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Math 8 assignment

1. How are you going to identify the number of terms in an

algebraic expression?
-Each part of an algebraic expression which are separated by
plus sign (+) or minus sign (-) is called the term of an algebraic
expression. It’s important to remember that the division sign (/)
or multiplication sign (x) does not separate the terms of an
algebraic expression.

2. How will you identify a constant term in an algebraic

-Constants are the terms in the algebraic expression that
contain only numbers. That is, they’re the terms without
variables. We call them constants because their value never
changes, since there are no variables in the term that can
change its value.

3. How will you determine the degree of the algebraic

-The degree of a polynomial is the highest of degrees of its
monomials (individual terms) with non-zero coefficients.

4. How will you determine the degree of a term in an algebraic

-The degree of a term is the sum of the exponents of the
variables that appear in it, and thus is a non-negative integer.

5. How will you identify the numerical coefficient of a term in an

algebraic expression?
-A numerical coefficient is a constant multiplier of the variables
in a term. In the term -5xy, the numerical coefficient is -5.
6. How will you identify the literal coefficient of a term in an
algebraic expression?
-If the coefficient contains at least one literal number, then the
coefficient is called as the literal coefficient of remaining factor
or factors. In the term -5xy, the literal coefficient is xy.

7. How will you identify the leading term in an algebraic

-The leading term is the term with the highest power of x. in the
term 7 + x – 3x , the leading term is 3x .

8. How will you identify the similar terms in an algebraic

Like terms are the terms that contain the same variables raised
to the same power. Only the numerical coefficients are

9. What are the types of polynomial according to numbers of

-Based on the number of terms of the given polynomial, it
can be divided into monomial, binomial, trinomial, constant
polynomials. The polynomial with only 1 term is called
monomial. The polynomial with 2 terms are called binomial.
The polynomial with 3 terms are called trinomial.

10.What are the types of polynomials according to degree?

1.Constant-a polynomial of degree zero
2.Linear-a polynomial of degree one
3.Quadratic-a polynomial of degree two
4.Cubic-a polynomial of degree three
5.Quartic-a polynomial of degree four
6.Quintic-a polynomial of degree five
 The next degrees have no universal name yet so they are just
called “polynomial of degree __.”

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