(D) Market-Dairy farming is mainly practiced near urban and industrial centers which
Provide neighbourhood market for fresh milk and dairy products.
(E) Main Regions-The main regions of dairy farming in the world are:
1. The largest is North-Western Europe 2. Canada & North-Eastern USA
3. South-Eastern Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania
Ans.16. Classification of industries on the basis of inputs/raw materials-:
(i) Agro-based industries e.g. food processing, sugar industry, pickle beverages, sugar
Industry, pickle and fruit juices, beverages i.e. tea, coffee and cocoa (any two example)
(ii) Minerals based industry like iron and steel industry, aluminium smelting, jewellery industry,cement industry (any
one example)
(iii) Chemical based industry like petro-chemicals, salts, sulphur, potash, synthetic plastic (any one example)
(iv) Forest based industry e.g. Furniture, paper, rubber industry.
(v) Animal based industry e.g. Leather, Woollen textile, ivory (any one example)
Ans .17
1.It is commercial agriculture in which single crop is grown on a large area.e.g. Tea,Coffee,Rubber,Sugarcaneetc.
2.Requires a large capital, labour 4.Managerial & technical support.
5.Scientific methods of cultivation
Distribution:-1)cocoa& coffee in west Africa.
2.Coconut and sugarcane-Philippines
4.Sugarcane and Banana plantation-West Indies
5.Tea and Coffee plantation- India ,Sri-Lanka
Ans.18 (1) The change of population in a particular area between two points of time is termed as growth of
characteristics of population distribution:- George B. Cresey:-‘Asia has many places where people are few and few
places where people are very many.
1)The term population distribution refers to the manner the people are spaced over the earth’s surface. 2.broadly
90% of the world population lives in about 10% of its land area. 3.the10 most populous countries of the world
contribute about 60% of the world’s population.* of these 10 most countries , six are located in Asia.China, India,
Bangladesh,Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan.
*Lowest population aera;-1. Equatorial regions. deserts –Sahara, Grate Austtralian,Atakama,California,
3.Cold deserts:- Tundra region 4.mountianous;- Rocky Himalaya Others :-J&K, North-East India
*Highest populationaera:- ,South-east Asia, western Europe, North east America, South- east Australia
Example:-Koba-Osaka Region (Japan),Katanga-Zambia Copper(Africa) Ganga plains.
Ans. 19 (1) coal is transported mostly by railways.
(2) iron ore, manganese, limestone also transported by the railways
(3) fertilizer heavy machine and labourers
(4) Railway also carry the finished goods to the markets.
Q.20 Ans.1.Sex composition:-sex ratio=female/maleX1000,
2.Age structure :;- 0 to14(Young) 15 to 59 (Adults-working group) 60 years above (Old)
3.Rural urbancomposition:-
4. Literacy 5.Occupational structure:-primary, secondary, tertiary & quaternary
Ans. 21A)Bangladesh B) Eurasian Steppes C) Vladivostok D). Addis ababa E) Latvia
Ans. 22 (1) Bihar (2) U.P (3) Bokaro (4) Goa (5)Baba budanhils&kudremukh


ू ोर(2)

Time Allowed 3 hrs. Max.Marks:70

General Instructions:
 All questions are compulsory
 There are 22 general questions.
 Question nos. 1-7 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each .Answer to these questions
should not exceed 40 words.
 Question nos. 8-13 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each Answer to these questions should
not exceed 80-100 words.
 Question nos. 14-20 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each .Answer to these questions should
not exceed 150 words.
 Question no. 21-22 are related to identification or locating and labeling of geographical features
carrying 5 marks each.
 Outline maps of the World and India provided to you must be attached within you answer-book.
 Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.

Q 1.Name the two pillars of Human Development.

भानि वििास िी किॊ ही दो स्तॊबो िा नाभ लरखे ।
Q 2. What is the age group of working people?
िामगशीर जनसॊख्मा िा आमु िगग कितना होता है ।
Q 3.Name the artificial seaport of India.
बायत िे एििृबत्रभफॊदयगाह िा नाभफताए ।
Q 4.What is the main reason of male migration from rural tourban?
ग्राभीण से शहयी िे लरए ऩुरुष ऩरामन िा भुख्म िायण तमा है ?
Q 5.Name any one metropolitan city of Bihar.
बफहाय भे क्स्थत किसी एि भहानगय िा नाभ फताए ।
Q 6. Which type of air service is provided by the government to the people of North eastern region?
उत्तय ऩूिग याज्म िे रोगो िो सयिाय ने िौन सी हिाई सेिाए प्रदान िी है ?
Q 7.Name the two most polluted river of India?
बायत िी दो सिागधधि प्रदवू षत नददमो िे नाभ फताए ।
Q 8. What do you mean by Neo-Determinism?
नि-तनश्चमिाद से तमा तात्ऩमग है ?
Q 9.What are the three components of Population change? Explain them.
जनसॊख्मा ऩरयितगन िे तीन घटि िौन िौन से है ? उनिी व्माख्मा िये
Q10.Read the map carefully and give the answer:भानधचत्र िो ध्मान से ऩढ़े औय ददमे गए प्रश्नो िा उत्तय लरखे।

a) ns-continental railway that you can see in the map.

अ) इस भानधचत्र भे ददखामे गई ऩाय-भहाद्िीऩीम ये रभागग िा नाभ लरखे ।
b) Name the terminal station of this railway line.
फ ) इस ये रभागग िे दोनों छोडो ऩय क्स्थत स्टे शन िा नाभ लरखे।
c) what is the importance ofrailway?
स) इस ये रभागग तमों भहत्िऩूणग हैं।
Q 11.Family planning is the spacing or preventing the birth of children. Access to family planning services is a
significant factor in limiting population growth and improving Women’s health. Propaganda, free availability of
contraceptives and tax disincentives for large families are some of the measures which can help population control.

ऩरयिाय तनमोजन िा िाभ फच्चो िे जन्भ िो योिना अथिा उसभे अॊतयार यखना है ।ऩरयिाय तनमोजन सुविधाएॊ जनसॊख्मा िद् ृ धध
िो सीलभत ियने औय भदहराओ िे स्िास््म िो फेहतय ियने भे भुख्म बूलभिा तनबाती हैं।प्रचाय,गबग-तनयोधि िी सुगभ
उऩरब्धता फडे ऩरयिायों िे लरए िय-तनरुत्साहि उऩाम िुछ ऐसे प्रािधान है जो जनसॊख्मा तनमॊत्रण भे सहामि हो सिते हैं।

(i) Why are the population controls measures need of the hour? 1½
अ) जनसॊख्मा तनमॊत्रण िामगक्रभ ितगभान सभम िी आिश्मिता तमो हैं ।
(ii) Mention the measures through population can be controlled. 1½
फ) जनसॊख्मा िो तनमॊबत्रत ियने िे िौन-िौन से उऩाम हैं।

Q.12 What are the three important aspects of International trade?

अन्तयाष्ट्ीम व्माऩाय िे तीन भहत्िऩूणग ऩऺ िौन से है
Q.13. What is planning?What are the two approaches of planning?
तनमोजन तमा है ?तनमोजन िे दो उऩागभ िौन से है ?
Q.14. What is Slum? Name the slum of Asia’s largest slum.Mention any three problems associated slums in India.
भलरन फस्ती तमा है ?एलशमा िे सफसे फडे भलरन फस्ती िा नाभ फताए।बायत भे क्स्थत भलरन फक्स्तमो िे किॊ ही तीन सभस्माओ
िे फाये भे लरखे।
Q.15. What is Population density? What are the factors that can affect the distribution of population in India?
जनसॊख्मा घनत्ि तमा है ?बायत भे जनसॊख्मा वितयण िो प्रबावित ियने िारे िौन िौन से िायि है
Q 16.What is Intensive Subsistence farming? Describe its two types?
गहन तनिागह िृवष तमा हैं ? इसिे दो प्रिायो िा िणगन िये ।
Q 17. Write any five features of Quinary activities.
ऩॊचभ कक्रमािराऩो िी किॊ ही ऩाॉचविशेषताओिो लरखे ।
Q.18 What are the two types of water problems in India? Explain with suitable example.
बायत भे जर से सॊफक्न्धत किॊ ही दो सभस्माओ िा उदाहयण सदहत िणगन िये ।
Q19.List out the six approaches of human geography.Example
Q20.What are inland waterways? Explain any three impediments in the development of inland
waterways in India.
अॊत्स्थरीम जरभागग किन्हें िहते हैं ?बायत भैं अॊत्स्थरीम जरभागग िे वििास भैं आने िारी तीन फाधाएॉ िे फाये फतामें?
Q.21 In the given outline map of world, the following five features are shown. Indentify these features and write
their correct names on the lines marked near each feature.
सॊसाय िे ददमे गए याजनीतति ये खा भानधचत्र भे दशागमे गए ऩाॉच रऺणो िो ऩहचातनए औय उनिा नाभ लरखखए।
A) Largest cityविशार नगय
B) Most populous country of the worldविश्ि िा सिागधधि जनसॊख्मा िारा दे श
C) A major sea route canalएि प्रभुख सभुद्री भागग िी नहय ,
D) Industrialized countryऔद्मोगीिृत दे श
E) lowest density countryसफसे िभ घनत्ि िारा दे श

Q 22.In the outline map of India, locate and label the following with appropriate symbols:
बायत िे याजनीतति भानधचत्र भे तनम्नलरखखत स्थानो िो दशागमे एिॊ उनिा नाभ बी लरखे ।
(i) Any one iron ore mine. िोई एि रौह अमस्ि खान
(ii) A nuclear power plant in Karnataka. िनागटि भे क्स्थत नालबिीम सॊमत्र
(iii) State having largest rural population. सफसे अधधि ग्राभीण जनसॊख्मा िारा याज्म
(vi)State having lowest population. द) सफसेिभजनसॊख्मािारायाज्म
(v) State havinghighestliteracy.ढ) सफसेअधधिसाऺयता िारायाज्म

General Instruction:
1 The marking scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity in the marking. The answers given in the
marking scheme are suggested answer. The content in thus indicative. If a student has given any other answer which
is different from the one given in the marking scheme but conveys the meaning such answer should be given full
2. Marks are awarded in the left hand margin.
3. A full scale of marks 0-70 has to be used .Do not hesitates to award full marks if the answer deserves it.
4. In case where no answers are given or answer are found wrong in this marking scheme correct answers may be
found and used for evaluation purpose.
Ans1. Equity and Productivity
Ans2. 15-59 yrs.
Ans3. Chennai
Ans4. Employment
Ans5. Patna
Ans6.Pawan Hans Helicopter
Ans7. Ganga and Yamuna
Ans8.1) Introduced by Griffith Taylor also known as Stop and go determinism
2) It means that human beings can conquer nature by obeying it.
3) It means that possibilities can be created within the limits which do not damage the environment and there is
no free run without accidents.
Ans 9. The three components of population change are-
1) Birth rate2) Death rate 3) Migration (explain)
Ans10. a) Trans-Siberian railway b) St. Petersburg to Vladivostok c)

Ans11. a) To limit population growth and to improve Women’s health.

b) Free availability of contraceptives and tax disincentives for large families are some of the measures
which can help population control.
Ans12. Three important aspect of international trade-
a) Volume of thetrade b) Composition of trade) Direction of trade (explain)
Ans13. Planning-It involves the process of thinking, formulation of a scheme or programme and implementation of a
set of actions to achieve some goal.
Two approaches of Planning-1) SectorialPlanning 2) Regional Planning.(explain)
Ans14.1.Slums-slums are clusters and colonies of shanty structures mainly inhabited by those people who were
forced to migrate from rural areas to urban areas in search of livelihood.
2. Asia’s largest slum- Dharavi(Mumbai)
3. Problems of Indian Slums-
i) Lack of basic amenities like drinking water, toilet and light.
ii) Population works in low paid, high risk prone and unorganized sector.
iii) Slum dwellers are malnourished, less educated and low income status.
Ans15.Density of Population-Ratio between the number of people and the area of the land.
Factors influencing the distribution of Population-
1.Availability of water2.Fertility of soil3.Climate 4.(explain)
Ans16. Intensive subsistence agriculture-This type of agriculture is largely found in densely
Populated regions of monsoon Asia. It means the application of large amount of
labour and capital to small fields to obtain high yield per unit area of land and to
produce many crop in a year.
The two types of Intensive subsistence agriculture- (Explain)
1) Intensive subsistence agriculture dominated by wet paddy cultivation
2) Intensive subsistence agriculture dominated by crops other than paddy
Ans17.(i) Focus on creation, rearrangement and interpretation of and existing ideas.
(ii) Often regarded as gold collar profession.
(iii) Evolution of new technology.
(iv) Represent another sub-division of the tertiary sector/special and highly payed skills of
Senior business executives, government officials, etc.
(v) Highest level of decision makers or policy makers performs quinary activities.

Ans18.Due to increase in population, the availability of water is decreasing.The two main water problems are-
1) Deterioration of water quality.2) Water conservation and management (Explain)
Ans19. (i) Exploration & description (ii) Regional analysis
(ii) Spatial organization (iv) Areal differentiation
(v) Emergence of humanistic, (vi) Post-modernism in geography.
Radical&behavioral school.
Ans20.1)The waterways within the country e.g. rivers ,canals ect.
NW- 1.Allahabad to Haldia 1620 km, NW- 2.Sadia to Dhubri 891 km
NW-3.Kottapuram to Kollam 205 km...
1.insufficient depths throughout the stretch of navigable waters.
2.excessive siltation in major rivers from erosion of upland and deforestation.
3.non availability of low draft high technology vessels.
4. non availability of permanent terminals .
Advantages;- low capital cost, low maintenance cost, low fuel cost,cheap transportation for heavy materials.
Ans21.a) Santiago(south America)b) China. c) Panama canal,(d) Germanye) Magnolia
Ans22.Map i) Durgii)Kaigaiii) Himachal P.Vi) Sikkim.V) Kerala
ू ोल (3)
Time Allowed 3 hrs. Max.Marks:70
General Instructions:
 All questions are compulsory
 There are 22 general questions.
 Question nos. 1-7 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each .Answer to these questions should not
exceed 40 words.
 Question nos. 8-13 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each Answer to these questions should not exceed
80-100 words.
 Question nos. 14 -20 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each .Answer to these questions should not
exceed 150 words.
 Question no. 21-22 are related to identification or locating and labeling of geographical features carrying 5 marks
 Outline maps of the World and India provided to you must be attached within you answer-book.
 Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.

Q.1Which age group of Population is economically most important?

जनसॊख्मा िा िौन सा आमु िगग अथगव्मिस्था िी दृक्ष्ट से भहत्िऩूणग है
Q.2In which five year plan of India was Hill development Programme initiated?
बायत िी किस ऩॊच िषीम मोजना भें ऩिगतीम वििास िामगक्रभ िो प्राथलभिता दी गमी
Q.3Name the least populous continent, mention the population
सफसे िभ जनसॊख्मा िारा भहाद्िीऩ िौन सा है तथा जनसॊख्मा बी फताओॊ
Q.4Name the two top ranking countries in Human Development Index.
भानि वििास सूचिाॊि िे सिोच्च दो दे शों िे नाभ फताओॊ।
Q.5How is actual growth of Population calculated?
जनसॊख्मा िी िास्तविि िद्
ृ धध िी गणना किस प्रिाय िी जाती है
Q.6When was "India Gandhi Canal" Project Launched?
‘नहय’ ऩरयमोजना िफ शुरू िी गमी।
Q.7Write the names of two zaid crops.
जामद िी दो पसरों िे नाभ लरखो।
Q.8Describe the specific features of high technology industry?
उच्चप्रौद्मोधगिीउद्मोगोंिेभुख्मरऺणोंिोविस्तायसेसभझाइमे ?
Q.9Do you find any dichotomy in between physical geography and the geography?
तमा आऩ बौतति बूगोर तथा भानि बूगोर भें िोई िैधता ऩाते हैं?
Q.10Study the Industrial regions map of India and identify 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 industrial belts. Write the name of each in your
answer sheet.
बायत िे औद्मोधगि भानधचत्र िा अध्ममन ियें । 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 तथा 7िें औद्मोधगि प्रदे श िा नाभ अऩनी उत्तय ऩुक्स्तिाभें लरखखए।

Q.11what is the importance of satellite communication in the modern world? What development has India made in this field?
आधुतनि विश्ि भेँ उऩग्रह सॊचाय िा तमा भहत्ि है ? इस ऺेत्र भेँ बायत ने कितना वििास किमा है ?
Q.12 Why there is increase in demand of irrigation in India?
बायत भें लसचाॊई िी भाॉग फढ़ने िे तमा िायण हैं ?
Q.13 What are the social benefits of ITDP in Bharmaur tribal region?
बायभौय जनजाततम ऺेत्रा भें ई टी डी ऩी िे साभाक्जि राब तमा है?
Q.14What role do major seaports play in the development of our country? Name recently developed ports, one each on west
and east coast of India. State the main purpose of their development.
हभाये दे श िे वििास भें भुख्म ऩत्तन तमा बूलभिा तनबाते हैं ? ऩूिी तथा ऩक्श्चभी तट ऩय हार भें वििलसत किए गए एि -एि
ऩत्तन िा नाभ फताइए।इन्हें वििलसत ियने िे उद्दे श्म फताइए?
Q.15 How many linguistic families are there in India? Describe them along with the areas, where they are
mainly spoken?
बायत भें कितने बाषा ऩरयिाय है ? क्जन ऺेत्रों भें मे फोरी जाती है उनिे उदाहयण सदहत विियण दीक्जमे।
Q.16Describe the five major problems of Indian agriculture?
बायतीम िृवष िी ऩाॉच भुख्म सभस्माएॉ फताओॊ।
Q.17Classify minerals into two groups on the basis of chemical and physical properties andexplain the
three Mineral belts of India.
यासामतनि औय बौतति विशेषताओॊ िे आधाय ऩय खतनजों िे दो प्रिाय फताओॊ तथा बायत िे तीन प्रभुख खतनज ऺेत्र िौन िौन-से हैं ?
Q.18Describe the major factors affecting the types of houses in India?
बायत भें गह ृ प्रिाय िे विन्मास िो प्रबावित ियने िारे प्रभुख िायिों िा िणगन ियें ?
Q.19What are the causes of deterioration of water Quality in India? How can we conserve our water
resources explain?
बायत भें ऩानी िी गुणित्ता िभ होने िे तमा िायण है ? हभ अऩने जर सॊसाधनों िा सॊयऺण किस प्रिाय िय सिते हैं?
Q20.Depending on the size and the services available and functions rendered , explain all the Five Types of urban settlements ?
आिाय, सेिाओॊऔयप्रिामोंिेआधायऩयऩाॉचोंप्रिायिीनगयीमफक्स्तमोंिोविस्तायसेसभझाइमे ?
Q.21 In the given outline map of world, the following five features are shown. Identify these features and write their correct
names on the lines marked near each feature.
सॊसाय िे ददमे गए याजनीतति ये खा भानधचत्र भे दशागमे गए ऩाॉच रऺणो िो ऩहचातनए औय उनिा नाभ लरखखए।
(A)Highest Growth population rate country.सफसे िभ जनसॊख्मा िद् ृ धधिारा दे श
(B)A major sea partएि फडा सभुद्री ऩत्तन
(C)A Mega cityएि फडा शहय
(D)Largest region of dairy Farmingडेमयी फ़ालभिंग िा फडा ऺेत्र
(E)Western terminal of Australian trans- continental Railway
आस्ट्े लरमन ऩाय भहाद्िीऩीम ये रभागग ऩक्श्चभी टलभगनर)ट्ाॊस(
Q.22In the outline map of India,locate and label the following with appropriate symbols:
बायत िे याजनीतति भानधचत्र भे तनम्नलरखखत स्थानो िो दशागमे एिॊ उनिा नाभ बी लरखे ।
(i)The oil refinery of Haryanaहरयमाणा िी तेर ऩरयष्ियणशारा
(ii)State having lowest density of Population जनसॊख्मा िा सफसे िभ घनत्ि िारा याज्म।
(iii)Software technology park in Himachal pradeshदहभाचर प्रदे श िा सॉफ्टिेय तिनीिी ऩािग।
(iv)International airport of Kerala. िेयर िा अॊतयागष्ट्ीम हिाई अड्डा।
(v) Longest highway of India. बायत िा सफसे रम्फा याजभागग

General Instruction:
1 The marking scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity in the marking. The answers given in the marking
scheme are suggested answer. The content in thus indicative.If a student has given any other answer which is different from the
one given in the marking scheme but conveys the meaning such answer should be given full weightage.
2. Marks are awarded in the left hand margin.
3. A full scale of marks 0-70 has to be used .Do not hesitates to award full marks if the answer deserves it.
4. In case where no answers are given or answer are found wrong in this marking scheme correct answers may be found and
used for evaluation purpose.

Ans1.The age group of 15-59 year (adult age group) is economically most important.
Ans2.The Will Area Development Programme was initiated in the fifth five year plan.
Ans3.Australia is the least populous continent with the population 0.038 billion in (2013).
Ans4.(1) Norway (2) Ice land
Ans5.The actual growth of population is calculated by
Actual growth = Birth - Deaths + Immigration - Outmigration
Ans6.The Indira Gandhi Canal Project was launched on 31st March 1958
Ans7. Zaid crops are watermelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops.
Ans.8(1) It is best understood as the application of intensive research and development (R and D)
efforts leading to the manufacture of products of an advanced scientific and engineering
(2) Professional (white collar) workers make up a large share of the total workforce.
(3) Robotics on the assembly line, computer-aided design (CAD) an manufacturing,
electronic controls of smelting and refining processes, and the constant development of
new chemical and pharmaceutical products are notable example of a high-tech industry.
Ans.9During intellectual exercises it is interpreted the basically that the dichotomy between physical and returned is not valid,
because nature and human are inseparable elements and should be seen holistically. It is interesting to note the both physical
and human phenomena are described in metaphors. (In order to show that the two things have the same qualities and to make
the description more powerful).
Ans 10Industrial Regions of India:-
1. Mumbai-Pune Region2. Hugli Region.3.Bangalore-Tamilnadu Region
4. Gujarat Region5. Chotanagpur Region 6. Vishakhapatnam-Guntur Region
7. Gurgaon-Delhi-Meerut Region.8Kollam-Tiruvantapuram Region
Ans.11.Satellite is the most powerful medium of communication in the present day world. It has provided television service in
the remote areas of the country.these are used for explorations of minerals, ground water resource &identification of crops ect.
Internet enlarges electronic network, artificial satellites for space research.
Indian satellites:1. Indian National Satellite system 2.Indian Remote sensing Satellite system(Hyderabad)ARYABHATA, Bhaskar,
Insat I B, IRS, efficient weather forecasting etc..
Ans 12.(1) Uncertainty of rain fall(2) Unequal distribution of rainfall
(3) Increase in population
Ans13.(1) Enhance literacy rate from 1.88% in 1971 to 42.83%f in 2001.
(2) The variation between gender inequality has declined.
(3) Now Gaddi tribal population is more prone to the cultivation of food grains& livestock rearing with new techniques
and tools.

1.Gateway of international trade
2.Exports and Imports are handled through them.
Recently built ports of India-
1.On the east coast- Ennore to reduce pressure on Chennai port. (Tamil nadu)
2.On the west coast-Jawaharlal Nehru port to reduce pressure on Mumbai port.
Ans 15.Four language families-
(1) Austric language family:-
Spoken by 1.38%, tribal language, (Meghalaya) Khasi, Jantia hills, Nicobar Santhal (Jharkhand).
(2) Sino-Tibetan language:-
Tibet, Batti, Ladakhi, Sikkim Bhutia - North East regions like Miri, Mishmi, Bodo, Naga, Aka, Manipur, Spoken by
0.85% of population.
(3) Dravidian language:-
Originated from Sanskrit spoken by 20% - population.
Kannada - Karnatak, Tamilnadu-Tamil, Telugu-Andhra Pradesh, Malayalam - Kerala. 96% of Dravidian speak
one of four language - Tulu, Yerukanta, Gondi, Paryi.
(4)Indo-European Language:-
73% - Population speak Hindi, Urdu, Kashmiri, Marathi, Punjabi, Gujrati, Bengali, Nepali, Oriya, Assamese .
Ans16.Problems of Indian agriculture-
1.Low productivity 2. Small and fragmented land holdings.3.Lack of land reforms.
4.Lack of commercialisation. 5.Poor Technique of production
6. Dependency on erratic monsoon rainfall. 7.Lack of financial resources and indebtedness.
8.Under employment 9. Degradation of cultivable land 10.Pressure of population on land.

Ans17.Metallic Mineral - Iron, Manganese, copper, bauxite

Non-Metallic Mineral - Petroleum, Coal, Natural gas, Mica, Limestone etc.
Belts--1.The North - Eastern Plateau2.South-Western Plateau
3.North Western Region.
Ans18.Some important factors are as under :-
1.Physical factors:-relief, altitude, climate, availability of water, soil
2.Material used for making houses, 3.Environmental conditions, 4.Occupations
5.Lifestyle and social-cultural status, factors,
Ans19.Causes:-(1) Disposal of industrial efficient into rivers. (2) Social and cultural activity
1.Construction of damps 2.New Techniques of irrigation
3.Recycling of polluted water (4)water harvesting (5)water sad programs
Ans20.Types of urban settlements:-
1.Towns 2.City 3.Conurbation 4.Megalopolis 5.Million city
Ans.21.MAP (1) Latvia (2) Hamburg (3)Sao paulo (4) Canada (north-east America)(5) Perth.
Ans.22.MAP 1.Panipat refinery 2.Arunachal Pradesh 3. Shimla4. Kochi 5.N.H-7


ू ोल (4)

Time Allowed 3 hrs. Max.Marks:70

General Instructions:
 All questions are compulsory
 There are 22 general questions.
 Question nos. 1-7 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each .Answer to these questions should not
exceed 40 words.
 Question nos. 8-13 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each Answer to these questions should not exceed
80-100 words.
 Question nos. 14 -20 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each .Answer to these questions should not
exceed 150 words.
 Question no. 21-22 are related to identification or locating and labeling of geographical features carrying 5 marks
 Outline maps of the World and India provided to you must be attached within you answer-book.
 Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.

Q.1॰What is HDI? What is the range of HDI scores?

भानि वििास सच ू िाॊि तमा है ?भानि वििास सच ू िाॊि िे अॊिो िा विस्ताय कितना होता है?
Q.2. Name the country which has highest sex ratio in the world.
विश्ि िे िौन से दे श भे सिागधधि लरॊगानऩ ु ात ऩामा जाता है?
Q.3. Which type of Industry produces raw material for others?
उस उद्मोग िा नाभ फताए जो अन्म उद्मोगो िे लरए िच्चे भार िा तनभागण ियता है ?
Q.4. Which Union territory of India has highest literacy rate?
बायत िे िौन से िेंद्र शालसत प्रदे श भे सिागधधि साऺयता ऩाई जाती है ?
Q.5. From which neighboring country maximum migrants came to India?
किस ऩडोसी दे श से बायत भे सिागधधि प्रिासी आए है ?
Q.6. What is Dumping? डक्म्ऩॊग (डॊऩ) तमा है ?
Q.7. Which Indian Port provides the facilities to the land-locked neighboring countries?
बायत िा िौन सा ऩतन स्थररुध ऩडोसी दे शो िो बी आमात तनमागत सवु िधाएॉ प्रदान ियता है ?
Q.8 Why are sea ports referred to as “Gateways of International Trade? Explain with reference to Indian ports.
अॊतयागष्ट्ीम व्माऩाय भें फॊदयगाहों िो'प्रिेश द्िाय’ तमों िहा जाता है? बायतीम फॊदयगाहों िे सॊदबग भें फतामें।
9. Read the map carefully and answer the following.
भानधचत्र िो ध्मान से ऩढ़े औय ददमे गए प्रश्नो िा उत्तय लरखे।
a) Name the shipping canal that you can see in the given map.
अ)भानधचत्र भे िौन सा अॊतययाष्ट्ीम जरभागग ददखामा गमा है ।
b) Which twosea is connected by this canal?
फ) मह अॊतययाष्ट्ीम जरभागग िौन से दो सागयो िो जोडता है ?
c) In which year this shipping canal was constructed?
स) इस जरभागग िा तनभागण िफ किमा गमा था ?
Q.10. What are the five fields of Human Geography? Explain in Brief.
भानिबूगोरिेऩाॊचऺेत्रिौनिौनसेहै ? सॊऺेऩभेलरखे
Q.11.Distinguish between the Agricultural and Physiological density.
िातमि घनत्ि औय िृषीम घनत्ि भे तमा अॊतय है ?
Q.12. Why are sugar mills concentrated within sugar producing region?
बायत भे चीनी उद्मोग भुख्मत् गन्ना उत्ऩादि ऺेत्रौ भे ही तमो क्स्थत है ?
Q.13. What is Pollution? What are the types of Pollution? Write any one effect of pollution on Human health.
ू ण तमा है ? प्रदष ू ण िे कितने प्रिाय है ?प्रदष
ू ण िा भानि िे स्िास्थ ऩय ऩडने िारे किसी एि प्रबाि िा उल्रेख िये
Q.14.What is settlement? What are the types of rural settlement in India?
फस्ती तमा है ? बायत भे किस प्रिाय िी ग्राभीण फक्स्तमाॊ ऩामी जाती है ?
Q.15. What is the importance of dairy farming? Whyit is mainly practiced near urban and industrial centers of theworld? Explain
with examples.
डेयी िृवष िा तमा भहत्ि है ? डेयी िृवष िा िामग भुख्मत: नगयो औय औध्मोधगि िेन्द्रो िे सभीऩ ही तमो किमा जाता है
?उदाहयण सदहत सभझामे ।
Q.16.What are important aspects of international trade? How do they affect economies?
अॊतयागष्ट्ीम व्माऩाय िे भहत्िऩूणग ऩहरू िौन से हैं ? िे किस प्रिाय अथगव्मिस्थाओॊ ऩय प्रबाि डारते हैं ?
Q.17. Why is the conservation of water necessary? State its two methods.
जर िा सॊयऺण तमो आिश्मि है ?जर सॊयऺण से सॊफक्न्धत किॊ ही दो विधधमो िे फाये भे लरखे ?
Q.18. Write any five features of roadways.सडि भागग िी किॊ ही ऩाॉच विशेषताओॊ िो लरखखमे।
Q.19.Give anyfive features of Quaternary activities?
चतुथि ग कक्रमाओ िी किॊ ही ऩाॉचविशेषताओॊ िो लरखखमे।
Q.20.Describe the five resultant effects related to migrations in India.
बायत भे प्रिास से सॊफधधत ऩाॉच ऩरयणाभों िा िणगन िीक्जए।
Q.21.In the given outline map of world, the following five features are shown. Identify these features and write their correct
names on the lines marked near each feature.
सॊसाय िे ददमे गए याजनीतति ये खा भानधचत्र भे दशागमे गए ऩाॊच रऺणो िो ऩहचातनए औय उनिा नाभ लरखखए।
A)A Mega Cityअ) एि विशार नगयी
B)Industrialized countryफ) औद्धोधगि दे श
c)Eastern Terminal station of TransAustralian railway
स) ऩाय-ऑस्ट्े लरमन ये रभागग िा ऩूिी छोड ऩय क्स्थतस्टे शन
D) Highest Growth population rate country.द) सफसे अधधि जनसॊख्मा िद् ृ धध िारा दे श
E)Name of countryढ) एि िा दे श नाभ

Q.22. In the outline map of India, locate and label the following with appropriate symbols:
बायत िे याजनीतति भानधचत्र भे तनम्नलरखखत स्थानो िो दशागमे एिॊ उनिा नाभ बी लरखे ।
a)Software Technology Park in Karnataka अ) िनागटि िे सॉफ्टिेय प्रोधोधगिी ऩािग
b)Oil Refinery in Biharफ) बफहाय भे क्स्थत तेर शोधन िेंद्र
c)State leading in Tea productionस) चाम िा सफसे फडा उत्ऩादि याज्म
D) Name one metro Politian city द) एि भहानगय िा नाभ
E) Name one oilmine ड) तेर िी एि खदान िा नाभ
General Instruction:
1 The marking scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity in the marking. The answers given in the marking
scheme are suggested answer. The content in thus indicative. If a student has given any other answer which is different from the
one given in the marking scheme but conveys the meaning such answer should be given full weightage.
2. Marks are awarded in the left hand margin.
3. A full scale of marks 0-70 has to be used .Do not hesitates to award full marks if the answer deserves it.
4. In case where no answers are given or answer are found wrong in this marking scheme correct answers may be found and
used for evaluation purpose.
Ans1.Human Development Index (HDI) ranks the country on the basis of their performance in the areas of health, education
and access resources .These ranking are based on a score 0 to 1.
Ans2.Latvia (1187)
Ans3.iron Basic industry
Ans6. Dumping-The practice of selling a commodity in two countries at a price that differs for reasons not related to costs is
called dumping.
Ans8 Indian sea-ports are referred to as “Gateways of India’s International Trade” because:-
(i) 75 percent of international trade in India is handled by the 12 major sea-ports.
(ii) The country has 12 major seaports and 185 minor seaports.
(iii) India has 7417 cm long coastline.
Ans9. A) Suez canal B) Mediterranean sea and Red sea C)1869
Ans10.Fields of Human Geography- 1. Social geography 2.economic geo. 3.settlement geo. 4.population geo. 5.urban geo.
6.political geo. (Explain)
Ans11. Physiological density-Total population/Net cultivated area
Agricultural density-Total agricultural population/Net cultivable area
Ans12 .Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamilnadu are the largest producer of sugarcane
1) Sugarcane is a weight losing crop
2) High content of Sucrose in the sugarcane of South India
3) Sugarcane must be crushed within 24 hrs. of harvesting to get better recovery of Sugar
Ans13.Environmental pollution-Degradation of environment due to Human and natural activities.
Types- Air pollution, Water pollution, Noise pollution, Land pollution
Effect-Water borne diseases
Ans14.Settlement-Cluster of Houses where human beings live.
Types of rural settlement in India-
1) Clustered 2) Semi-clustered 3) Helmeted 4) Dispersed (explain)
Ans15.1.Dairy farming is the most advanced and efficient type of rearing of milk animals.
1. Capital- It is highly capital-intensive. Animal sheds, storage facilities for fodder and
feeding and mulching machines add to the cost of daily farming. Special emphasis is laid
on cattle breeding, health care and veterinary services which require a huge amount of
2 .Labour- it is highly labour- intensive as it involves intense care in feeding and milching.
There is no off –season during the year, unlike crop-raising so a large number of skilled
and semi-skilled laborers get ample employment opportunities in dairy farming.
3. Market-Dairy farming is mainly practiced near urban and industrial centers which
provide neighborhood market for fresh milk and dairy products.
Ans16.There arethree important aspects of international trade. They are : 1.Volume of trade,
2.composition of trade , 3. direction of trade. Both importer and exporter are at advantage.
Ans17.Water conservation- Since there is a declining availability of fresh water and increasing demand, the need has arisen to
conserve and effectively manage this precious life giving resource for sustainable development.
Methods of water conservation-
1) Watershed development-1)Hariyali program by central govt. (2) Neeru-Meeru program in
AndhraPradesh(3)ArvaryPani (Sansad) in RajasthanAlvar (any other program)
2) Rainwater harvesting-(1) It develops problems solving attitude(2) It reduces conflict among community. (3) It
develops harmony with nature.(Explain)
Ans18. . Features of roadways
1) Provides door to door services
2) Connects all other means of transport (railways, waterways, airways)
3) Mainly suitable for short distances
4) Can be constructed hilly areas, slope areas and undulating topography
5) India has one of the largest networks of roadways in the world (33.1 lakh km)
Ans19. 1) Quaternary services are knowledge based services
2) Quaternary services Centre on research, development and advanced forms of services involving specialized
3) Technical skills and administrative skills
4) It involved collection, production and dissemination of information
5) Hospitals and doctors’ offices, theatres and university classroom belongs to this category
Ans 20.I)Culture consequences-migration leads to inter mixing of people from diverse culture.
ii)economy consequences-People migrate for jobs. Hence, economy of urban areas affected by the job seekers.
iii) Social consequences-Inter cast marriages take place among the society.
iv)Politicalconsequences- Political disturbances and enter ethnic conflicts drive people away from their homes due to lack of
v) The place of destination has increase in its population.
vi)Environmental consequences- vii)Demographic consequences
Ans 21.a) Mexico cityb) Japan c) Sydney d) LiberiaE) Brazil
Ans 22.
ू ोल(5)
Time Allowed 3 hrs. Max.Marks:70
General Instructions:
 All questions are compulsory
 There are 22 general questions.
 Question nos. 1-7 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each .Answer to these questions should not
exceed 40 words.
 Question nos. 8-13 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each Answer to these questions should not exceed
80-100 words.
 Question nos. 14 -20 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each .Answer to these questions should not
exceed 150 words.
 Question no. 21-22 are related to identification or locating and labeling of geographical features carrying 5 marks
 Outline maps of the World and India provided to you must be attached within you answer-book.
 Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.

Q.1.What is the basic unit of residence? आिास िी भूरबूत ईिाई तमा है ?

Q.2 Write terminal stations of Orient Express way.
ओयीएन्ट एतसप्रेस िे अक्न्तभ स्टे शनों िे नाभ फताइमे
Q.3 To which sectorare the tertiary activities related? तत ृ ीमकक्रमािराऩकिसऺेत्रसेसम्फक्न्धतहै ?
Q.4 What do you mean by Balance of Trade?व्माऩायसॊतुरनसेतमाअलबप्रामिहतेहै ?
Q.5 What is the population size of mega cities of India?
बायत िे फडे शहयों िी जनसॊख्मा िा आिाय तमा है ?
Q.6 Write the Full from of “OPEC”. ओऩेििा विस्तत ृ रूऩ लरखखए –
Q.7Which satellite port has been developed to relieve the pressure at the Mumbai port?
भुम्फईऩत्तनिेदफाििोिभियनेिेलरएिौनसाअनुषॊगीऩत्तनिावििासकिमागमाहै ?
Q8.Compare mixed farming with dairy farming in three points.
लभधश्रतिृवषऔयडेमयीिृवषभें तीनबफन्दओु ॊिेआधायऩयतुरनािीक्जए।
Q 9.Why is road transport better than rail transport?सडिऩरयिहनये रऩरयिहनसेफेहतयतमोंहै ?
Q10.Classify Indian farming into two groups on the basis of main source of moisture for crops. Write two
features of each.
पसरोंिेलरएआदग तािेस्त्रोतिेआधायऩयबायतीमिृवषिोदोिगोभें िगीिृतिीक्जएऔयप्रत्मेििेदो रऺण लरखखए –
Q.11 Distinguish between determinism and possibilism?
सम्बािनािादतथातनश्चमिादभें अन्तयस्ऩष्टिीक्जए।
Q.12Study the given map and answer the questions that follows.
ददएगएभानधचत्रिाअध्ममनतथासम्फक्न्धतप्रश्नोंिेउत्तयदीक्जए I
[12.1] Which river and its tributaries are shown in the map
इसभानधचत्रभें किसनदीिीसहामिनददमाददखाईगईहै ।
[12.2] Name any three towns located on the bank of the main river.
[12.3] In which part of the river is the quality of water good and why?
इसनदीिेकिसबागिेजरिीगुणित्ताअच्छीहै ।

Q13- Read the above paragraph and analyses the following.

Fifteenth century onwards, the European colonialism began and along with trade of exotic
commodities, a new form of trade emerged which was called slave trade. The Portuguese, Dutch,
Spaniards, and British captured African natives and forcefully transported them to the newly
discovered Americas for their labour in the plantations. Slave trade was a lucrativebusiness for more
than two hundred years till it was abolished in Denmark in 1792, Great Britain in 1807 and United
States in 1808.
ऩन्द्रहिीॊसदीिेफादमूयोवऩमनउऩतनिेशिादनेविदे शीिस्तुओॊिेसाथसाथएिव्माऩायशुरूकिमाइसनएरूऩिाव्माऩाय
िेरूऩभें उबया।ऩुतग
ग ारी,डचतथास्ऩेतनसनेअफ्रीिािेभूरतनिालसमोंिेऊऩयअऩनािब्जाकिमाऔयजफयदस्तीनिखो
जअभेरयिनिोअऩनेफागानोंभें िामगियनेिेलरएऩहुॊचामादासप्रथाएिआिगषिव्माऩायिेरूऩभेदोसौिषोंतिदे शोंभें
व्माप्तथामहव्माऩाय 1792 भें डन
े भािगभें 1807 भें ग्रेटबिटे नभें औयअभेरयिाभें 1808 भें सभाप्तहोगमा.
(a) ‘Slavery was a curse’ justify in your own words and ideas.
‘दासप्रथाएिअलबशाऩथा’ अऩनेशब्दोंऔयविचायोंभें इसिा औधचत्मफताइए ।
(b) What kind of values are needed to bring slavery to an end?
दासप्रथािेअॊतहे तुकिसप्रिायिेभूल्मोंिीआिश्मिताहै ?

Q.14Name the three broad belts of mineral concentration in India. Give two examples of Minerals found in each belt.
बायतभें क्स्थततीनखतनजऩेदटमोंिेनाभफताइमे ? इनऩेदटमोंभें ऩाएजानेिारेदो-दोखतनजोंिेउदाहयणदीक्जमे ?
Q.15 Ina well-managed transport system various modes compliment each other.” Elucidate the statement.
‘‘एिसुप्रफक्न्धतऩरयिहनप्रणारीभें विलबन्नविधाऐॊएिदसू ये िीसम्ऩूयिहोतीहै । ’’इसिथनिोस्ऩष्टिीक्जमे ?
Q.16 With the help of neat diagram explains the demographic transition theory?
जनाॊकििीमसॊक्रभण लसद्धाॊत िािणगनउधचतआये खिीसहामतासेिीक्जए?
Q.17 Explain any five problems related to the disposal of Urban wastes material in India.
बायतभें नगयीमअऩलशष्टतनऩटानसेसम्फक्न्धतकिन्हीऩाॉचभुख्मसभस्माओॊिीव्माख्मािीक्जए?
Q.18Explain the problems of urban settlements in developing countries.
वििासशीरदे शोंभें नगयीमफक्स्तमोंिीसभस्माओॊिािणगनिीक्जए।
Q19.Describe any five factors influencing industrial location in the world.
Q.20Discuss the criteria used by different countries for designating settlement as urban.
किसी फस्ती िो नगयीम फस्ती तनधागरयत ियने िे लरए विलबन्न दे शों द्िाया प्रमुतत भाऩदण्डों िी वििेचना िीक्जए।
Q.21 In the given outline map of world, the following five features are shown. Identify these features and write their correct
names on the lines marked near each feature.
सॊसाय िे ददमे गए याजनीतति ये खा भानधचत्र भे दशागमे गए ऩाॉच रऺणो िो ऩहचातनए औय उनिा नाभ लरखखए।
A)Country having highest HDI in the world.
सॊसायभें सिागधधिभानिवििाससूचिाििारादे श
B) Mediterranean Agriculture area.बूभध्मसागयीम िृवष ऺेत्र
C) International Airport.अॊतयागष्ट्ीम हिाईअड्डा
D) Mega City of Japan.जाऩान िा भहानगय
E)The iron and steel centres in the great lakes region.ड) ग्रेट रेि ऺेत्र भें रौह एि इस्ऩात िेंद्र
Q22.In the outline map of India, locate and label the following with appropriate symbols:
बायत िे याजनीतति भानधचत्र भे तनम्नलरखखत स्थानो िो दशागमे एिॊ उनिा नाभ बी लरखे ।
1)State having the lowest density of roads.न्मूनतभसडि घनत्ि िारायाज्म
2)State having lowest literacyratio in India.बायतभें सफसेिभसाऺयतादयिारायाज्म
3)Bhilaiiron& steel industry.लबराई रौहइस्ऩात उद्मोग-
)4A nuclear power plant in Rajasthanयाजस्थान भे क्स्थत नालबिीम सॊमत्र
5)Any one coal ore mineिोई एि िोमरा अमस्ि खान




General Instruction:
1 The marking scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity in the marking. The answers given in the marking
scheme are suggested answer. The content in thus indicative.If a student has given any other answer which is different from the
one given in the marking scheme but conveys the meaning such answer should be given full weightage.
2. Marks are awarded in the left hand margin.
3. A full scale of marks 0-70 has to be used .Do not hesitates to award full marks if the answer deserves it.
4. In case where no answers are given or answer are found wrong in this marking scheme correct answers may be found and
used for evaluation purpose.

Ans.1-The basic unit of residence is a house .

Ans.2- Paris to Istambul.
Ans.3- Service sector.
Ans.4-The difference in value between imports and exports is called the balance of trade.
Ans.5- 50,000 to 99,999 population.
Ans.6-Organisation of petroleum exporting countries.
Ans.7- JawaharLal Nehru Port (NhavaSheva)
Ans.8 Mixed farming:- Mixed farming involves the growing of crops and raising of animals on the same farm. Major crops grown
are Wheat, Barley, Maize, fodder and root crops. This type of agriculture is practiced in Highly developed parts of the
world(North-Western Europe, Eastern North America and parts of Eurasia.
Dairy Farming:- This is a special type of farming in which animals are reared for milk and main emphasis is laid on cattle
breeding, health care and veterinary services. North-Western Europe, Eastern North America, Canada, east south Australia.
Ans.9-Roads are best suitable for short distances, easy and cheap to construct and maitainence, It also provides door to door
services, it act as feeders to railways and ports. The road transport is more flexible than rail transport.
Ans.10- Wetland farming And Dry Land Farming
Wetland Farming: - Farming in areas receiving more than 75 cm rain fall is called Wetland farming. Ex.- Rice, Jute, Sugarcane.
Dry land Farming:-Farming in areas receiving less than 75 cm annually rainfall is called Dry land farming. Ex. Ragi, Bajra, Moong.
Determinism Possibilism
1. It means that environment determines human 1.It means that man can modify environment to his needs.

2. According to this nature is powerful 2.According to this, it is possible to conquer nature.

3. Ratzel and Huntington hassupportd this school 3. Vidal de la Blache and L. Febvre supported this school of
of thaught. thaught.

Ans.12-12. 1.Ganga and its tributary Yamuna.

Ans 12.2. Kanpur, Varanasi, Allahabad.
Ans 12.3.Upper area of rivers due to less population.
Ans.13.(A) 1.Slave trade is a bad practice.2. Respect human and fellow citizen equally.
3. right to equality.
(B)Respect for human life. Dignity of labour.Holding one’s self esteem and working hard to protect it.
Ans.14(1) North-Eastern Plateaus (Iron ore, Manganese)
(2) South-Western Plateaus ( Iron ore, Manganese)
(3) North-Western Region (Bauxite, Petroleum, Natural Gas.
Ans.15It depends on the type of goods and services to be transported, transportation cost and the means of transport available
.For example- Road transport is cheaper for small distances and is faster too. Water ways is cheapest for longer distances. But if
one has to move large volume of bulky materials over long distances especially within a country railways are most suited.
Perishable light and precious goods can be best moved by air.
Ans16.First stage-High fertility and High mortality and population growth is slow and life expectations is also low.
Second stage- fertility remains high and mortality rate decline, populations growth rate is high.
Third stage- Both fertility, mortality rate decline and population growth stable.
Ans.171.The absence of adequate arrangements of collection and disposal of garbage in urban areas.2.Industrial waste dumping
into water bodies, 3.untreated sewage 4.river pollution leads to serious health problems down stream. 5. The inadequacy of
garbage collection ect.
Ans.181. Uncontrolled and haphazard growth of towns and cities.
2. Migration, 3. Social problems 4. squatter settlements 5. slums.
Ans 19.1.Physical factors- land &relief features ,climate, Water energy resources, natural vegetation, access to raw material
access to Market,2. Economicfactors-Skilled labour, means of transport ,marketing facilities , capital, 3. Social factors-conditions
prevailing in the country, 4.Political factors- protection of the industry, Government policies.
Some of the criteria used by different countries for designating urban are :-
(i) Size of population – It is a criteria which has been adopted by senses department of determine a settlement as urban. The
census department of different countries have taken their over criteria of the size of population. For Example- In Denmark
&Sweeden urbansettlements is that where 250 persons are there, But in Canada it is 1000 while in India it is 5000.
(ii) Occupational or functional structure -Urban settlement differ from rural settlement, In Italy a settlement is called an urban if
more than 50% of the economically productive population is engaged in non- agricultural activities. In India an urban population
is that where 75% people are engaged in secondary or tertiary activities.
(iii)Administrative decision – It is also an criteria urban Centre’s are generally administered by municipality or corporation. In
several cities of Latin America such as Brazil the administration center is called urban irrespective of its size. In India a
settlement big than
5000 population can became an urban Centre.
(iv) Location size and situation.
Ans21.A) Norway.B) Southern Europe & North Africa.C) Singapore D) Tokyo, E) U.S.A
Ans 22(1) Jammu and Kashmir.2.Bihar3. Steel industry,(Chhattisgarh.)
4.Rawatbhata (kota) 5.Singareni&jhariaect.



ू ोल(6)
Time Allowed 3 hrs. Max.Marks:70
General Instructions:
 All questions are compulsory
 There are 22 general questions.
 Question nos. 1-7 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each .Answer to these questions should not
exceed 40 words.
 Question nos. 8-13 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each Answer to these questions should not exceed
80-100 words.
 Question nos. 14 -20 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each .Answer to these questions should not
exceed 150 words.
 Question no. 21-22 are related to identification or locating and labeling of geographical features carrying 5 marks
 Outline maps of the World and India provided to you must be attached within you answer-book.
 Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.
Q.1 Which is the longest National Highway in India?
बायत िे सफसे फडे याजभागग िा नाभ लरखें।
Q.2. Name the two terminal places connected by East West Corridor in India.
बायत भें ऩूिग ऩक्श्चभ गलरमाया क्जन दो अॊततभ स्थानों िो जोडताहै
Q3. Which is the busiest sea route in the world?
सॊसाय िा सफसे व्मस्तभ सभुद्री भागग िौन सा है
Q4.When was first complete census conducted in India?
बायत भें प्रथभ सॊऩूणग जनगणना िफ हुई थी?
Q5. Which city of India is the main polluter of river Yamuna?
मभुना िो सफसे अधधि प्रदवू षत ियनेिारा िौन सा नगय है ?
Q6. 5 In which two countries of the world were HYVs of wheat and rice developed
सॊसाय िे किन दो दे शों भें गेहूॉ तथा चािर िी अधधि उत्ऩादिता िी किस्भें वििलसत िी गई थी।
Q7.What is Narma? नयभा तमा है ?
Q8. What are two types of irrigation? Why does Indian agriculture need irrigation?
लसचाॊई िे दो प्रिाय िौन से हैं बायतीम िृवष िो लसॊचाई िीआिश्मिता तमों ऩडती हैं
Q.9 Explain any three factors responsible for the development of Hugli industrial region. हुगरी औद्मोधगि ऺेत्र
िे वििास िे लरए उत्तयदामी किसी बी तीन िायिों िी व्माख्मा ियें ।
Q.10Study the map given below and answer the questions that follow
नीचे ददए गए भानधचत्र िा अध्ममन िीक्जए औय तनम्नलरखखत प्रश्नो िे उत्तय दीक्जए:

(10.1)Name the railway line shown in the given map.

ऊऩय ददए गए भानधचत्र भें ददखाए ये रभागग िा नाभ फताइए ।
(10.2)Which are the terminal stations of this railway line?
इस ये रभागग िे अॊततभ लसयों िे स्टे शन िौनसे हैं ?
(10.3)Name the ports located on the coast of Spencer Gulf through which this railway line passes.
स्ऩेन्सय खाडी िे तट ऩय क्स्थत ऩत्तनों िे नाभ फताइए, क्जनसे होिय मह ये रभागग गुजयता है ।
Q.11 Explain any three measures necessary for the promotion of sustainable development in the ‘Indira
Gandhi Canal Command Area’.
‘‘इक्न्दया गाॊधी नहय िभाण्ड ऺेत्र ’’ भें सतत ् ऩोशणीम वििास िो प्रोत्साहीत ियने िे लरए किन्हीॊ तीन िदभों िा िणगन ियों। -
Q.12“The density and quality of roads are better in the plains as compared to the other regions in India.”
Support this statement with suitable examples.
‘’बायत िे भैदानी बागों भें सडिों िा घनत्ि तथा गुणित्ता अन्म ऺेत्रों िी तुरना भें िापी अच्छा है ’इस िथन िो उदाहयण
सदहत सभझाऐ ।
Q.13 Describe any three sources which are responsible for air pollution in India.
बायत भें िामु प्रदष ू ण िे लरए उत्तयदामी तीन स्त्रोतों िा िणगन िीक्जए।
Q.14 Name any four Industrial Regions of India. Write a short note on any one Industrial Region.
बायत िे किन्ही चाय औद्मोधगि ऺेत्रों िा नाभ लरखें। किसी एि औद्मोधगि ऺेत्र िा सॊऺेऩ भें िणगन िये ।
Q.15 Why are ports called gateways of international trade? Give a classification of ports on the basis of
specialized functions.
‘’ऩत्तनों िो अन्तयागष्ट्ीम व्माऩाय िा प्रिेश द्िाय तमों िहा जाता है’’? विलशक्ष्टिृत िामगिराऩिेआधायऩयऩत्तनोंिािगीियणियें ।
Q.16Examine the five bases of international trade which are responsible for promoting international trade.
ॊ आधायों िी चचाग िीक्जए ।
अॊतयागष्ट्ीम व्माऩाय िी प्रोन्नतत िे लरए उत्तयदामी, अन्तयागष्ट्ीम व्माऩाय िे ऩॉचों
Q.17Explain the types of towns on the basis of function.
िामग िे आधाय ऩय िगीिृत नगयों िा िणगन िीक्जए?
Q.18What is meant by rainwater harvesting? Mention any four advantages of rainwater harvesting.
िषागजरसॊग्रहणतमाहै इसविधधिेिोईचायराबफताओ ।
Q.19What is meant by subsistence agriculture? Mention any four characteristics of subsistence agriculture.
जीिनतनिागहिृवषकिसेिहतेहैं ? इसप्रिायिीिृवषिीिोईचायविशेषताएॊफताओ ।
Q.20“The spatial distribution of religious communities in India is quite uneven.” Support the statement with
five examples of different religions.
‘‘बायत भें धालभगि सभुदाओॊ िा स्थातनि वितयण फहुत असभान है ’’ विलबन्न धभों िे ऩॉचॊ उदाहयण दे ते हुए, इस िथन िी ऩुक्ष्ट
Q.21 In the given outline map of world, the following five features are shown. Identify these features and write their correct
names on the lines marked near each feature.
सॊसाय िे ददमे गए याजनीतति ये खा भानधचत्र भे दशागमे गए ऩाॉच रऺणो िो ऩहचातनए औय उनिा नाभ लरखखए।
A)The country having the lowest population in Africaअफ्रीिाभें सफसेिभजनसॊख्मािारादे श
B) A major area of mixed farmingलभधश्रतिृवषिाएिभुख्मविशारऺेत्र
C) The mega city of China चीनिाभेगानगय
D)An air-portिामुऩत्तन
E)Member country of OPEC –ओऩेि दे शोंिाएिसदस्मदे श
Q22.In the outline map of India, locate and label the following with appropriate symbols:
1)State having highestgrowthof populationसफसे अधधि जनसॊख्मा िद् ृ धध िारा याज्म
2)Software technology park in Assam असभ िा सोफ्टिेमय तिनीिी ि ् ऩािग
3)Sea port located at the Gulf of Kutchchhिच्छ िी खाडी िे शीषग ऩय क्स्थत फॊदयगाह
4)State leading in wheat production गें हू िा सफसे फडा उत्ऩादि याज्म
5) State leading inriceproduction चािर िा सफसे फडा उत्ऩादि याज्म


Ans.1-National Highway -7
Ans.2 - Silchar [East] to Porbandar [West]
Ans.3- North Atlantic sea route
Ans.4 -1881
Ans.5- Agra& Delhi
Ans.6- Wheat (MEXICO)& Rice (Philippines)
Ans.7- Cotton American (long stapll)
Ans.8-Two types of irrigation are: a) Protective and b) Productive
Need for Irrigation:
a) To increase the net sown area
b) To protect the crops from drought
c) HYV variety need more water
d) To increase the productivity and food security
Ans.9-Development started with the development of port on Hooghly River.
Kolkata – a major Centre was well connected with the interior by roads and railways.
2.Development of tea plantation in Assam, Jute resources along with coal fields of Damodar Valley and iron are deposits of
Chhota Nagpur has contributed to its development.
3.Cheaplabour from Bihar, Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Orissa.
4.Kolkata being the British capital attracted British investment.
Ans.10- 1)Trans Australian Railway 2)Perth [West] to Sydney [East] 3)Port August, Port Pirie
Ans.11-1.Strict implementation of water management policy
2.Avoiding the cultivation of water intensive crops and encouraging the cultivation of citrus fruits.
3.Implementation of lining of water course, land development, levelling and warabandisystem to reduce water loss
4.Water logged area and saline soil area should be reclaimed [improved]
5.Eco-development through afforestation, shelter belt, plantation, pasture development6.Providing adequate financial help to
marginal farmers.
Ans.12- a) Plain area provides suitable condition for construction and maintenance of roads whereas it is very difficult in
b) In the plain area population density is high and therefore demand for road is also high.
c) Economic activities is very intense in plain area such as industries and agriculture where road transport is required.
1.Combustion of fossil fuels.2.Industriesactivities3.Mining activities
Industrial Regions of India:-
1. Mumbai-Pune Region 2. Hugli Region. 3.Bangalore-Tamilnadu Region
4. Gujarat Region5. ChotanagpurRegion6. Vishakhapatnam-Guntur Region
7. Gurgaon-Delhi-Meerut Region.8Kollam-Tiruvantapuram Region
Mumbai-Pune Region:
It extends from Mumbai, Thane to Pune. Other important industrial centers are Solapur, Satara, Jalgaon, Nashik etc. Mumbai is a
good port and this region is well connected with transport and communication. Energy is available from Mumbai High, Tarapur
etc. Important industries of this region are cotton textile, fertiliser, petrochemicals, transport equipment etc.
Cargoes and travellers pass from one part of the world to another through ports. Provide facilities of docking, loading, unloading
and storage facilities.
1.Passengers ports - Mumbai, London, New York
2.Commercial Ports - Kolkata, Singapore
3.Oil Ports – Maracalibo, Tripoli, Abadan
4.Ports Call - refueling and supply food & water. -Singapore, Honolulu, Aden
5.Packet Stations - Ferry portsDoure (England) Calais (France)
6.Enter port ports - Singapore, Rotterdam, Europe
7.Naval ports - serve warship and repair work - Kochi, Karwar.
Ans16.International Trade-Export and Import of goods and services.
Five main basis of international trade:
1. Uneven distribution of resources 2. Stage of economic development
3. Availing foreign currency 4. maintaining trade balance and trade policy
5. Cordial relation with different countries 6. Supply of surplus production
7. any other relevant points – any five
1.Tourist towns –SHIMLA,MUSSOORIE,
2.Industrialtowns-BHILAI,DURGAPUR,3.Administrative towns -DELHI,CHANDIGARH ,
4.Port(Transport)towns- Kandla, Kochi,5.Religious towns-Amristar,Varanasi
6.Educational towns- Roorkee,Kotaect.
It is a method to increase the recharge of groundwater by capturing rainwater. Especially in low rainfall areas such as Rajasthan
and Gujarat rainwater is being used for various domestic and agricultural purposes. In this method, rainwater is collected on the
roof of the house and then it is diverted to a dug well. Small embankments are made in sloppy land to stop the rainwater. This
process augments groundwater. Rainwater harvesting is becoming popular in urban areas too.
Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting
1.To meet ever increasing demand of water 2.To reduce surface run-off during rain
3.To augment ground water 4.To reduce groundwater pollution
5.To check soil erosion 6.To supply water during summer and dry season.
1.Agriculture in which produces are consumed by the farmer itself is called as subsistence agriculture. It is done only for survival
not for trade and commerce. There are two types of subsistence agriculture:
a) Primitive Subsistence Agriculture and b) Intensive Subsistence Agriculture.
Characteristic Features:
a) Agricultural fields are smallb) Low use of machine, fertilizers
c) Practiced for self consumptiond) Done in developing countries like India, Pakistan etc.
1. Hindu – MP, Orissa, HP, UP, Karnataka and Tamilnadu.
2. Muslim – Kashmir, UP, WB, Gujarat and Rajasthan
3. Sikh - Punjab, Haryana, Tarai of UP, Delhi, Ganganagar region of Rajasthan
4. Christian – Kerala, Goa, Tamilnadu, Nagaland, Manipur
5. Buddhist – MH, HP, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura,
Ans21.A)SeychellesB)North West Europe, C)Beijing D) ParisE) Venezuela
Ans 22

GEOGRAPHY/भूगोल (7)
Time Allowed 3 hrs. Max.Marks:70
General Instructions:
 All questions are compulsory
 There are 22 general questions.
 Question nos. 1-7 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each .Answer to these questions should not
exceed 40 words.
 Question nos. 8-13 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each Answer to these questions should not exceed
80-100 words.
 Question nos. 14 -20 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each .Answer to these questions should not
exceed 150 words.
 Question no. 21-22 are related to identification or locating and labeling of geographical features carrying 5 marks
 Outline maps of the World and India provided to you must be attached within you answer-book.
 Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.

Q.1 What do you mean by Kolkhoz?

िोल्खोज़िीऩरयबाषादीक्जमे ?
Q.2 What is “Big Inch” and where is it located ?
बफगइॊचतमाहै औयकिसदे शभें है ?
Q.3 What do you mean by free trade?
भुततव्माऩायसेआऩिातमाअलबप्रामहै ?
Q.4 What is truck farming?
ट्िपालभिंगिीऩरयबाषादीक्जमे ?
Q.5Which are is called “rust bowl of the USA”?
समुतत याज्म अभेरयिा िा िौनसा ऺेत्र िो ‘जॊग िा िटोया’ िहराता है ?
Q.6 Write the names of any two Oil Pipelines of India?
बायतिीिोईदोतेरऩाईऩराइनों िानाभलरखखए ?
Q.7 Name the terminal stations of Golden Quadrilateral project?
स्िखणगभचतुबजुग ऩरयमोजनािेटलभगनरस्थानोंिेनाभलरखखए ?
Q.8. Study the given map and answer the questions that follows.

a) Which two districts of Rajasthan are maximum benefitted from Indira Gandhi Canal?
ि) याजस्थानिेिौनसेदोक्जरेइॊददयागाॉधीनहयसेसिागधधिराबाक्न्ितहुएहैं ?
b) Which two rivers are joining together at the HarikeBarrage ?
ख) हरयिेफैयाज ऩयिौनसीदोनददमाॉलभरतीहैं ?
c) Who conceived the idea of Indira Gandhi Canal in 1948 ?
ग) १९४८भें इॊददयागाॉधीनहय िाविचायकिसनेप्रततऩाददतकिमा ?
Q 9.Classify Indian Roads according to their maintenance and administration?
प्रशासनऔययखयखाििेअनस ु ायबायतीमसडिोंिािगीियणिीक्जमे ?
Q10.Write the names of agricultural season of India?Explain each of them in detail.
बायतिीभख् ु मिृवषऋतओ ु ॊिेनाभफताइए ? सबीिोविस्तायसेसभझाइमे |
Q.11How can Nuclear power become a future source of Energy in India ? Name any four Nuclear power plants of India .
ऩयभाणुऊजागकिसप्रिायबायतभें बविष्मिाऊजागस्रोतफनसितीहै ?बायतिेिोईचायऩयभाणुऊजागिेन्द्रोंिेनाभफताइए ?
Q.12What are the steps taken by central and state government for the implementation of Water shed Development?
बायतभें िेंद्रीमऔययाज्मसयिायोंद्िायाजरसॊबयवििासिामगक्रभोंिोरागूियनेहैंतोिौन-िौनसेिदभउठामेजायहे हैं ?
Q13Distinguish between Rural and Urban settlements in India.
बायतिीग्राभीणऔयशहयीफक्स्तमोंभें अॊतयस्ऩष्टिीक्जमे ?
Q.14Write a Short note on.1)The Ruhr coal - field of Germany 2) panama canal
(1(रूयिोमरा (जभगनीिाऺेत्र) ( 2) ऩनाभानहयऩयएिसॊक्षऺप्तनोटलरखें -
Q.15. Describe the description regarding soil and climate, area and production for rice or wheat.
चािर मा गेहूॊ िे लरए भद
ृ ा एिॊ जरिाम,ु औय उत्ऩादन िे ऺेत्र िे फाये भें विियण िा िणगन ियें ।
Q.16. Name five sources of Non-conventional energy in India & also state one potential area of each
source of non-conventional energy.
बायत भें अऩायम्ऩरयि ऊजाग िे िोई ऩाॊच स्रोत फताइमे औय प्रत्मेि अऩायम्ऩरयि ऊजाग िे स्रोत िा एि एि सॊबावित ऺेत्र फताईमे-
Q.17. What are the major objectives of the New Industrial Policy of India, 1991? State any five measures initiated within
this policy.
बायत िी १९९१ िी नईऔद्मौधगिनीतत िे तमा उद्दे श्म हैंइस नीतत भें अऩनाए गए िोई ?ऩाॉच उऩामों िो फताइमे ?
Q.18. which are the three groups of Indian population according to their economic states? Explain main
characteristics of each group.
आधथगि स्तय िी दृक्ष्ट से बायतीमजनसॊख्मा िे तीन िगग िौनसेहै प्रत्मेि िगग िी भख्
ु म विशेषताओॊ िा स्ऩष्ट िीक्जए ।
Q19.What do you understand by the term Human Development? Explain all the Four Pillars ofHuman
Development in detail.
भानिवििासिीऩरयबाषादीक्जमे ?भानिवििासिेसबीचायस्तॊबोंिीविस्तायसेवििेचनािीक्जमे ?
Q.20.Name all the major ocean routes of the world. Which is the busiest ocean route of the world?
Explain its importance?
विश्ििेसबीप्रभुखभहासागयीमभागोंिेनाभलरखखए ?िौनसा भहासागयीमभागगविश्ििासफसेव्मस्तभागगहै ?
इसभागगिाआधथगिव्माऩारयिभहत्िफताइए ?
Q.21 In the given outline map of world, the following five features are shown. Indentify these features and write their correct
names on the lines marked near each feature.
सॊसाय िे ददमे गए याजनीतति ये खा भानधचत्र भे दशागमे गए ऩाॉच रऺणो िो ऩहचातनए औय उनिा नाभ लरखखए।
A (Country famous for Coffee plantation. िॉफ़ीउत्ऩादनिेलरएप्रलसद्धएिदे श
B)A sea port in South Africa. द॰अफ्रीिािाएिसभद्र
ु ीऩत्तन
C)International Airport.अॊतयागष्ट्ीमहिाईअड्डा
D) AMega City of U.K. मू॰िेिाएिभेगानगय
E)Area of Intensive subsistence farming.गहनिृवषिेभुख्मऺेत्र
Q.22.In the outline map of India, locate and label the following with appropriate symbols:
1)State having the highest povertyin India.बायतभें सफसेसिागधधिगयीफीिारायाज्म
2)State having lowest womenliteracy ratio in India.बायतभें सफसेिभभदहरासाऺयतादयिारायाज्म
3) Iron& steel industryinOrissa. उडीसािारौह-इस्ऩातउद्मोग
(4 A nuclear power plant inMaharashtra. भहायाष्ट्भेक्स्थतनालबिीमसॊमत्र
5)Any one mica ore mineिोईएिअभ्रिअमस्िखान

General Instruction:
Ans.1 It was introduced by Soviet Union to improve the efficiency of previous method (Collective farming).
Ans.2Big Inch is famous pipeline from Gulf of Mexico to North-east. USA.
Ans.3Bringing down trade barriers like tariffs.
Ans.4The regions where farmers specialise in vegetables only, the farming is known as truck farming.
Ans.6 .1.Salaya to Mathura 2.Barauni to Naharkatiya.
Ans.8..A. Jaisalmer and BarmerB. Satluj and Beas.C.KanwarSain
Ans.91) National highway(2) State highway(3) District Roads
(4) Rural roads (5) Border roads
Ans.10. Kharif, Rabi and Zaidcrops Explanation --- one mark each.
Ans.11.Nuclear energy has emerged as a viable source in recent times. Important minerals used for the generation of nuclear
energy are uranium and thorium.
Main Centers - Tarapur (Maharashtra), Rawatbhata near Kota (Rajasthan), Kalpakkam(Tamil Nadu), Narora (Uttar Pradesh),
Kaiga(Karnataka) and Kakarapara (Gujarat).
Ans.12.1)Hariyali program by central govt. (2) Neeru-Meeru program in AndhraPradesh (3)ArvaryPani (Sansad) in RajasthanAlvar
(any other program)
Ans.13.Rural - In villages, dependent on Primary occupations, clean environs, social cohesion visible.
Urban-In towns and cities, dependent on Secondary and Tertiary occupations, crowded and congested, social cohesion not
Ans.14.(I)The Ruhr coal - field ofof Germany-this is one of the major industrial regions of Europe.Coal and steel formed the basis
of the economy, but as the demand for coal declined, the industry shrinking. The Ruhr region is responsible for 80% of Germany’s
total steel production .the future prosperity of the Ruhr is based less on the products of coal and steel, for which it was initially
famous, and more on the new industries like he huge Opel car assembly plant, new chemical plants, universities.
(II) panama canal:-This canal connects the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the pacific ocean in the west. It has been constructed
across the panama isthmus between panama city and colon by the US government which purchased 8kms of area on either sides
and names it the canal zone. The canal is about 72kms long and involves a very deep cutting for a length it has a six-lock system
and ships across the different level through these locks before entering the gulf of panama.
Ans.15.RICE—riceis a crop of tropical climate. However, it is also grown successfully in humid to sub-humid regions under
subtropical and temperate climate. Rice is cultivated in almost all types of soil with varying productivity. The major soil groups
where rice is grown are riverin alluvium, red sandy, mixed yellow, red loamy, costal alluvium, mixed red & black.West Bengal,
Punjab and UP were the leading rice producing states in the country.
WHEAT—wheat is the second most important cereal crop in India after rice.Wheat is cultivated in almost alluvial soil with
varying productivity. It is primarily a crop of temperate zone. Hence, its cultivation in India is done during winter i.e. Rabi season.
UP, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and MP are five leading wheat producing states.
Ans16. 1.Light from sun, tidal waves, wind, biogas, geothermal energy
2. i. Solar Energy- India is a tropical country, sunlight available in all parts.
ii. Wind Energy- Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Orissa, seas large wind farm of 10 MW is at khambad in Gujarat
iii. Geothermal energy-at Manikaran is in full progress.
iv. Biogas- all villages v. Tidal energy- Gulf of Kuchchh provides ideal conditions. A 900MW tidal energy power plant is set up.
Ans.17New Industrial Policy 1991 –
Major objectives- 1. To build gains already made.
2. Maintain sustained growth in productivity & employment.
3. Correct weakness that have crept in
4. Attain international competitiveness.
Measures Initiated- 1. Abolition of industrial licensing
2. Free entry to foreign technology.
3. Foreign investments policy
4. Access to capital market
5. Open trade
6. Abolition of phased manufacturing programme
7. Liberalised industrial location programme.
Ans.18. (i) main workers :-this is a person who engaged in economically productive work for at least 183 days in a year. The
high percentage of main workers represents a developed country.
(ii)Marginal workers:- this is a person who is engaged for less than 183 days. The high percentage of marginal workers represents
a developing country.
(iii)Non –workers:- is one who does not work for earning his livelihood at any time during the year. It reflects large scale under
employment unemployment in the country.
Ans. 19.”Human development is a process of enlarging the range of people’s choices, increasing theiropportunities for
education, health care, income and empowerment and covering the full range ofhuman choices from a sound physical
environment to economic, social and political freedom.”
Pillars :- Equity, Sustainability, Productivity,Empowerment ( explain)
Ans20.(1) North Atlantic ocean sea route(2) Mediterranean-Indian Ocean Route
(3)The Cape of Good Hopesea routes(4) South Pacific Sea Route
Busiest Route - Northern Atlantic Sea Route,
Ans21.A) Brazil B) DurbanC)New YorkD) LondonE) South&EastAsia
Ans .22.(1) Odisha.2. Rajasthan 3.Rourkela4.Tarapur 5.Koderma( Jharkhand)
GEOGRAPHY/भूगोल (8)
Time Allowed 3 hrs. Max.Marks:70
General Instructions:
 All questions are compulsory
 There are 22 general questions.
 Question nos. 1-7 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each .Answer to these questions should not
exceed 40 words.
 Question nos. 8-13 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each Answer to these questions should not exceed
80-100 words.
 Question nos. 14 -20 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each .Answer to these questions should not
exceed 150 words.
 Question no. 21-22 are related to identification or locating and labeling of geographical features carrying 5 marks
 Outline maps of the World and India provided to you must be attached within you answer-book.
 Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.

Q.1 What is healthy city? (Give 2 points)

स्िस्थनगयतमाहै ) ?दोविशेषताएॊलरखखए(
Q.2. which country has the lowest sex ration in the world? What is the sex ratio?
सॊसायभें किसदे शिालरॊगअनुऩात-न्मूनतभहैं ?उसिालरॊगअनुऩाततमाहै ?
Q.3. when was the “Border road organization” established?
Q.4. Why is air services limited between 10° and 35° latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere?
Q.5 In which type of agriculture is the farming of citrus fruit very important?
किसप्रिायिीिृवषभें खट्टे यसदायपरोंिीिृवषिीजातीहै
Q.6 On the basis of configuration and purposes, name the two Indian satellite systems?
Q.7Which steel plant of India was set-up with German collaboration?
बायतिािौनसाइस्ऩातसॊमत्रजभगनीिीसहामतासेरगामागमाहै ?
Q8. Why is conversation of minerals essential in India? How can we conserve them? Explain in two points.
बायतभें खतनजोंिासॊयऺणतमोंआिश्मिहै ?हभइनिासॊयऺणिैसेियसितेहैं ?िोईदोबफॊदलु रखखए।
Q 9.What are the main features of National Water Policy of India, 2002?
बायतिीयाष्ट्ीमजरनीतत 2002 िेप्रभुखविचायतमाहैं
Q10. Why are high- tech industries in many countries being attracted to the peripheral areas of major metropolitan
अधधितय दे शों भें उच्च प्रोद्मोधगि उद्मोग प्रभुख भहानगयों िे ऩरयधध ऺेत्रों भें तमों वििलसत हो यहे हैं?व्माख्मा ियो।
Q.11 What is ‘outsourcing’? How outsourcing has opened a large number of job opportunities in India?
‘फाह्मास्रोतन’ तमाहैं?बायतभें बायीभात्राभें फाह्मास्रोतननेिैसेयोजगायसज
ृ नकिमाहैं ?
Q.12Explain any three factors responsible for the development of Mumbai industrial belt.
भुॊफईिेऔधोधगिीप्रदे शिेवििासिेलरमेउत्तयदामीिायिोंिािणगनियों.
Q13. Why do you think that the iron and steel industry is basics to the industrial
development of any country?
‘‘रौहइस्ऩातउधोगकिसीदे शिेऔधोधगिवििासिाआधायहै ’’ऐसातमों?
Q.14What is the importance of tourism? Explain with example the four factors of tourist attraction in the world?
ऩमगटनिातमाभहत्त्िहै ?सॊसायभें ऩमगटनआिषगणिेउदाहयणसदहतिोईचायिायिफताइए।
Q.15 Write a note on the changing nature of international trade of India in recent years. (Any 5 points)
हारिेिषोंभें बायतिेअॊतयागष्ट्ीमव्माऩायिीफदरतीप्रिृततऩयएिदटप्ऩणीलरखखए।
Q.16 Transport & communication services are called the life line of a country, Explain
“ऩरयिहनतथासॊचायसेिामेंकिसीदे शिीजीिनये खाएॊहैं ’’स्ऩष्टिीक्जए।
Q.17Describe any three regions of petroleum or iron in India.
बायतभें ऩेट्ोलरमभऔयरोहे िेकिसीबीतीनऺेत्रोंिािणगनियें
Q.18What is the land degradation? Explain any four reasons responsible for land degradation in India.
बूलभऺयणतमाहै ? बायतभें बूलभऺयणिेलरएक्जम्भेदायकिसीबीचायिायणोंिीव्माख्माियें ।
Q19.Describe any five patterns of rural settlements.
ग्राभीणफक्स्तमोंिेकिन्हीॊऩाॊचऩैटनग (प्रततरूऩ) िािणगनियें ।
Q.20. What are the major causes of population migration in India.Explain
बायतभें जनसॊख्माप्रिासिेप्रभख
ु िायणोंभें तमािययहे हैं।सभझामे
Q.21 In the given outline map of world, the following five features are shown. Identify these features and write their correct
names on the lines marked near each feature.
सॊसायिेददमेगएयाजनीततिये खाभानधचत्रभेदशागमेगएऩाॉचरऺणोिोऩहचातनएऔयउनिानाभलरखखए।
A) A nomadic herding area. एिआखेटिसॊग्रहणस्थान
B) A famous wheat producing area.एिप्रलसद्धगेहूउत्ऩादिऺेत्र
C) The mega city of China। चीनिाभेगानगय
D) Asea port .एिसभुद्रीफॊदयगा
E)A Railway Line in Africa. अफ्रीिाभें येरराइनिानाभ

Q22.In the outline map of India, locate and label the following with appropriate symbols:
1) The state having the highest percentage of urban population. सिागधधिनगयीमजनसॊख्मािारायाज्म।
2) The oil refinery of Gujarat. गुजयातभें क्स्थततेरऩरयष्ियणशारा
(3The software technology park in Uttaranchal. उत्तयाॊचरभें सॉफ्टिेमयप्रौद्मोधगिीऩािग
(4 Largest producer of jute. सफसेफडाऩटसनउत्ऩादियाज्म
5) The major seaport of Tamilnadu. तलभरनाडूभें क्स्थतप्रभख
ु सभद्र
ु ीऩत्तन
Ans.1-a) Clean environment b) Meets balanced needs of people
c) Good health service d) People involved in local admn .Any two points
Ans.2. UAE, Sex ratio -468females /1000 males.
Ans.3.May 1960
Ans.4.Sparsely populated, Limited land part, Low economic development
Ans.5. Mediterranean agriculture.
Ans.6. Bhaskar and Aryabhatt(firstIndian satellite).
Ans.7.Roulkela( ओडीशा)
Ans.8-I) Exhaustible nature of minerals & can’t be replaced
ii) The industrial development largely depends on minerals
Methods of conversation (any two)
i) Wastage in the mining & processing of minerals to be minimized by the latest technology
ii) Minimize the export of minerals iii) Recycling of metals iv) Judicious & scientific use of minerals .
Ans.9-1.Multipurpose projects should give first priority to drinking water, 2.regulate exploitation of ground water,3.conservation
awareness.4 Use of Irrigation etc.
Ans.10- I) Cheaper land values ii) Pleasant Environment
iii) Accessibility to main roads and motor ways.
iv)Space for single story factors & future expansion
Ans.11-Outsourcing means giving work to an outside agency to improve efficiency and to reduce cost. The business activities
which are outsourced are a) Information Technology, b) Human Resource, c) Customer Support, d) Medical Service, e)
Geographic Information System [GIS], f) Call Canters etc. At present, USA and European countries are giving work to Asian
countries mainly to India, China, and Indonesia etc. Mega cities of India have attracted many big MNCs. It is mainly because
Indian professional are equally skilled and they can work at low cost and in any condition.
Ans.12. i) Capital and banking facilities ii) port facilities
iii) Raw materials and energy iv) climate
v) Transport facilities
Ans.13.The iron and steel industry is basic to the industrial development of any country because iron and steel forms the basis of
infrastructure for industrial development. Steel is used as basic material in the manufacture of metal products, electrical
machinery, transport equipment etc.
Ans.14 Tourism is travel undertaken for purpose of recreation rather than business.
The main factors Attractions-
i. Climate- people from colder area to warm and sunny weather. The Mediterranean Sea coast is a major tourist point for the
northern Europeans.
ii. Landscape- transforms the whole landscapes multi-storeyed hotel along the beaches. The coastal area, lakes and lagoons are
main and major tourist points.
iii. History and arts- the pyramid of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, the Tajmahal, The statue of Liberty etc.
iv. Culture & Economy- the Gaya & Bodhgaya, Mysore, Ladakh.
Ans.15. 1 .An increase in the total volume of import & export.
2. Value of import continues to be higher than export.
3. Increased in deficit attributed to price rise of crude petroleum.
4. Change in export- a. Share of Agriculture and oiled products declined.
5. Share of petroleum & crude products & other commodities have increased.
6. Gems& Jewellery contributes a large share.
7. Change in imports-
a. food grain import discontinued.
b. fertilizers petroleum machine equipment chemical and edible oil production increased.
Ans16.(i) Transportation of goods and passengers.
(ii) Supply of raw material, labour and energy resources to the industries
(iii) Transportation of products to the markets and altimetry to the consumers
(iv) Means of transportation are creating the scope for jobs.
(v) Communication network like post & telegram, fax, telephone, News papers are proving rapid means of communication.(vi)
Facilitative for first hand and spontaneous information.
(vii) Means of communication are complementary to the means of transportation.
Hence it is true that the means of transportation and communication is the life
line of a country
I) North-eastern region-dig bop (oldest area since 1866).
II) Ankleshwar, Bhavnagar (Gujarat).
iii) Mumbai-Bassein oilfield south of Mumbai high.
iv) Eastern coastal – includes the kaveri, Krishna& Godavari.
i) gurumahisani, badam pahar & barajamada (Jharkhand-odisha belt).
ii) chattisghar-maharashtra belt9chandrapur-durg, bailadila, dalli-rajhara.
iii)Karnataka belt- Bellary, tumkur & chikamagalure
iv)Tamil Nadu belt-tiruchirapalli districts.
Ans.18.The land pollution encompasses the degradation and pollution of soil. It is mainly due to deterioration in the quality
of soil occurs due to soil erosion, deforestation, decline in soil micro-organism, lack of moisture and concentration of harmful
elements in the soil.
Factors:- i) deforestation. ii) Excessive use of chemical fertiliser and pesticides.
iii) Improper use of land. iv) Improper disposal of industrial and urban wastes.
OTHERS -Soil erosion by rain or river, Dumping of waste, Water logging, Over irrigation
Salinization, Desertification [Extension of desert],Deforestation
Ans. 19.1.Linear 2.Radial, 3.Triangular 4.Star- Shaped, 5.Rectangular,6. T- Shaped7.- Circular
Ans20. When people move from one place to another is called migration.
i) Employment ii) Marriages iii) lack of security iv) Education v) Business.
vi) Pressure on agriculture
Ans21. A) North Africa & west Asia ect. B) Prairie Grassland c) Shanghai D)New Orleans E) Cape To Cairo Railway
Ans 22 .1)Goa2). Jamnagar or Koyali 3).Dehradun 4).West Bengal 5).Tuticorin

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