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In this modern world, computer is the most required information and

communication technology that brought a revolutionary change in the information

scenario. Today there are more than 2 billion internet users around the world (Internet

world stats 2012). Use of computer in school campus and society has been increased

and it comes an important part of student life (chu et al. 2005). Computer is also used

by the teachers to lay down their learning materials (Jones and Madden 2002).

Many researchers have examined the influence of computer on student. It helps

students to broaden their academic knowledge by accessing to the information world

and also by easy communicating to their academic community. It is a valuable source to

retrieve information for their research and assignments (Tella, 2007). Computer also

acts as a media for social interaction and entertainment. By using the social network

sites, e-emails, chats, etc. one can interact with others. Online games, songs, videos,

and films are the different ways of entertainment through the computer (Jones, 2009).

In term of education, researchers have evaluated the impact of computer usage

on university students’ academic performace. A vast majority of the people agreed

internet improves their grades of academic performance (Jones 2002). Using

appropriate search word, one can easily download the information from over 50 million

websites (Tella, 2007). Other researchers study proved that the internet has enhanced

their GPA. The students use the internet to obtain course-related information,

communications and finishing assignments. The faculty itself also invested a lot of

resources for learning purposes (Tella, 2007). However, there are negative effects of
internet use on the academic performance of a student if they are unable to control their

computer use for these social interaction or entertainment.

Through there are many good benefits linked wih computer use, there has been

a growing concern regarding the risk associated with internet over-use. There are many

ongoing researches that showed that students become addicted to the computer and

caused academic failure (Young and Rodgers 1998). Computer has a significant

decrement onto students’ performance (Shotton, 1989). Study shows that excessive

internet use has negative implication towards academic performance. This is due to

excessive use of computer may impair fuctioning and results in compromise grades or

responsibilities (Scherer, 1997). It was reported that 50% of university students were

dismissed for academic failure due to excessive computer use (Kubey et al. 2001). In

another survey on 283 undergraduates, excessive computer users were considere as

“pathological users”; these students spend an average of 8.5 hours perweek in using

internet (Morahan, M. & Schumacher 1997).

Computer addiction is excessive use of the computer which leads to serious

negative consequences for personal, social, or on the behavior of an individual. A study

made by Block (2008), stated that "Conceptually, the diagnosis is a compulsive-

impulsive spectrum disorder that involves online and/or offline computer usage and

consists of at least three subtypes: excessive gaming, sexual preoccupations, and e-

mail/text messaging".
The aim of this research is to know the effects and the impact of computer on

academic performance of students. The nature of this research is exploratory because it

tries to explore the reasons behind low academic performance of students.


In this research, data will collect by using survey method. A well-structured and

administered questionnaire was prepared and distributed to the students of different

levels. 50 students from all levels have been surveyed for the purpose of data

collection. The survey form was consist 17 items which is divided into three categories

in a declaration form. It covers the degree to which computer use affect daily routine,

social life, productivity, sleeping pattern, and feeling. Each item is to be answerable by

strongly agree, agree and disagree and strongly disagree. Students having long

experience of using computer have been considered as respondents to collect

information. In order to conduct this research, the questionnaires were distributed

personally and to the participants. A consent form was attached to the questionnaire

where by the nature of the research was explained to the participants. The

questionnaires were then collected there and then. The completed questionnaires were

later analyzed. The actual survey was conducted during the respondents’ presence in

the computer shop. The data collected were analyzed using the statistical methods.

Data Presentation

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