Sept 2019 GPHC Exam

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medicines would you advise to stop for 24 hrs after having diarrhoea and vomiting for 24 hrs
(ramipril, metformin, calcium supplements and some others)
2. Counselling for threadworms (wear underwear at night)
3. ADR with levothyroxine – hair loss – do you report as new, not caused by drug, don’t report,
its established ADR so no report required etc
4. ADR with methotrexate – what does is cause pneumonitis, oedema, pulmonary oedema etc
5. Patient experiences adverse effect from being dispensed the wrong medication – who do
you need to notify – manager, yellow card and a few other
6. Another ADR question can’t remember
7. Macrolides inhibit simvastatin and increase chances of side effects was the answer
8. Side effect of digoxin (yellow vision)
9. Vincristine route of administration (IV)
10. Cough med for someone who needs help sleeping (pholcodine)
11. Drug to treat Cdiff ( vancomycin, metronidazole etc)
12. Warning label for amiodarone (avoid sunlight)
13. Reasons you would give Viagra ( pt on tamsulosin)
14. Reason to discuss pt meds – alendronic acid 70mg daily
15. Reason to discuss pt meds – olanzapine (diabetes)
16. Reason to discuss pt meds prednisolone + osteoporosis
17. Reason to refere a baby – not wet nappies for 24 hrs
18. Meds to give to baby after immunisation (paracetamol)
19. What insulin can you give once daily
20. Pt on malarone but also on COC’s – what advise would be appropriate
21. What is the choice of contraceptive for a woman who experience migraine
22. Choice for contraceptive for a woman who only want it short term wishes to get pregnant
23. Contraceptive for a woman who doesn’t wish to pregnant in future
24. Patient looks drunk (hypoglycaemia) what can you give (drinks, snakcs, glucagon etc)
25. A question on senna interaction cant remember
26. A 19 year old on formoterol having night symptoms what is step up therapy
27. Advice for using a spacer device (how many actuations and how to breath in it)
28. Advice for using a peak flow meter (how to breath through it)
29. Tx for UTI in older woman who is allergic penicillin – sample was sensitive to trimethoprim,
30. A girl under 16 insists on EHC but cant see her dr – what do you do?
31. Temazepam cd requirements
32. Which drug do you put in CD ( had morphine solutions, a couple sch3 sativex)
33. How to denature fentanyl patch
34. Patient returned CDs fentanyl – how do you deal with it
35. What is a significant value
36. What in the hierarchy of evidence is the highest evidence study design (RCT)?
37. New-born with bleeding risk – what vitamin do they need? K
38. Megaloblastic anaemia – what vitamin do they need? B12
39. Osteoporosis what vitamin do they need? D
40. Folic acid wrong dose – given 400mcg for methotrexate side effects
41. The words for animal use only on a prescription is not required
42. The words “animal under my care” not required for label
43. Insulin prescription, units was abbreviated and when do you give it, before or after meal?
44. Metalic taste in the mouth can be a side effect of (metformin)
45. Pt with sore throat but cant have NSAIDS what do you give
46. B2 agonist and prednisolone = hypokalaemia
47. Revalidation question – what do you need to submit ( 4 CPDs 1 pear discussion and one
48. Stage of change for a person wanting to quit smoking – they had stopped smoking and came
to pharmacy to ask for alternatives
49. Years to keep a private POM prescription (2 years)
50. How long should it take to receive a prescription after ES request by prescriber
51. Max days to supply a POM on ES ( 5, 28, 30, 7)
52. Insulin meds – which causes hypo glyceam
53. Insulin meds – which stimulates insulin secretion
54. Insulin meds – which is given weekly
55. Pt was allergic to penicillin but given coamoxiclave – had to identify the problem
56. If med expires in November – what is the last date a pt can use it?
57. Which two drugs are continued in TB treatment RIPE
58. A woman in pregnant and on valproate what do you advise
59. Which anticog do you give in a blister pack
60. Who do you give annual Flu vaccine to (described various people one was immonocomp)
61. Nasal congestion no rhinitis on CVD meds what do you give (ephedrine and cant remember
others but was inhalation)
62. Clinical governance what is it
63. Advice or warning for pt on tramadol ( do not chew, drowsiness and others)
64. St Johns wort interacts with which meds (sertraline was one of them cant remember others)
65. Asian guy 55+ what Bp meds
66. African guy what BP meds do you give
67. Someone with familial hypercholesterolemia and 10 year risk 23% what statins do you give if
any? Atorvastatin 20 was an option
68. Had a question vaginal thrush what do you give (had to identify it first from symptoms)
69. Coeliac disease what cant they eat – gluten
70. MAOI what cant they eat ? mature cheese was an option
71. Someone on ciclopsorin what cant they have? Grapefruit juice was an option
72. Someone on warfarin what cant they have – cranberry was an option
73. Someone on SGLT” inhibitor presents with dry cough – what do you do ?
74. First aid question Compressions to breath ration – answer 30 to 2
75. A pt with afib and what was wrong with her meds – rivaroxiabn 2.5 mg and others
76. What anticoagulant is first line in Afib
77. Senna interaction with another drug I don’t remember
78. Itching tx with antizan (diphenhydramine)
79. Another flu vaccine question involving a pregnant woman :S (people are telling me)
80. One with COPD exercebation involving mucus production ( clarithromycin 500mg bd 7 days,
steroid 40mg 5 days, carbocistien 375)
81. Copd target range for oxygen (88-92, 94-98) or others were lower
82. Gout question what do you give they cant take an NSAID
83. Another about donepezil for an old lady – either the dose was too high it was 40mg or some
other reasons why it was wrong, another option its contraindicated in 65 plus or no
indication for it
84. Kindey stones and Topiramate
85. Which is a osmotic laxative answer was macrogol
86. Symptoms of hypoglycaemia (dizziness)
87. Another question on stroke long term prevention (clopidogrel, dipyridamole, heparin – pt
was on lansoprazole and others)
88. A child with bump on the head – I said refer to ANE
89. Where is the best place to find information about infusion of a given drug ( BNF, SPC,
infusion manual or something like that, and a few other resourses)
90. Which insulin med can be aministered once a week (dulaglutide (Trulicity) im sure was the

Calculations question

- Don’t remember there might have been 5 or moth

SPC questions

- There might have been 20 in total

That mean 5 more question have yet to be discovered

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