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a very strange incident said to have occurred one afternoon in 1924 near the small town of Quero in

La Mancha region, Spain. The incident involves a lone humanoid without the presence of a UFO
but using some kind of ‘apparatus’ in order to get around:

Depiction of humanoid maneuvering over a field

The witness was standing near a local rural church when he saw a short humanoid
figure about 1.20 meters in height wearing a tight-fitting green colored coverall, it had
its arms and legs in a rigid position and approached to within 2 meters of the witness.
The humanoid seemed to have both feet together and resting on some type of circular
platform that apparently propelled him above the ground. On his hands he carried an
object or control panel that seemed to operate the floating platform. The humanoid,
which had human features, disappeared silently into some distance fields.

The late and groundbreaking Ufologist John Keel (John Alva Kiehl) reported a bizarre possible
crash & retrieval case which involved strange characters, perhaps precursors of the modern day
M.I.B. The incident is said to have occurred one afternoon in May of 1924 near the small town of
Gem, West Virginia:
A farmer outside Gem in monster haunted Braxton County reported seeing an ‘airplane’
crash in a forest. Planes were a very rare sight in those days especially in West Virginia,
and a crashing plane was big news. According to the farmer, the plane was very odd in
that it didn’t seem to have any wings, didn’t make any noise and seemed unusually
large. “As big as a battleship” is the way the farmer described it. A party of men,
including the local sheriff and local newsman John Cole systematically searched the
woods. Within hours they found the wreck in a small clearing. According to Cole:

“We weren’t the first ones there, though. There were already five or six men in the
clearing. Some of them were dressed in black business suits, neckties and all, and that
seemed damned silly in that neck of the woods”. Others were dressed in coveralls of a
funny color---some kind of very shiny material. They were talking among themselves in
a rapid-fire foreign language when they found them. They got real excited when they
saw the search party. The men in coveralls ran into the wreck---like they were trying to
hide. Some of the men in the search party were carrying guns and one of them said to
Cole, “By God, they’re spies!” and he raised his gun. The strangers were all small, just
a little over five feet tall, and they all looked like Orientals, with high cheekbones,
slanted eyes, and dark skin. One of them spoke English. He told the men nobody was
hurt, that everything was all right. He said he would call on the sheriff later and make
out a complete report. There wasn’t much they could do. No crime had been committed.
Nobody was hurt.
According to Cole while he was looking around he spotted a ‘little thingamajig” on the
ground. He picked it up and decided to keep it. He doesn’t know why he just didn’t turn
it over to one of “foreigners”. He put it in his pocket. They all finally went away,
leaving the foreigners to fuss with their contraption. It didn’t look like much of a flying
machine. It face, Cole didn’t think it could fly at all. It was like a fuselage of a modern
plane, with windows and all. But it didn’t have any wings, tail or propellers. And like
the farmer said, it was mighty big. According to Cole at least seventy five feet long, it
filled the whole clearing.

He went back home in Weston and went right to bed. He was pretty tired from all the
day’s hiking. About three a. m. somebody started pounding on his door. He got up and
looked and there was an army officer standing there. He was dressed in one of those
broad-brimmed hats they used to wear, with those leg wrappings and all. It was a U.S.
Army uniform, but except for his clothes he looked just like those foreigners from the
airplane. Slant eye, dark skin, but he was maybe a little taller. ‘You picked up something
today,’ he said. ‘We need it back.’ Cole was half asleep and at first he couldn’t think
what he meant. Then he remembered the metal ‘thingamajig” It was still in his coat
pocket. Cole went and got it. “Is this what you mean?” He asked him. He didn’t
answer; he just grabbed it and walked off without a word. He didn’t, seem to have a
horse or a car. Cole shuffled back to bed. But the next day he started wondering about
it. How had the supposed officer managed to track him down? A couple of days later he
went back to those woods and found that clearing. It was empty. The grass and bushes
were all crushed down where the airplane had been but there was no other sign of
anything or anybody. After the Army ‘officer’ came by Cole figured that maybe it was a
secret Army deal of some kind and he thought it was better to leave it alone.

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