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1. Teams were formed.

2. Brain storm to make the stand.

3. The best idea to make the stand was choiced by us.
4. All the necessary materials to make the stand were collected by us.
5. The necessary materials consisted in plastic bottles, paperboard boxes,
glass bottles etc.
6. The first thing what we made it was the deer’s head.
7. The deer’s head was made of old works of “Geometry Analytic”.
8. The deer’s head was painted to the end because it looks better like this, isn’t
9. The second thing what we made it was a couch.
10. The couch was made of plastic bottles.
11. The couch was covered because it isn’t look bad like this, is it?
12. The third thing what we got was a table.
13. The table was made of huacales (crate).
14. We were choiced the huacales because it is a recyclable material, isn’t it?
15. The quarter thing what we made it were four drinking glasses.
16. The drinking glasses were made of beer bottles.
17. The beer bottles were washed because is not good drink in dirty drinking
glasses, is it?
18. After doing all these things (and some it more like a motocycle, cup
holders, a lamp etc) a sailcloth with ours desigs was send to make by us.
19. A banners with awareness messages were make by us.
20. All the stand was set in the right place by us.
21. Finally, it was exposed to the event and the people,
22. Thanks for watching.

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