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Activity: Video

Video: Talking about a free-time activity


In this activity you are going to:

1) Watch some videos that explain how to talk about hobbies and likes and dislikes.
2) Write 10 sentences about the activities you like to do in your free time.
3) Write 2 sentences about some activities you definitely DON’T like to do.
4) Organize or choose a scene where you are going to show some of your favorite activities.
5) Write a script explaining the activities you are showing; also, name one activity you don´t like and
explain why. That script is what you are going to say in the video.
6) Record a short video (50-90 seconds) showing that activity and explaining what you are doing at
that moment.
7) Send only the video.

Para esta actividad vas a 1) ver un video en el cual alguien está mostrando una actividad que le gusta hacer. 2) Escribir 10 oraciones acerca
de las actividades que te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre. 3) Escribir 2 oraciones acerca de actividades que definitivamente no te gusta hacer. 4)
Organizar o escoger un escenario en el cual vas a mostrar tus actividades favoritas. 5) Escribir un guion explicando la(s) actividad(es) que
estás mostrando; también nombra una actividad que no te gusta y explica el porqué. Ese guion es lo que vas a decir en el video. 6) Grabar un
video corto (50-90 segundos) mostrando esa actividad y explicando lo que estás haciendo en ese momento. 7) Envía sólo el video.

Let’s start!

1) Watch these videos:

- “Free-time Activities”:
- “Aficiones e intereses – vocabulario inglés”:
- “Free-time Activities/hobbies”:

2) Activities you like to do (your hobbies):

1. _____________________________________ 6. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________ 7. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________ 8. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________ 9. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________ 10. _____________________________________

3) Activities you do not like to do:

1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________

4) Choose or organize the place you are going to use to show your favorite activities.

5) Organize your ideas to write the script for the video to show your hobbies. You can talk about all of them
or choose some. Remember to mention one activity you don’t like.

6) To record your video, you can use your cell phone, a computer or a camera. Please check that the video
you have can be played in a computer; sometimes, videos recorded in a cell phone cannot.

7) Upload the video in CANVAS.

Important conditions
✓ At the beginning of the video, greet and introduce yourself (name, age and city).
✓ Remember to use the vocabulary you learned throughout the course or vocabulary you are familiar with.
✓ Pronunciation is very important; I need to understand and hear what you are saying. Check the volume of
your recording and make sure there is no noise around.
✓ The length of the video must be minimum 50 seconds, maximum 1 minute and a half; longer videos will
not be evaluated.

Condiciones importantes
✓ Al principio del video, saluda y presentante (nombre, edad y país).
✓ Recuerda usar vocabulario que hayas aprendido durante el curso o vocabulario con el que estás familiarizada(o).
✓ La pronunciación es muy importante; necesito entender y oír lo que estás diciendo. Revisa el volumen de tu grabación y asegúrate de
que no haya ruido a tu alrededor.
✓ La duración del video debe ser mínimo de 50 segundos, máximo de 1 minuto y medio; no se evaluarán videos más largos.

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