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An exciting new series from Newbery Award-winning author Kate DiCamillo!

1 - Mercy Watson to the Rescue

To Mr. and Mrs. Watson, Mercy is not just a pig, she's a porcine wonder. And to the
portly and good-natured Mercy, the Watsons are an excellent source of buttered
toast, not to mention that buttery-toasty feeling she gets when she snuggles into
bed with them. This is not, however, so good for the Watsons' bed. BOOM! CRACK!
Welcome to the wry and endearing world of Mercy Watson.

2 - Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride

Mr. and Mrs. Watson's porcine wonder, Mercy, loves nothing more than a ride in the
car. It takes a fair amount of nudging and bribing and a "You are such a good
sport, darling" to get the portly pig out of the driver's seat, but once the
convertible is on the road, Mercy loves the feel of the wind tickling her ears and
sun on her snout.

3 - Mercy Watson Fights Crime

One night, Mercy hears a noise. An unlikely thief is robbing the Watsons! But as
the thief soon discovers, crime doesn�t pay. Not when there is a very large pig

4 - Mercy Watson: Princess in Disguise

It�s Halloween on Deckawoo Drive, and Mr. and Mrs. Watson have decided on the
perfect costume for Mercy. Mercy is encouraged by the promise of treats. For what
could be better than a treat-getting adventure? Especially if it happens to involve
a chase. . . .

5 - Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig

Eugenia and Baby Lincoln may live next door to a pig, but that doesn�t stop them
from living a gracious life. And the amiable Mercy Watson is equally determined to
follow the delightful scent (and delicious taste) of the pansies her thoughtful
neighbors are planting to beautify their yard. "Where have all the flowers gone?"
shouts Eugenia, who is finally ready to take extreme measures �- and dial Animal
Control! Has Mercy�s swine song come at last? Or will her well-pampered instincts
keep her in buttered toast?

6 - Something Wonky This Way Comes

Mr. and Mrs. Watson and their porcine wonder, Mercy, are off to the Bijou Drive-In.
What will happen when the Lincoln Sisters, Frank, Stella, and a gaggle of familiar
characters get the same idea for a night out? With the tempting scent of hot
buttered popcorn wafting through the air, everyone�s favorite pig leads the way in
this hilarious romp featuring movies, mayhem, and Mercy!

About the Author

Kate DiCamillo is the author of The Tale of Despereaux, which received the Newbery
Medal; Because of Winn-Dixie, which received a Newbery Honor; The Tiger Rising,
which was named a National Book Award Finalist; and The Miraculous Journey of
Edward Tulane. These books as well as The Mercy Watson Collection: Volume 1, The
Mercy Watson Collection: Volume 2 and The Mercy Watson Collection: Volume 3 are all
available on audio from Listening Library.

Reading level: Ages 4-8

>>>>We got the Mercy Watson CD sets to entertain our child on road trips. Our idea
was that they would be nice to have in the car instead of the books. Our kid
changed the plans though and requires BOTH the CD and book now. It's really helped
in the beginning reading, much like the read-along books that we used as children.
If you child is a fan of the books then I think these are a great addition, but
don't expect to be selling off the books anytime soon.

>>>>My kids (aged 5 and 2 1/2) love these books, and we all love the audio books.
Each character has a distinct voice, which makes the stories enjoyable to listen
and easy to follow. Kate DiCamillo writes with a nice mix of silly and serious,
which catches my kids attention every time. I'd highly recommend having the books
along with the CDs - the illustrations are terrific. And for beginning readers, it
is great to be able to follow along with the story. Can't say enough good things
about this series!

>>>>I don't have kids, but I was to do a pig presentation for a children's book
club so I thought I better read this series! Found the audible version and I have
to say it was thoroughly enjoyable! Every child should read this series!

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