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UNION DES COMORES Examen : Baccalauréat

MINISTERE DE L’EDUCATION NATIONALE Durée : 3h Session : 2018 Nbr pages : 1

Série : A1 A4
Epreuve : LV : Anglais Coeff. : LV1 : 3 LV2 : 2 LV1 : 4 LV2 : 2
When people think of domestic abuse, they often focus on domestic violence. But domestic abuse occurs whenever one person in an
intimate relationship or marriage tries to dominate and control the other person.
Domestic violence and abuse are used for one purpose and one purpose only: to gain and maintain total control over you. An abuser
doesn’t care about you. Abusers use fear, guilt, shame, and intimidation to wear you down and keep you under his or her thumb.
Your abuser may also threaten you, hurt you, or hurt those around you.
Domestic violence and abuse do not discriminate. Abuse occurs within all age ranges, ethnic backgrounds, and economic levels.
And while women are more commonly victimized, men are also abused, especially verbally and emotionally. The bottom line is that
abusive behavior is never acceptable, whether it’s coming from a man, a woman, a teenager, or an older adult. You deserve to feel
valued, respected, and safe.
Domestic abuse often escalates from threats and verbal abuse to violence. There are people who live in a strong fear of their
partner. They feel like they have to walk on eggshells around their partner. They constantly have to watch what they say and do in
order to avoid a blow up. They experience both physical and verbal abuse. So, while physical injury may be the most obvious
danger, the emotional and psychological consequences of domestic abuse are also severe. Emotionally abusive relationships can
destroy your self-worth, lead to anxiety and depression, and make you feel helpless and alone. No one should have to endure this
kind of pain, and your first step to breaking free is recognizing that your situation is abusive. Once you acknowledge the reality of the
abusive situation, you can get the help you need.
I) Choose the correct answer. ( 3pts)
1) The narrator is talking about:
a) abuse in a work team. b) abuse with in partners. c) abuse in a game team.
2) Domestic abuse is:
a) only physical abuse. b) only mental abuse. c) mental and physical abuse
3) The narrator shows that abused people can get help if they:
a) talk about their abusive situation, b) ignore their abusive situation. c) hide their abusive situation.
II) Read the text and answer these questions. ( 5pts )
1) Why are the people engaged in domestic violence?
2) Who may hurt you and hurt those around you during domestic violence?
3) What are the physical aggressions of domestic violence listed in the text?
4) What are the emotional aggressions of domestic abuse listed in the text?
5) How does the victim of an emotionally abusive relationship feel?
III) Vocabulary. Write the synonyms or meaning of these expressions in English. (2pts)
a) abused : …… b) safe : …… c) to feel valued : ……….. d) to destroy : …….
IV) Essay. Choose one of the topics. (3 pts)
1) Do you agree that children can have problems in their future when they witness domestic violence in
their childhood? Yes/No, explain your answer (7 lines).
2) Is it good or bad to call the police when a husband is abusing his wife? Explain your answer (7lines).
VI) Grammar.
A) Fill the blanks with the correct expression of time from this list: while, by, for, during. ( 1 pt)
1) He wrote an interesting book …….. the vacation. 2) We will finish the work ……. 5 o’clock.
3) They helped each other ……. they were in the garage. 4) I worked in a flower shop ……. 2 years.
B) Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense and form. (2 pts)
1) Mariama and Ibrahim live in Comoros but they (to be born) in France.
2) Bring him some honey because he usually (to add) honey in his tea.
3) My friends arrived at the airport and found that the flight (to leave). So he was sad.
4) Next Friday, you (not/to have) dinner at home if you come back late.
C) Rewrite each sentence by choosing the correct word from the brackets. (1 pt)
1) I’d rather (waiting/wait) for you next to the post office.
2) We agreed (visiting/to visit) our cousins after class. 4) I stopped writing and I put (up/down) my pen
3) The children were looking forward to (meeting/meet) their grandparents
D) Choose the right preposition in brackets to rewrite the sentence (1 pt)
1) It is too dark inside the room, could you please put the light (off/on)?
2) There is a lot of sun, I take (off/on) my glasses. 3) The driver was responsible (to/for) the accident.
V) Translate. ( 2 pts)
1) Les arbres nous protègent du soleil. 2) The man whose car had broken down was very nervous.
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Examen : Baccalauréat
Session : 2018
Corrigé : Anglais Série : A1 A4 CDGT
Coeff. : LV1 : 3 ou 4 LV2 : 2 LV : 2
Nbr pages : 2 Durée : 3 heures

Séries : A1 & A4
Questions. Piste de correction. Serie A
I) Choose the correct answer. ( 3pts)
1) The narrator is talking about:
b) abuse with in (within) partners
2) Domestic abuse is :
c) mental and physical abuse
3) The narrator shows that abused people can get help if they:
a) talk about their abusive situation,
II) Read the text and answer these questions. ( 5pts )
1) Because they want to gain and maintain total control over the abused person.
2) Your partner.
3) Physical aggressions: to hurt you/ physical injury.
4) Emotional aggressions of domestic abuse listed in the text: threats, verbal abuse.
5) He feels helpless and alone
III) Vocabulary. Write the synonyms or meaning of these expressions in English. (2pts)
a) aggressed/ ill-treated / mistreated/ brutalized / mistreated …
b) in security/ free from harm……
c) to damage to have the impression of being important………..
d) to damage/ to demolish…….
IV) Essay. Choose one of the topics . (3 pts)
1) In general candidates should say YES, and enumerate some consequences such us :
they can imitate this violence in their adult age. They can accept violence as a normal thing. They will solve their
problems using violence, ect…….
2) Free opinion.
VI) Grammar.
A) Fill the blanks with the correct expression of time from this list: while, by, for, during.
( 1 pt)
1) during the vacation.
2) by 5 o’clock.
3) while they were in the garage.
4) for 2 years.
B) Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense and form. (2 pts)
1) were born.
2) he usually adds
3) had already..
4) will not have/ won’t have.
C) Rewrite each sentence by choosing the correct word from the brackets. (1 pt)
1) wait 2) to visit 3) meeting 4) down .
D) Choose the right preposition in brackets to rewrite the sentence (1 pt)
1) It is too dark inside the room, could you please put the light on?
2) There is a lot of sun, I take on my glasses.
3) The driver was responsible for the accident.
V) Translate. ( 2 pts) 1) Trees protect us from the sun
2). L’homme dont la voiture était tombée en panne / était abimée/ était en panne fut / était très nerveux/ inquiet.

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Séries : C D G T

Questions. C,D,G.
I) True or false? Justify your answer from the text. ( 2 pts)
1)True (texte) As with many other diseases, the effects vary from person to person.
2) True (texte)… the way you respond to stress ….greater risk factor….. than smoking
3)True. (Texte) Then there's depression ……. isolate you from the rest of the world
4)False. (texte) ….. left untreated depression can put you at strongly greater
II) Answer each question with a complete sentence. ( 5 pts )
1)Stress , depressions
2) They can contribute to abnormally high blood pressure and circulation problems
3) the risk of having a stroke for people with treated depression is low
4) Healthy people/people with healthier levels of fibrinogen in their blood
5) One decade
III) Vocabulary. Complete with the correct expression from this list: ( 1pt)
contribute, patients, vulnerable, diagnosed. (use an expression one time only)
a) … diagnosed b)contribute. c) patients d) vulnerable

IV) Writing. ( 3pts )

Choose one of the topics and answer the question.
1) Free choice with persuasive arguments
2) Better if the candidates say “YES” using information from the terminal text “What causes heart
Disease” or information from personal reading ..

V) Grammar.
I) Put the verb in parentheses in the past simple or the past continuous. (4 pts)

1) was not snowing

2) did not come
3) was sleeping.
4 ) was not studying
5) was the boy wearing

II) Complete the sentences with at, in, or on. (1.5 pt)
1) There was nowhere to sit __on________ the bus.
2) I arrived ___at _______ the station ten minutes before the train left.
3) Mary was born __in________ Mohéli..
4) What did you do ___on_______ the weekend?
5) They played football __in________ the afternoon.
6) We got married ___on_______ October 12th.

III) Find the errors and correct them ( 1.5 pt)

I) good at dancing.
2) playing after class.
3) the worker who helped me.

IV) Translate. (2 pts)

1) La dépression peut augmenter les risques d’être attaqué par des maladies cardiaques
2). The patients have been waiting outside since this morning.

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