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NAME: ____________________________________________ SECTION: ___________________________

I. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. (20 POINTS) Write true if the statement is correct and if false change the word
to make the sentence correct.

__________ 1. No body system can function all alone, without help from the other system.
__________ 2. In ancient time, Physical education is synonymous to gymnastics that aims to improve strength, agility,
flexibility, and endurance.
__________ 3. The blood is the transport system pump of the circulatory system.
__________ 4. The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and spinal cord.
__________ 5. Roman people considered human body as a temple that housed the man and the soul.
__________ 6. PE promotes physical development and well-being of an individual.
__________ 7. Friedrich Niatzche is a German educator founded turnverein and become the father of gymnastics.
__________ 8. Inspiration is the exchange of air between the atmosphere and the lungs.
__________ 9. A Physical educated person doesn’t value physical activities and its contribution to a healthy lifestyle.
_________ 10. The human form is a mass of an individual tissue, or working together in a gigante cooperation.
_________ 11. Philippine PE instruction in the Philippines was first introduced by the American.
_________ 12. The provision of Article 19 section 14 of the Philippines Constitutions clearly defines the PE.
_________ 13. The shoulder allows for a greater deal of movement while the same time providing a point of a
attachment for the arm and the thorax.
_________ 14. Smooth muscle is account the most number of the muscles in the human body.
_________ 15. Flexion is a movement that increase the joint angle between the articulating bone.
_________ 16. The peripheral nervous system (is consist of nerves).
_________ 17. Synergies produced movements opposite to the prime movers.
_________ 18. Circumduction is the extending a body part pass the normal anatomical position.
_________ 19. Tendons are mostly made of collagen fibers.
_________ 20. Sphincter is a valve like structure form by muscles.

II. MULTIPLE CHOICES. (20 POINTS) Choose the correct answer and write the letter on the space provided.
_________ 1. It is the Feeding back information that takes action to be process and taken.
a. Efferent Nerves b. Afferent Nerves c. Motor cortex d. Pre frontier cortex
_________ 2. It is a body system that is responsible for pumping blood and carries oxygen and nutrients throughout the
a. Respiratory System b. Circulatory System c. Nervous System d. Cardio-Respiratory System
_________ 3. It is a process of the body striving to maintain constant internal condition.
a. Ventilation b. Adjustment c. Homeostasis d. Fitness
_________ 4. It is a fiber that send message to other neuron.
a. Dendrites b. synapse c. brain stem d. axon
_________ 5. _______ is an area which covers movement.
a. Space awareness b. body awareness c. movement d. health awareness
_________ 6. It is a movement that travels from one place to another.
a. Locomotor b. Non-Locomotor c. Agility d. Reaction time
_________ 7. An Era was gymnastics is important as mean of survival.
a. Primitive b. Greece c. Roman d. Modern
_________ 8. It is a network of smaller branches leading from bronchi into the lung tissue.
a. Alveoli b. Bronchi c. Trachea d. Bronchioles
_________ 9. PE was made as a required subject in all public schools.
a. Spaniards b. Japanese c. Americans d. Filipinos
_________ 10. Muscle found in blood vessels and intensities and some part of our body organs.
a. Skeletal b. Cardiac c. Nervous d. Smooth
________ 11. It is a muscle that moves a limb towards the midline of the body.
a. Abductor b. Protagonist c. Adductor d. Antagonist
________ 12. It is a Round end of bone fitting snuggly within another bone.
a. Ball and Socket b. Hinge Joint c. Gliding Joint d. Pivot Joint
________ 13. It is a Bones slipping over other bones with a free flowing movement.
a. Ball and Socket b. Hinge Joint c. Gliding Joint d. Pivot Joint
________ 14. It acts as a cushion between bones at a joint and protects the bones.
a. Cartilages b. Tendons c. Calcaneus d. Patella
________15. It is a Connective Tissue that divides a muscle into sections.
a. Epimysium b. Perimysium c. Endomysium d. Tendon
________ 16. It is a Bone that holds the shoulder joint away from the rest of the upper body.
a. Scapula b. Clavicle c. Sternum d. Vertebrae
________ 17. It fills the gap between spongy bones.
a. Bone Marrow b. Compact Bone c. Sternum d. Vertebrae
________ 18. It is a function of the skeletal system is to hold the head up and protects spinal cord.
a. Movement b. Support c. Storage d. Makes Blood
________ 19. It brings blood from the body to except to the lungs.
a. Veins b. Arteries c. Heart d. Nerves
________ 20. It takes away the blood from the heart.
a. Veins b. Arteries c. Heart d. Lungs

III. INDENTIFICATION. (65 POINTS) Identify what is being asked.

A. SKL, MCL, NVS, RPT, and CIR. Write SKL if it’s Skeletal System, MCL if its Muscular System, NVS if nervous
System, RPT if Respiratory System and CIR if it’s Circulatory System. Write your answer on the space provided
before the number.
________ 1. Getting information from the outside or inside of the body to where it can be acted upon, usually the brian.
________ 2. Manufacture red blood cell to store fat, calcium, and phosphate.
________ 3. Feeding back information so that three indicate action can be process and taken.
________ 4. Pumps blood and carries oxygen and nutrients to all cells of the body.
________ 5. It helps the body to maintain a normal temperature.
________ 6. Holds the head up and protects spinal cord.
________ 7. Brings the oxygen needed into and eliminates carbon dioxide from the body.
________ 8. Control center for all body activities.
________ 9. Provide points of attachment for muscles.
________ 10. Transport air to alveoli for gas exchange.
B. NUMERICAL. Choose the number from the box provided which correspond to the questions. Write your answer
on the space provided before the number.

8 300 80 33 50 268 11

22 206 126 640 100 13 2

________ 1. How fast impulse travel per miles/hr.

________ 2. How many bones are there for an infant?
________ 3. Skeletal muscles of human body.
________ 4. Heart starts beating how many days after conception.
________ 5. How many Billions of neurons Human Brain has?
________ 6. Ring like form vertebrae in our body.
________ 7. How many Major groups of muscle in our body?
________ 8. Mature born has a __________ Bones.
________ 9. Appendicular bones consist of ________.
________ 10. How many axial bones do we have?

C. PICTURE IDENTIFICATION. (45 POINTS) Answer the following pictures being asked placed your answer on the
spaces provided.
1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ____________________ 4. ___________________

5. ___________________ 6. ___________________ 7. ____________________ 8. ___________________

9. ___________________ 10. __________________ 11. ___________________ 12. ___________________

13. ___________________ 14. __________________ 15. ___________________ 16. ___________________

IV. ENUMERATION. (10 POINTS) Enumerate what is being asked. Write your answer on the space provided
below the question.


1. ___________________ 2. _________________ 3. ________________ 4. _________________


1. ________________________ 2. ______________________ 3. _____________________

4. ________________________ 5. ______________________ 6. _____________________

V. ESSAY. (15 POINTS) Discuss what is being asked. Write your statement on the space provided below the

1. What is Physical Education? (5 Points)


2. What is Article 14 section 19 all about? (5 Points)


3. What are the factors of physical educated person? (5 Points)


“One Good Head is better than 100 Strong Hands.”


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