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“An unexamined life is not worth living”, stated by Socrates; it is truly a waste of time if you don’t

explore your life because you will not know the essence of your existence. We all have a zone of
comfort, which is comprised of a set of beliefs and behaviours that we’ve grown familiarized with.
When we live in a comfort zone, we feel safe, but the problem with this place is that nothing ever
grows here. Life becomes predictable. If you don’t go beyond your comfort zone, you will never be
able to become the person that you aspire to be. Growth and comfort do not co-exist.

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” taking risks is scary in all aspects, whether in simple
things like making a bold move in chess for you to win or quitting your corporate career to pursue
what's really in your heart which is your passion. But most people on the latter part will tend to avoid
risks when possible, because inaction is often safer than action. But as the table turned around,
most successful people will tell you they got to where they are now because they were willing to take
risks that not everyone does.

At one point in my life, I know I’m still stuck in my comfort zone. I always knew that the life that I
desired was possible, but I always question myself if do I really have the urge to finally come out
from my shell or it will be only stay as an idea. Unfortunately, a lot of people tell themselves stories
about why they can’t do something, and these negative beliefs keep them stuck in a cycle of despair.
If you keep on doing that to yourself then you’re not helping yourself, you’re just making it worse. But
to tell you honestly, sometimes I tend to overthink things that it sometimes discourage me to try new
things because of my negative thinking that I'll fail. But on the latter part I don't want to live worrying
every night to the things I didn't do because I'm scared of new things.

Moreover, we all need a support system, if we can’t get it from the other people then make it
yourself. Before actually being able to go to the other side of your comfort zone, you should first to
let go all of the sorrows that you’ve experience. So that you will have a clearer mind and heart to
face the reality outside your comfort zone. And those sorrowful experiences will only teach you
crucial lessons that you need to instil in your life.

In addition, the moment that you get caught in negative emotions, you create a block in the flow of
positive energy. This is the moment at which you need to observe your thoughts. Instead of getting
attached to them, you need to become an observer of them. When negative events happen in your
life, don't cling to them or resist them. Most often, when you're hurt or upset, it's because you have
expectations that aren't being met. I hate to break it to you, but things aren't always going to happen
the way that you want them to. Sometimes life has a different plan from your own.

On the other hand, letting go of the need to control your destiny is key. People should learn how to
surrender and let go so that they can remove the negative blocks that reside inside of them. By
doing this, positive emotions, like joy and happiness can flow through us with grace and ease.
Nobody can really be sure if risks will pay off, no matter how calculated they may be. Sometimes we
should learn to let go of all worries, confusions and just experience the world. Emptying ourselves of
the negative thoughts will set us free from our despair. If we are too busy and preoccupied with
anxiety and sorrows, we tend to miss a thousand moments one should cherish.

Some people said that if you want to change your life, you need to get real with yourself. If you want
to have more, you need to become more, which is why you need to put yourself in challenging
circumstances and get out of your comfort zone. There is no better way to conquer your fears. To
this day, I am constantly pushing my limits and engaging in actions that allow me to grow.

As the years passed, I realized that there's a bigger world out there waiting for me to explore it. In
the words of Eddie Harris Jr., “The sooner that you step away from your comfort zone, the sooner
you will realize that it really wasn’t all that comfortable.” Everything that you want in life is on the
other side of fear. It's time to wake up and go beyond your comfort zone. Are you ready?

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