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Causes and effects of poverty

In various media, especially newspapers and many articles that provide data on poverty in Indonesia, in March 2016, the number of
unemployed increased to 28.01 million, or 10.86% of the entire population of Indonesia. Although Indonesia is not included in the 25 poorest
countries in the world. But from these data show that poverty in Indonesia is still quite large. What causes poverty in Indonesia?

I would like to present the causes of poverty. I strongly believe that poverty is caused by a lack of quality education, a need to having a lot of
money in stakeholder people who hold capitalism value and a lack of caring with poor people.

The first cause of poverty is a lack of quality education.

Based on prof. Rhenald Kasali in his book titled “self driving” published in mizan on december 2015, said that “My experience as educators find
that children are smart in school is not necessarily smart in society. and it is the biggest failure occurs in children who are raised in schools
memorize. whereas, memorizing is not good thinking. memorization is not a good way of thinking.”

the question is what is the low quality of education that rote methods that have been used in education? and is it causing an increase in

By learning to use these memorization will not be able to solve the problem of social problems such as economics, politics, technology, health,
law and others. Moreover, the problem of society is very dynamic and varied, evolving quite rapidly troubleshoot problems that arise. And it
needs a capability not just memorize the subject. If the education system using rote methods, it is ensured that the students produced also has
the ability memorizing. Which of course they will have difficulty in solving the problem is quite complex.

Of course, to solve the problem they need to work. For instance people wants to be a lawyer, it is necessary to have the ability in the field of
law. If they only learn to use memorizing, and when confronted with legal problems growing, how can it solve? As formerly Muslims use to cut
the hands of law, but the law at the present time is not used because the problem was more complex conditions, even forward any law will be
different from now. If we can not solve problems in the field of work, the consequence is that we must get out of the job. And of course when
we do not have a job or income, we can not make a living that over time it came to pass poverty.

The second cause of poverty is a need to having a lot of money in stakeholder people who hold capitalism value

As we know capitalists have a principle to take advantage as much for theirself. Where this is show the resources are managed by people who
are smart, not just smart in memorizing, but smart in managing existing resources such as oil, coal, gas, oil palm, and others. Unfortunately
abundance was not shared with people lacking access. In fact, they continue to dredge these resources for themselves and their families like
soeharto families. If a lot of people who think like this, but resources are limited, they will compete to be the one who could have such limited
resources. And certainly not all of them could have these resources. Where certainly more people who do not get an abundance of resources,
and certainly many who live far from overflow or could be called poverty.

The last cause of poverty is a lack of caring with poor people

Many wealthy people who have no concern for the poor. Indeed, Muslims or any other kind people have a rule to exclude some wealth to the
poor. But imagine, in Muslims we are obliged to issue a charity that only 2.5% of our income. If the income of the rich 60 million a month, they
only charged 1.5 million rupiah to pay alms. And this can not make them aware to care for the poor. Due to liabilities issued 2.5% of income
will not cut the cost of their lifestyle. Even extreme there or a lot of rich people who do not want to spend the money for charity.

Not only rich people are not care with the poor. Even the government, too, proved to be many cases of corruption as a social aid fund
corruption, corruption cows, corruption al - Qur'an and others. Forms of government indifference is quite pathetic. How people will prosper if
the government is too greedy with the treasure?

Poverty does not only have a cause but also have the effect, where the effect has to be solved because it would affect the progress of a
country, including Indonesia. In my opinion, there are some effects of poverty, which is the growth of criminality, the improvement of
unemployment and the increase of the breakdown of morality especially prostitution.

The first effect is the growth of criminality

If one of the causes of poverty are many investors who take advantage as much of the resource, while many poor and unemployed people,
where there is no place for their jobs. Great opportunities are unemployed or poor people will do everything possible to survive such as theft
of property of rich people, murder, kidnapping and threatening the children of the rich. Based on the official website bps, indicating that an
increase in crime from 2014 to 2015. In 2014, crime in Indonesia there are 325 317 cases. And in 2015 increased to 352 936. according
Mintarsih A. Latif, an expert criminologist in an article entitled "criminality in Jakarta will increase in 2016" published in website harian terbit.

The second effect is The improvement of unemployment

If the lack of quality education and the greed of the shareholders to be the cause of poverty, then this will have an impact on the increase in
unemployment. For a growing number of the population, especially people in Indonesia is increasing. Meanwhile jobs are very limited, only
certain people have the ability skilled in the art who will get the job. Where people had very little original that comes from Indonesia. As in
freeport, freeport many employees who did not come from Indonesia, and many other companies that are not using workers from Indonesia.
Due to his lack of quality of skills of workers. Of the total population in Indoneseia ie 255 million people, the idle there are 7 million people, the
data derived from BPS and investments Indonesian website

The last effect is the increase of the breakdown of morality especially prostitution

As we know, in 2014 June Surabaya mayor Tri Rismaharini, issued a closure policy dolly. This dolly where prostitution is one of the largest in
Asia. Not only doll closed but the whole business of prostitution shut down by a great charisma. At the close of prostitution, many people
protested the mayor charisma. Because they earn income to meet daily needs just from prostitution. It shows the effects of poverty one of
them an increase in prostitution. Because they can not work and have the ability to work, it has its own capital, and sell them by way of
prostitution, just to earn a living. But thanks to the charisma of major concern to the people of Surabaya who worked in prostitution, they
were given another job to replace their previous jobs, like making small and micro enterprises. If poverty is allowed, it will be a lot of
prostitution everywhere, and it would create a moral society is getting damaged.

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