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Unemployment in Almaty

Unemployment in almaty

Authored by : Raimzhanova Abidat

Submitted to: Naubay Balgat Senior Lecturer, Language

Training Center
“Youth is the future of the country, the most important factor in competitiveness.”
In the Republic of Kazakhstan, unemployment has become very rampant.
Many people blame the government for not talking about the people
care that the standard of living is low, that there are no jobs, that salaries
small that it’s impossible to live. But it's so easy to blame someone and take off
taking responsibility rather than thinking: what can you do for society? After all, only
by benefiting others do you get moral satisfaction, and material security.First of all,
I’m sure that education plays the most important role in this issue. If a person has a
higher education, which in demand and contributes to development and to benefit
society, it is necessary make every effort so that this education is not wasted. The
thing is, that education is the basis for self-development. Secondly, many choose
education because of the desire of their parents, although they would not want to do
it. I believe that this is completely wrong. Because a person who does what he
doesn’t like cannot be productive.
Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to listen to your heart,
because you will continue to work in your specialty and not your parents.
According to official statistics, unemployment in Kazakhstan is 2-5%,but in
reality the situation is much worse.How is it possible to solve this problem? For this,
I have a few suggestions.
1) A state policy should be pursued to reduce unemployment, social support for
the unemployed, more needs to be informed about vacancies, etc.» Assistance to
young entrepreneurs from hosting based on a grant. Job Search Services.
2) I believe that Kazakhstan needs its own production. 3) Thirdly, I believe that the
university should help students with employment. 4) Many do not work and are self-
employed in order not to pay taxes, but they are ready at their own risk and risk to
continue their activities not officially. To do this, minimize taxes. Kazakhstan needs
its own production. decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.
Gradually improve global resource efficiency. Ensure full and productive
employment and decent work for all women and men, including young people and
people with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value. Protect labor rights
and promote a safe working environment for all workers, including migrant workers,
in particular women migrants and precarious workers.
I believe that in order to reduce unemployment in our country, it is necessary to
stimulate the country's economy. I think this is the main priority of our country.

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