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- And if you see your mother again, tell her

that I have done this to you for not inviting me to
Autor: José Luis García the palace.
Sofia. Bruja
Tomas. Príncipe TOAD.-
Shirly. Princesa
-What do you say?

WITCH.- - Where are you hiding, Prince? WITCH.-

THE PRINCE.- I'm not going to tell you. "You did not know, your mother is a witch even
more evil than me.
(In off).
(The Witch runs out where the Prince came
before). - My mother is a witch?

(The Prince enters running and leaves on the other WITCH.-

side). And your father is a butcher. I made him king by
(The Witch enters and stops in the middle). means of a spell.

WITCH.-- Where are you now, little prince? TOAD.-

THE PRINCE.- Can not be.

(In off). WITCH.-

I'm not going to tell you. The witch Casimira tells you that when everyone is
asleep, she smiles and blows herself.
(The Witch leaves the scene).
You are already mine
(Runs out at the opposite end to which the Prince
left). What luck mine so batracia.

(The Prince enters, walks slowly backwards, walks (The Princess enters and shortly stops, having
backwards, very cautiously). seen the Toad, and observes).

(The Witch enters behind the Prince, who can not TOAD.-
see her.) The Prince walks with his back to the Kiss Me.
Witch, who watches him.
-Are you crazy or what? I am a princess and girls
(When the Prince is very close to her). like me do not kiss toads like you. But tell me, how
- Do you hide from someone? do you know how to talk?


(He jumps and stands face to face in front of the Give me a kiss and you will know.
Witch). PRINCESA.-
-The witch! I can continue living without knowing it.
WITCH.- Prince you are, you will be toad and my TOAD.-
spell you will always remember.
Kiss me and you will get a surprise.
(And in a sigh, the Prince is turned into Toad).
PRINCESA.- I should have become a prince.
I'm already surprised to talk to a toad Yo debí convertirme en príncipe.
(La Rana da saltos por el lugar).
(La Princesa da media vuelta y camina dispuesta a -It's great! Now I can jump and jump without
marcharse. El Sapo la sigue): anyone telling me that I am a princess, and that
princesses never do that. -The princesses can
PRINCESA.- never do anything!
(Que se detiene, da media vuelta y mira al Sapo).
-¡Es genial! Ahora puedo saltar y brincar sin que
Do not follow me. I don't want to be seen in the nadie me diga que soy una princesa, y que las
company of a toad. princesas nunca hacen eso. -¡Las princesas nunca
pueden hacer nada!
No me sigas. No quiero que me vean en compañía
de un sapo. (El Sapo salta también, y durante un rato ambos
brincan y ríen. Parece que disfrutan con su nueva
SAPO.- forma. Después de este rato, salen de escena con
Kiss me and I don´t follow you. su alegría).

Bésame y no te seguiré. (Entra el Presentador).


Yeah, sure. And the two lived happily in a puddle, where

they never lacked a mosquito. The proverb says
5Sí, claro. so: if you enjoy being a frog or a frog, being a
prince or princess doesn't feel like it.
(Da media vuelta y avanza unos pasos, mientras el
sapo la sigue. Ella se detiene y lo observa). Y los dos vivieron felices en un charquito, donde
nunca les faltó ni un mosquito. Ya lo dice el
refranero: si disfrutas siendo sapo o rana, ser
Kiss me príncipe o princesa no te da la gana.

Bésame. (Hace un saludo al público).

PRINCESA.- And I leave with this greeting, because I feel I

got a sneeze.
It's okay. I never met someone as weary as you.
But I will give you a single kiss and you will Y yo me voy con este saludo, porque siento me
stop following me. llegó un estornudo.

Está bien. Nunca conocí alguien tan canson como (Sale de escena).
tú. Pero te daré un único beso y dejarás de
(Se escucha un estornudo).
Trato hecho.
(La Princesa, con mucha lentitud se agacha y
luego, con prisa, le da un beso al Sapo. Y de
pronto, la Princesa queda convertida en Rana).

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