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Deepfake is forgery of videos or audios that looks like the original copy, it can be manipulated in

all sorts of stuff, and it is now becoming a problem. Deepfake videos are increasing in numbers,
at least 14,687 are counted on the internet and based on Deeptrace it is now 84% higher
compared to last December. The expected use of deepface is to destroy the credibility of
politicians, however according to Deeptrace 96% are used in pornographic content.

Deeptrace is finding deepfakes in the internet to comprehend the possible danger of this
technology. The first deepfake was celebreties’ faces swapped to porn stars. In order to find this
kind of videos Metz (2019) stated that “Deeptrace uses some automated tools to track online
communities where people discuss and share deepfakes.” Most of the deepfakes are from
pornography websites which is more than 13,000 videos. Making it more of a porno tool than
attacking the credibility of politicians.

Businesses and people are now selling their services to create deepfakes for as low as $3 per
video, which makes a troubling situation in the internet. According to Metz (2019) one can
create a deepfake by using 250 photos of the target. Hence, making it a dangerous tool to the
cyber world.

Deepfake videos are increasing in numbers, and must be stopped to lessen the potential threats of
this technology. Netizens should educate themselves to spot deepfakes to avoid fake news, and
must always be cautious with the content they are accessing.

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