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Date: 02 March, 2019.

Place: Montréal, Province of Québec, Canada.

In recent days, some strange events have been taking place in the city of Montréal, Canada.
According to an anonymous report published on Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), on 02 March, a
local resident affirmed to have seen a “big V-shaped aircraft” hovering over the Canadian
“I was working in front of the desktop after supper. All of sudden, something from the corner of
my eye caught my attention: in between of the illuminated Jacques Cartier Bridge and the new
phase 7 under construction, in the left sky, it appeared a V-shaped aircraft with 5 or 7 blinking red
lights”, the witness asserted. “It was probably flying sort of tilted, at least that my recollection”, he
The Canadian affirmed that this sighting made him remember the famous Phoenix Lights, a series
of UFO sightings that occurred in the American states of Nevada and Arizona in 1997. “My first
thought I was seeing something like Phoenix Lights, the phenomenon I saw on YouTube”, he
expressed. “Then it flew pass the phase 7. […] After this object passed the building in the left
corner, I called my neighbours to come to see, but they were unpacking their luggage in the living
room from their early afternoon arrival, they didn’t pay much attention to my yelling nor did they
believe what I claimed to see. In their brief look, it was a regular flight”, the witness commented.
“The object continued to fly above the St-Laurent River to the south (southwest) right in front of
our eyes, the reverse direction of the flows of the river. It passed the Clock Tower, then at the
location approximately 120-130 degrees, it turned around and flew back”, the unnamed Montréal
resident explained. “At that moment, my neighbour, Mr Sun, handed me his monocular as I had
asked for. The object flew to the Biosphere and above it. Through Biosphere’s hollow architectural
traits, the former US Pavilion during Montréal Expo 67, I could still see its red lights through the
monocular”, he continued.
Draw your own conclusions…
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