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Lucía Lerra Published September 4, 2020, 4:00


Since earliest times one of the main problems that faces society, is the poor
quality education. This is why nowadays, you turn on the TV and the only thing
that you hear is the media trying to spread awareness of the importance of
education. They are trying to convince everyone to finish their studies and avoid
getting a poor quality standard of living. If this happens, more people may exit
poverty cycle.

Education is the way in which a human can have knowledge and learn how to
survive the outside world. The access to it is one of the most valued human right
that someone should have. It is important for a person to grow up learning and
having in mind what success in life means. In order to enjoy a nice future,
everyone should be prepared by learning. No doubt that to be successful hard
work is essential. But also, without education there are less possibilities to get
great results. Does really education is the most important source for success?

The most well known neurologist from Argentina talked about the importance
of receiving proper education. He said “The benefits of teaching are infinite. My
voice should be heard by all citizens. Education is the main source to have
knowledge, to be open-minded about the outside and be independent. Also,
learning contributes to have a healthier mind, and knowing what choices are
good for the future of someone.” NEVER LEAVE A QUOTE WITHOUT A

The level of poverty in Argentina is increasing significantly. Hundreds of

thousands of kids are not lucky to assist to a school. Instead, they have to work
and help their family economically. The Argentinean´s education minister have
just reported; “We are planning to have better projects of providing education
for the future. Statistics suggested that four 4 out of ten 10 kids dropped out
from school. We want a country consisting of more people knowing how to
read and write, and less of illiterate.” Moreover, the media interviewed a
teacher who works on a rural school, she said “The whole school team is being
concerned how day by day more students are dropping out from school. Kids
are not motivated to finish their studies as families introduce them the working
world since they are 10 years old.” COMMENT ON THIS QUOTE

A low level of education, or the absence of it brings huge consequences for the
whole society. Juan Fernandez, an important economist, said “Lack of
education gives birth to many social problems. I have concluded from recent
studies that as the level of education got worse and the gap between public and
private education widened, social inequality became more visible.” As people
receive less or none education, they aren´t able to have a well paid job and
access to health. Therefore, they may not get a high quality living standards.
One of the main complains that is discussed is; a woman who was not educated
will send her kid to school?

In order to solve these severe problems created by the lack of education, the
Estate together with the Education Minister should act as soon as possible. Time
is running and should not be wasted, is time to take action. Professionals may
analyze which locations faced the greater lack of education. By this, they can
realize where to apply new schools, or new projects for bringing knowledge to

Who knows what will happen in the future, but we all know that the future of
society is on hands of the Estate together with the Education. All Argentinean
citizens need to make a change and think about their own future. You should
not forget that the key for a high quality of life and have success is to have
access to Education.

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