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Impact of The Industrial Revolution

Using the provided links below, answer the following questions pertaining to influential
figures of the Industrial Revolution.

Part 1: Connect what invention/discovery was introduced by which historic figure. (5

In a complete sentence, identity what invention/discovery was made by which historic figure.
(include the date of discovery/invention)

e.g. “The invention of the commercial use typewriter was brought upon by Christopher Latham
Sholes first appearing in the market in 1874.”

Part 2: Construct a small paragraph answering at least 3 the following questions for each
invention/discovery. (15 points – 3 points per invention/discovery)
1. Social Impact – Who benefitted from this invention/discovery? Or faced exploitation
from it?
2. Political Impact – What laws/policy changes came as a result of this
3. Economic Impact – How was the economy affected when this invention/discovery
became widespread.
4. Agricultural Impact – What shifts to agricultural practices occurred as a result of
this invention/discovery.
5. Cultural Impact – What affect did this invention/discovery have in people’s
everyday lives.

e.g. “The introduction of the Christopher Latham Sholes’ typewriter provided a remarkable
expanse to communication of the world by allowing for quick, organized, systematic
management of documentation. Because of its practicality and affordability, it would see use by
professional writers, in offices, and for business correspondence in private homes. It facilitated
the growth of businesses and the economy by introducing new positions in the workforce for
woman. The typewriter would evolve into a cultural symbol in the United States representing
American woman workers.”

Part 3: Finally, in 1 paragraph, describe which invention/discovery you feel was the most
impactful and why. (10 points)

Eli Whitney: Link 1 - Link 2
James Watt: Link 1 - Link 2
Henry Bessemer: Link 1 - Link 2
Louis Pasteur: Link 1 - Link 2
Thomas Edison: Link 1 - Link 2
Historic Figures
James Watt – Eli Whitney – Henry Bessemer – Louis Pasteur – Thomas Edison

Incandescent Lightbulb – Pasteurization – Cotton Gin – Steam Engine – Bessemer Converter

Part 1: Connect what invention/discovery was introduced by which historic figure. (5







Part 2: Construct a small paragraph for each invention/discovery providing insight into
how it impacted society. (15 points – 3 points per invention/discovery)





Part 3: Finally, in 1 paragraph, describe which invention/discovery you feel was the most
impactful and why. (10 points)


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