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First of all let’s pray and thanks to Allah SWT, Who has given us mercy and

blessing so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy

Secondly my peace salutation to our prophet Muhammad SAW. Who has

guided us from darkness to the brightness from stupidity to the cleverness from
jahiliyah to Islamiyah namely Islamic religion.

I would like to deliver my speech about Corruption culture in Indonesia.

Karl Kraus used to say,” corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter
might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the
morals of the entire country.”

As we know, Indonesia is a huge country which is predicted to be one of the

developed countries which are able to take over the world. In fact, European
countries often made the calculation that if the Indonesian people unite and work
together to develop this country, Indonesia will become a superpower country like
America or Russia.

However, why has Indonesia not been able to be a developed country until
now? Perhaps, our country does not have the good human resource maybe!!, but I
feel there is one thing that becomes the core of all the problems. All the problems
that we have are absolutely come from corruption. Nowadays, Indonesia is include
in one of top ten countries in the world do the most corruption.

Corruption has become a serious problem facing Indonesia today. Even

Indonesia has Corruption Eradication Commission(KPK) as an agency to halt the
system of corruption, but it is still not enough. One by one corruption problem that
show up to the public never has an ending story and just disappear with the
time.Setya Novanto, I Putu Sudiartana, Dewie Yasin Limpo, Patrice Rio Capella.
This situation reflects the weakness of law in Indonesia.

Poverty and social discrepancy are those of the effect of corruption. Money
that should be given to erase poverty are corrupted for self advantages of certain
persons. Can you imagine when they took our money and we tried desperately to
stay alive. When they steal billions and they get the same punishment, even lighter
than people who only take small things. Justice that should be risen up are
corrupted for self righteous of certain persons.

Although corruption is a difficult problem to overcome, but I believe we can

solve it. Indonesia requires us to unite, promote, and liberate the country from
corruption. Do and speak with honest will help us to maintain our country from the
danger of corruption. Let’s stop corruption for the betterment of our future and our
beloved country Indonesia,so guys it’s time for me to say corruption must,should,
have to die!!!

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