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The factory was shut down two years ago is currently


Which or Where Exercise 12. Has anybody seen the box I put my tools?

13. The hotel I work is very close to my house.

Choose which or where.

14. Have you been to the café is run by my friend

1. That city, is mostly famous for its fountains, is Rome.

2. Do you know the drawer your mother keeps her

15. How can I go to the beach we used to hang out?

Correctness =
3. Vegas is the city I got married.

4. Paris, is one of the most desired destinations in the

Correct answers:
world, is the capital of France.

5. The university I got my education is Davis.

6. The bridge was damaged by the hurricane is being

rebuilt now.

7. Do you still remember the restaurant we met?

8. This is the place the accident took place.

9. That’s the famous Egyptian Palace is known worldwide.

10. website
Have youuses visited
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