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MBA 2nd Semester

Class Test – II
Sub: HRM (18 MBA 203)

Time –2 hrs Full Marks – 100

Q1. Answer all of the following : (2x10)

a. What do you mean by SHRM?

b. What are the different methods of recruitment?
c. What do you mean by Employee engagement?
d. What are the different components of compensation plan of an organisation?
e. What are the core competencies of an HR manager?
f. What do you mean by Replacement chart?
g. Give some examples of non-financial benefits offered to an employee?
h. What is critical incident technique method in performance appraisal?
i. What are JDs and JS?
j. What strategies should be adopted, if there is surplus of manpower in the organisation?

Q2. Focused -Short answer type (Answer any eight out of twelve) (6x8)
a) Discuss the quantitative methods of job evaluation?
b) What is potential appraisal? Is it essential to implement? If yes, how and why?
c) What is HRP? What are the environmental factors affecting HRP of an organisation?
d) Describe the functions of HRM department.
e) Define career planning. What is mid-career crisis and how can it be managed?
f) What are the steps of selecting a candidate in an organization?
g) What are the different methods of on- the job training? Discuss it.
h) What do you mean by Wage differential? Is it justified?
i) Difference between transfer and promotion? Explain the different types of transfer.
j) What are the different types of employment interviews? Which type would you prefer
and why?
k) What do you mean by talent management? State its uses and importance.
l) What is BARS? Explain its steps, with an example.

Long answer type-(Answer any two) (16*2)

Q3-“Training like any other HR function, should be evaluated to measure its effectiveness”.
Explain it. What can be the different types of training to the employees?

Q4-Recruitment is considered to be a positive process. Throw light on this. Explain the various
sources of recruitment.

Q5-Explain the meaning and objectives of performance appraisal. What are the different
methods of performance appraisal?

Q6-HRP should be strategically aligned with the vision and mission of an organisation. Explain
the steps of HRP and its importance.


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