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Short Story Analysis

Philippine Literature

Submitted by:
Arjen Joseph F. Saulog

Submitted to:
Sir Miller Ching Duron
Footnote to Youth
By Jose Garcia Villa

1. Explain the title. In what way is it suitable to the story?

The title of the short story is Footnote to Youth; it revolves around the prospect of teen
marriage. It is a story of Dodong who made a mistake in the past and ended up in an
unhappy life and he did not want his son to be like him. The title Footnote to Youth is
suitable because it serves as a note or a reminder that the life of having your own family
in a young age will not be easy as cake. A footnote is simply defined as a note at the
foot of the page. It is often used to give additional information to the reader regarding on
the words on the story but yet the author includes no actual footnotes in the story. This
story was written by Jose Garcia in 1933 to show that a father’s wisdom is not always
something you can base your life on. It is so easy to make a certain decision but, it will
never be easy to have a big responsibility. Those issues mostly happens on the
province area or in a particular place that have not sufficient knowledge about the
consequences or what can be possibly the outcome of a teen that is committed to
marriage at the unrighteous time. Those individuals pick up the wrong decision not just
because of their foolishness neither stubbornness, it also because on the lack of proper
guidance of his/her parents about this certain topic. These ideas or the message, which
comes from the reader’s mind while reading this story, is what we may refer to as the
author’s footnote.
2. What is the predominant element in the story – plot, theme, character, setting?
The predominant elements in the story are theme, character and setting. The theme
was eye-catching because it is about early teen marriage which is also discussed in the
current time. Many Filipino teens are suffering on these topics, “rushing decisions and
teen marriage”. Teen pregnancy is also connected on those topics. The character was
also a great contributor because of their consistency in their traits especially the father
and son thing. Dodong wants to marry the girl he loved. He is problematic over how he
intends to talk to his father about marrying Teang, going over the possible responses
his father would give, and at the same time convincing himself that he is old enough to
handle the responsibility. But sooner he regretted it because his son ask Dodong’s
permission to get married and now he made the same mistakes that his father did. And
lastly the settings, it is the most predominant because it states the situation of a family
living in poverty and it let the readers feel how to be there in the certain situation and
how does it feel by emphasizing the characteristics of the environment in a poverty line.
3. What sort of conflict confronts the leading character or characters? Explain.
The conflict starts on Dodong when he wanted to confront his father to inform him that
he wants to marry Teang and ask for its permission because he had a thought that he
knows that he is in the legal age that can be independent and can definitely choose the
right from wrong. His father just looked at him silently and stops sucking the broken
tooth and Dodong felt uncomfortable and then became angry because his father kept
looking at him without uttering anything. He knew to himself that he is already a man
and he can handle such responsibility having his own family but sadly because of his
rudeness, all of that was wrong.
4. How is the conflict resolved?
The conflict does not resolved at all. Because the exact same mistakes that Dodong did
to his life was mimic by his son Blas. Blas also wanted to get married at a very young
age and wanted his permission. He realizes that he was completely wrong and Dodong
regretted the life of being married at a very young age. These are the problems on most
of the teens nowadays, they always think that they can be independent, they already
knew everything and they don’t need their parents anymore to guide them. Well, those
ideas are definitely wrong and can bring their life into complete tragic.
5. How does the author handle characterization? Justify.
The author handled it by combination of all methods such as description, conversation
and the action of the characters. In the story the author describe vividly the situation of a
family by the setting of the story which is a great impact for the readers. The lines and
action of the characters fits on their personality. Dodong is the leading character; he
was rude and stubborn base on the conversation with his father. He effortless said to
his father that he want to get married without thinking how big the circumstances will he
face and what his father will felt about that decision. And he get mad when his father
just looking at him without saying a thing. The dialogue between him and his father
supported the fact that Dodong’s really unable to support his baseless want instead
proclaiming force to back his words up. Dodong seems to like losing himself in dreams
and fantasies instead facing the reality of life.
6. Who tells the story? What point of view is used? Explain.
The author of Footnote to Youth tells the story and he use omniscient as a point of view.
The reader distinguishes about the reaction and feelings of the characters in the story.
The author is the bridge to the reader to let them know about what happens on
Dodong’s life and at the same time, give them important moral lesson that they can
used in their life. He tackles the responsibilities and realities that come with marriage
and the family life. In it, he narrates the story of Dodong, wherein we are introduced to
Dodong when he is seventeen and seeking to marry his love Teang.
7. How does the story get started? What is the initial incident?
The story started on the farm when Dodong thought to himself if he would tell to his
father about Teang when he got home. Teang is the girl that he wanted to marry; she
had a small brown face, small black eyes and straight glossy hair. Dodong is working on
the farm with the carabao and only thinking the whole time if he can tell his father about
the thought that comes to his mind.
8. Briefly describe the rising action of the story.
The rising action of the story is when Dodong wants to marry Teang and ask his father’s
permission, thinking that they are still young and their love would be short. Dodong told
his father that he want to get married while his mother was out. He had said it without
any effort at all and without self-consciousness. Dodong felt relieved and looked at his
father expectantly. Dodong repeat what he said to his father. His father looked at him
silently and stops sucking the broken tooth. That moment was intense and cruel, and
Dodong wished his father to suck that troublous tooth again. He was uncomfortable and
then became angry because his father kept looking at him without uttering anything.
9. What is the high point or climax of the story?
It is when Teang gave birth to their first baby named Blas, but Dodong felt embarrassed.
He is not ready to support a family. Teang gave screams that chilled Dodong’s blood
because he did not want her to scream like that, he seemed to be rebuking him.
Dodong began to wonder madly if the process of childbirth was really painful because
some women don’t cry when they’re giving birth.
10. Discuss the falling action or denouement of the story.
The falling action happens on the part when Teang secretly regretted being married at
an early age, she cried sometimes and yet she wished she had not married but she did
not tell Dodong about this. She wondered if she would have the same life if she marries
Lucio, another suitor older than Dodong by nine years, and that was he had chosen
Dodong. Lucio had married another after Teang’s marriage to Dodong, but he was
childless until now so Teang wondered that if she had married Lucio maybe she would
not borne him children either. Dodong wanted to ask question and somebody answer
him. He wanted to be wise about many things. One of them was why life did not fulfill all
of youth’s’ dream, why one is forsaken after love and Dodong would not find the
answer. He finally realized the hardships of marrying such an early age.
11. Does this story create any special mood? Explain.
Yes, it does create a special mood because of the words being used by the author. The
author use a bunch of words that will make the reader feel what the characters feel or
simply putting the readers on the particular situation to understand how worst the feeling
of having the same life as Dodong has. I felt mercy for Dodong because he fall into a
miserable life and exchange the life of being young and freely do the things that can
fulfill their youth.
12. Is this story realistic or true to life? Explain your answers by giving examples.
Yes of course, most of the youth are experiencing this kind of situation and I find it
realistic because those topics are featured in some documentaries, news, and dramas
on television. The mass media helps a lot to inform all people about these issues. Also I
already met some persons that had already their child even they are below 18, most of
them regretted the life that they have today but some are not because they surpassed
the challenges that came to their life and use that experience to be more responsible in
other way.
13. Are the events or incidents of the plot presented in flashback, foreshadowing
or in chronological order?
In my opinion, the author did not use flashback or foreshadowing, the incidents of the
plot was presented in a chronological order. The storyline is also in chronological order
because it started to a foolish son named Dodong and inform his father that he want to
get married and the story also ended in that way. His son Blas approach him and tell
him that he want to get married but Dodong thought Blas is still young and not capable
of having his own family but he cannot do such a thing to stop his son.
14. What is the general theme of the story? What is the underlying theme? Name
any other stories with a similar theme.
The general theme of the story is “Early teen marriage and Decision-making” and the
underlying theme is all about “Responsibility and Consequences”. This story has a
unique theme so I don’t know any stories having this theme but in television there are
dramas that are similar in it like “Bagito” and “Angelito ang batang ama”.
15. Identify yourself with any of the characters. Justify.
I cannot identify myself on those characters because my personality does not fits or
looks the same even me and the leading characters are having the same age because I
am well-guided by my parents and I already know how hard the consequences are,
what responsibility will I face and how hard it could be. We must learn on the mistakes
of others and use that opportunity to prevent others to do the same mistakes that they
16. Does this story contain any of the following elements? (Symbolism,
incongruity, suspense, surprise ending, irony and satire) Explain.
For me it has Symbolism, which is used in the settings and the character. Living in the
farm and wearing simple clothes instantly give the readers an idea that the characters in
the settings are poor and not living in a wealthy life. Incongruity appears on the part
when Teang regretted of marrying Dodong at a very young age, and realizes what if he
married his suitor Lucio does she will be having the same life as Dodong have. The
suspense part is on the start of the story, when Dodong is working on the farm and
thinking all over and over again that moment if he will going to approach his father and
let him know that Dodong wants to marry Teang, the woman he love. The story doesn’t
have a surprise ending because in the scene at the ending part were Blas approach his
father Dodong to say that he want to marry Tona the girl that Blas love, it was not
surprising because Dodong did the same mistake in his youth so he is he to stop Blas
from marrying also at a young age if Dodong had already done that? The irony was the
part where Dodong had his first baby named Blas. His son Blas wanted to marry when
he got 18. In this part the tables have turned on him. He is now in his father’s situation
and his son is him when he was 17. Though Dodong clearly didn’t want Blas to marry at
such young age, he had nothing to do with it. And lastly the Satire part which is
occurred on Dodong part, he admitted himself as a foolish, stubborn and an apathetic
youth for ending his life like that because of marrying so early. Because of that he didn’t
want Blas his son ended up like Dodong did but he did not stop Blas and Blas did the
same mistakes like Dodong did to his early life.
17. Can you find any examples of figurative language? Cite them from the
Yes, the simile is “He was still like a tree and his thoughts were confused.” The
metaphor is “The sun was salmon and hazy”. And the personification is “The ground was broken up
into many fresh wounds and fragrant with a sweetish earthy smell”
18. Does the story contain a single effect or impression for the reader? If so,
Yes, the author just simply want the readers learned about what happen on the story
and have the impression that early marriage has a great responsibility and will never
ever be so easier than anybody could think about it. It is always easy to get married but
it is never easy to handle such a big responsibility. The story displayed the negative
side of teen marriage, the tragic ending affect the readers and be informed how hard it
19. Name one major personality trait of each leading character, and tell how the
author makes the reader conscious of this trait.
Dodong is the leading character in the story and his major personality is rude. I judge
him that because on the way he talks to his father like they were on the same age. Even
he is only seventeen, he confront his father and let him know that he want to marry
Teang. He did not think that he is not ready on having his own family because of many
reasons regarding financial things, conflict in age etc. He did not show his father some
respect so neither his son Blas did not respect him and made a decision that is not to be
rushed. The author made the readers conscious about it by using a lot of descriptive
imagery. The natural world Dodong is surrounded by, as well as the people in his life, is
described in colorful detail. The author also describes Dodong’s emotion with a powerful
20. Does the story have a moral? If not, what do you think the purpose of the
author was?
Of course there is, the moral lesson of the story is simply the saying of the many elder
Filipinos about marriage, “Ang kasal ay hindi parang mainit na kanin na kapag iyong
isinubo at napaso ka, ay iluluwa mo na lang”. Marriage is a commitment that must be
taken seriously and you must be prepared on the responsibilities that you will handle.
What we give to life, it turns everything back to us. One lesson I have got on this story
was to think first before doing an unsure step that will change your life to avoid having
certain conflict which may affect your life in the future. We have seen a lot of the same
experiences in these current generations. We must be more conscious or aware even
on the small steps that we will made. We are still young and our parents can better
understand and can explain to us any problems that we can have so it is always better
to consult their advices first. We must never make a decision when we are full of joy or
when we are happy same as never ever made decision when you’re down. Jose Garcia
Villa’s message was revealed in the last part. Through the piece he showed the purpose
of writing it because it could lessen teen marriage if students read it, the choice would
still be up on the individuals involved.
The Mats
By Francisco Arcellana

1. Explain the title. In what way is it suitable to the story?

The title of the short story is the mats. The story is literally about the mats that Mr.
Angeles brought into their house. He bought the mats while he was on a trip from the
south. Mr. Angeles met a marvelous mat-weaver and took that opportunity to surprise
his family by asking the mat-weaver to weave a sleeping mat for every one of the family.
He knew that the mats are special and the children will be very pleased because the
mat-weaver is using many different colors and for each mat the dominant color is based
from their respective birthstones. Nana Emilia is the wife of Mr. Angeles has a mat that
was given to her by her mother when she and Mr. Angeles were married and they have
that mat for years ever since. It was only served on the wedding night and had not since
been used except on special occasions. The mat was beautiful; it had green leaf
borders and a lot of gigantic roses woven into it. In the middle, running the whole length
of the mat was the lettering; Emilia y Jaime Recuerdo and the letters were in gold. The
spreading of that mat had become a kind of ritual because it was used by the children
who are having illness and even the dead ones. The title “The Mats” was suitable to the
story because it was connected at the whole plot or the sequence of events of the story.
2. What is the predominant element in the story – plot, theme, character, setting?
The predominant elements in the story are theme, character and plot of course. The
theme of the story for me was “Love for the dead ones”, because Mr. Angeles brought
mats for his children that were waiting for him at home but also for their sibling who
pass away even Nana Emilia said he don’t have to. The characters Nana Emilia and Mr.
Angeles showed their love for their children at the whole story especially Mr. Angeles
who still remembering the dead ones. The plot was interesting, Mr. Angeles was coming
home from his periodic inspection trips and it was a reason for celebration. His children
were excited because their father bought them special mats where their name was
woven on it and the color was based on the predominant color of their birthstones. After
Mr. Angeles given all the mats to the children, there are still three mats that are not still
given. Nana Emilia saw the names wove on the mats and told Mr. Angeles he doesn’t
have to. Mr. Angeles said “Do you think I’d forgotten? Do you think I’d forgotten them?
Do you think I could forget them? This is for you Josefina, Victoria and Concepcion.”
The voices of Mr. Angeles and Nana Emilia risen on the sheet of silence and the
children wanted to turn away and not see the face of their father but they cannot move
nor look away. There was a terrible hush and the remaining mats were unfolded in
silence. The names on the mats were the colors were not bright and did not seem to
glow or shine unlike the living names.
3. What sort of conflict confronts the leading character or characters? Explain.
The conflict starts when Nana Emilia saw that there are still mats that need to be
unfolded. But there are quite names familiar and let her shut to silence. The children
knew the name but somehow the name and spelling of it seemed strange to them. She
told Jaime, he don’t have to. She said that with frighten in her voice. Then Mr. Angeles
risen his voice then ask her did she think he had forgotten them and did she think he
can forgot them. Then Jaime called the names woven into the mats, Josefina, Victoria
and Conception. Nana Emilia wanted to stop him and the children are frozen on their
feet and cannot turn away. The entire scenario was covered with silence.
4. How is the conflict resolved?
Well in my opinion, it was not a complete conflict because the scene became intense
just because Mr. Angeles became emotional and almost hysterical. His voice risen and
not conscious about that, he just let his emotions go. Because he do not want the dead
ones to be forgotten so his three children who are dead have still mats with their names
on it even it was not glowing colors like the mats of the living ones.
5. How does the author handle characterization? Justify.
The author handled it by combining the methods such as conversation and the action of
the characters. At the beginning of the story, the conversation of Nana Emilia to her
children was just mild and showing her love for them. She serves as the bridge to their
father who was on a trip and coming home in the following day. But later on, at the
ending part of the story, the conversation of Nana Emilia and Jaime were intense. The
voice of Nana Emilia was overcome by Jaime’s voice which rise and make the children
frightened. The action of the characters gave the mat’s description or how dominant it is
in the story. The scene which was the mat of Nana Emilia that was given to her by her
mother after she married and used only on special occasions became a tradition.
Tradition of spreading the mat every time someone is ill, he or she will be separated and
lye on that mat until the ill was cured. These describe the characters like Nana Emilia
that they are preserving that tradition while time passed by and shows how they care to
their children.
6. Who tells the story? What point of view is used? Explain.
The author of the story use omniscient point of view. The narrator states the sequence
of the story. From the start where Mr. Angeles was on the trip from the south and
coming home having the special mats for the children. The children were excited about
that mats because they love the feel and smell of the new mats and also their names
was wove on it. At the ending part where Mr. Angeles have still three mats to distribute
and Nana Emilia knew the names of those three. The narrator describes how vivid the
scene or the conversation of Nana Emilia and Jaime. And also the narrator describes
how the mats of the dead ones differ from the living ones by its color, design and names
while the mats are unfolded in silence.
7. How does the story get started? What is the initial incident?
The story get started when Mr. Angeles coming home from his periodic inspection trips.
It was a celebration for the children and his wife Nana Emilia. Mr. Angeles wrote a letter
from Mariveles and stated that he had just met a marvelous mat-weaver and ask him to
weave a sleeping mat for every one of the family. The mat was special because it
woven by many different colors and for each mat the dominant color is according to the
owners birthstones and it also involves owner’s name. Nana Emilia recites their father’s
message about the mats that morning again and again.
8. Briefly describe the rising action of the story.
The rising action was after Jaime spending time for his cigar and rose from his seat at
the head of the table and crossed the room to the corner where his luggage had been
piled. He picked it up and brought to the room where the light was brightest. Jaime
starts working on knots but his fingers were weak and clumsy then it began shaking. He
raised his head, breathing heavily and asks for scissors. He used the scissors and one
swift of it, the bundle of the package loose. Then after that he began to distribute the
mats to the children.
9. What is the high point or climax of the story?
The climax of the story was the last part after Jaime distributed all the mats for the
children but still there are three remaining mats that have names and having a deathly
dull color. Mr. Angeles want to distribute those but Nana Emilia told him he don’t have to
but Jaime resist and said “do you think I’d forgotten? Do you think I can forget them?”
then he recite loud the names of the owners of the remaining mats, Josefina, Victoria
and Concepcion the dead siblings of the children.
10. Discuss the falling action or denouement of the story.
The sudden fall of high emotion happens after Jaime distributed the mats and there are
still three remaining mats to be disseminated. Mr. Angeles said the three names
Josefina, Victoria and Conception. Those names are the owners of the remaining mats
and Mr. Angeles start to be emotional. His voice was heard by his children and makes
them frighten and covered by silence.
11. Does this story create any special mood? Explain.
Yes it does, especially on the climax of the story when Mr. Angeles became emotional
and risen his voice unconsciously. The love of the father makes me kind of emotional
too of course because he still remembered his dead children even the living children is
not familiar of them. Nana Emilia also felt the emotions of Jaime and felt upset. I think
even the children felt their father’s emotion on that scene so they have nothing to do to
say a thing, they just wanted to walk away but they cannot do such movement.
12. Is this story realistic or true to life? Explain your answers by giving examples.
Yes it can be realistic or true to life but maybe it’s not either because the story are
having complicated characteristic like the number of the children that are mostly
occurring on the early days like 1900’s after the war where the people are not already
familiar with family planning. Next is the “mats” itself, most people are not using it
nowadays, only the residence at the rural area. But maybe the story “The Mats” can be
realistic on the early times.
13. Are the events or incidents of the plot presented in flashback, foreshadowing
or in chronological order?
There are some flashback at the beginning like how Nana Emilia got the oldest mat they
have which was spread when someone is ill. Her mother gave that when she and Mr.
Angeles got married and it was served on the wedding night. The foreshadowing was
the part when Mr. Angeles knew that the children will be happy with the mats and he
was so excited to bring that home. And it’s true that the children were so happy to
receive their new mats with their names on it. But it was also generally in chronological
order because at first Jaime was going home from his trip and he will bring the mats and
when he disseminated the mats the children were full of joy like he expect. The story
ends by giving all the mats to their owners, even to the dead ones.
14. What is the general theme of the story? What is the underlying theme? Name
any other stories with a similar theme.
The general theme of the story for me is “Love for the children” and the underlying
theme is “Love for the living and the dead” because Mr. Jaime Angeles showed his love
by bringing mats for every one of the family and his wife surprise that he also brought
mats for the dead ones who are nearly forgotten and even the other children have no
idea who they are.
15. Identify yourself with any of the characters. Justify.
I can be Mr. Angeles who cared for his children considering the dead ones. Because
there are no father can leave their children behind even if they are wealthy or not. In my
opinion, the people are not considered dead because their body does not have life
anymore, for me the people are considered dead if they are not remembered anymore.
16. Does this story contain any of the following elements? (Symbolism,
incongruity, suspense, surprise ending, irony and satire) Explain.
The story have symbolism, the mats symbolizes Filipino culture because there are few
people using mats as there cover to the floor when they’re sleeping. More people used
mattress to make them more comfortable. The incongruity part is he mats itself. All of
the mats that were given to the children were vivid in color and shiny but the mats that
brought by Jaime for their dead siblings have deathly dull colors. When Mr. Angeles had
cut the strap of the luggage and he’ll distribute all the mats and make the children
excited, considered as the suspense part. The surprise ending was when Jaime has still
three mats to be distributed. Everyone thought that all of them have their mats but their
father surprisingly also brought mats for their forgotten dead siblings. The irony was use
to describe the mats at the beginning of the story. At the beginning Mr. Angeles written
to Nana Emilia and told her that he have just met a marvelous mat-weaver and ask him
to make a special mats because he is using different colors and for each mat the
dominant color is based on their children’s birthstones. Lastly, the satire part is when
the mats of the dead ones describe in the story. The remaining mats were unfolded in
silence. The names which were with infinite slowness revealed seemed strange and
stranger still. The color of the mats are not bright but deathly dull. The spelling of the
names of the dead did not seem to glow or shine unlike the other living names.
17. Can you find any examples of figurative language? Cite them from the
I found simile at the beginning of the story. The scene where Nana Emilia has read the
2nd letter from Jaime “Talk about the mats flared up again like wildfire” is the simile
because the word “like” was use to describe the talk of the children, to a wildfire. After
Nana Emilia noticed that there are still mats remaining the metaphor showed, it is ”A
puzzled reminiscent look came into his eyes, superseding the deep and quiet delight
that had been briefly there and when he spoke his voice was different.”. The
personification was on the scene where the distribution of the mats occurred “The air
was punctuated by their breathless exclamation of delights”.
18. Does the story contain a single effect or impression for the reader? If so,
The story contains an impression to the reader that we still must remembered or cherish
the dead not only the people around us. Their love for us remains the same and will not
fade. If we can cherish their memories, they will still be alive in our heart and also when
the time came that God take us, our love ones that we have left will do the same thing
that we did.
19. Name one major personality trait of each leading character, and tell how the
author makes the reader conscious of this trait.
The leading characters are Nana Emilia and Mr. Angeles. Nana Emilia was a kind
mother; it makes me conscious of that because every time Jaime wrote to her and to
the children, she always recites the message aloud so everybody could hear their
father’s message. While Mr. Angeles was a responsible father, because even he was
not on home, he still wrote letters for them and he could not sleep at nights thinking of
his young children. He forbade them to play in the streets and the older ones should not
stay out too late at night. Mr. Angeles cares the entire time at the story.
20. Does the story have a moral? If not, what do you think the purpose of the
author was?
It does have a moral lesson. The purpose of Francisco Arcellana, the author of the story
was to let the young ones to cherish their time with their love ones as long as they have
time. They must feel how to be loved so there is no satire part on last. Also the author
wanted to promote the Filipino values on the early times, like the Filipino families are
bonded together and they are like the “banig” or the mats that are manually weave
together strips by strips giving the idea that Filipino Family are strong and cannot be
easily disbanded by any catastrophe.
The Virgin
By Kerima Polotan Tuvera

1. Explain the title. In what way is it suitable to the story?

The title of the story is “The Virgin” and written by the author Kerima Polotan Tuvera.
The title was suitable to the story because the main character, Miss Mijares was a
matured and busy woman, who does not have time for love because she has many
things to be prioritized when she was young. One of those is college to finish, a niece to
put through school and a mother to care for. The word virgin, means a person that
never have done sexual intercourse, and that is what Miss Mijares are. She doesn’t
know what it feels to be touch by a man or even loved, that is why the title was suitable
to the story.
2. What is the predominant element in the story – plot, theme, character, setting?
The most predominant element in the story was character and setting. Miss Mijares is
the main character that have only few personality and easy recognizable as
stereotypes. She can be easily recognized as a desperate lover because she never had
time for love when she was young because of some responsibilities. Next is the setting,
the office or agency where Miss Mijares was working. The setting of the story shows
what is happening inside an agency or company. Miss Mijares was busy because of her
job and the lives of the workers are their business as she said. Those elements are
predominant because those elements mostly shown in the entire plot.
3. What sort of conflict confronts the leading character or characters? Explain.
The conflict starts at the part where the carpenter failed to report the reason of his
absence. He must send a notice to Ato and then to Miss Mijares but he did not. When
he returns to the agency, the carpenter said that he went to the province because it was
an emergency. His son died and Miss Mijares started having a slow bitter anger inside
because she know that the carpenter was not married to anyone, so how it is possible
that he has a son from the province. The carpenter answer Miss Mijares stupidly that he
was not married to her son’s mother and that made Miss Mijares mad that made her two
front teeth set widely apart.
4. How is the conflict resolved?
In my opinion, the conflict between Miss Mijares and the carpenter had not resolved
completely. It depends to the reader if the conflict really resolved or not. The rainy night
after their argument that day, where Miss Mijares flagged a jeepney and got in,
somebody jumped after her. The person who jumped after her was the carpenter and
when they were on the jeepney. The scene where the jeepney always re-route and
drove to different alley happened again to her. In the end of the ride, the passengers got
off one by one. Miss Mijares was confronted by the carpenter and apologized to her if
she though he lied to her. Miss Mijares young dreams fluttered faintly to life, seeming
the monstrous in the rain, near this man who seems monstrous but sweet
overwhelming. Miss Mijares want to get away but the carpenter moved against her way
and where his touch had fallen and she recalled how his had looked that first day, lain
tenderly on the edge of her desk and about the wooden bird that means hope.
5. How does the author handle characterization? Justify.
The author handled characterization by descriptions and the conversation of the
characters. The main character Miss Mijares was a flat character and describes her as
a desperate lover. Also Miss Mijares was described not exactly an ugly woman but she
was no beauty and she started pulling some tricks to make herself attractive enough.
The author made an efficient description of her and made the reader give an impression
that she was a desperate lover because of the conversation of the characters. On the
scene where the carpenter return on their office after days of absents, it showed that
Miss Mijares was disappointed when she knew that the carpenter has a son. She felt
upset because she assumed that she and the carpenter will be together.
6. Who tells the story? What point of view is used? Explain.
The author use omniscient point of view. The narrator is outside of the story and all-
knowing meaning the narrator tell the readers what the characters feel or think and not
only what is happening.
7. How does the story get started? What is the initial incident?
The story started when a tall, big man sat in the low chair and laid his hands at Miss
Mijares table. Miss Mijares gave sheets of paper towards the man and a pencil. She
looked at her watch and saw it was ten she leave for a while and said wait for her. After
that she walk to the cafeteria and thought how easily she said, please wait for me or will
you wait for me?
8. Briefly describe the rising action of the story.
The rising action was exciting because after she went to the cafeteria and went to the
office after, the man is waiting for her and held the paper that he signed and a heavy
wooden block shaped look like a bird fell and Miss Mijares said “someone shot it” then
laugh and the carpenter picked it up and tightened the screw on the block and dusted it.
In the man’s hand, cupped like that, it looked like a dove. Miss Mijares took away the
block on the carpenter’s hand.
9. What is the high point or climax of the story?
The climax of the story happened at the last part after Miss Mijares rode a jeep and
wanted to get away but the man brushed against her until they’re first touch happens.
Her flesh leaped and she recalled how the carpenter’s hands had looked that first day,
lain tenderly on the edge of her desk and about the wooden bird.
10. Discuss the falling action or denouement of the story.
It starts when the carpenter came back to the office from the province. In this scene,
Miss Mijares had known that the carpenter has a son and sudden of high emotion fell.
She yells at the carpenter, “You should tell us everything! Your lives are our business
here!” she looked away all at once.
11. Does this story create any special mood? Explain.
Yes, after I have read the story I felt curious about what happened to the characters in
the end. The story was incomplete especially the ending part. The story does not tell if
the two fell in love with each other or what.
12. Is this story realistic or true to life? Explain your answers by giving examples.
Yes, it was realistic. Some people are having the same life like Miss Mijares has, Most
adult wanted to married as soon as possible with their love ones but some are not, and
always thinking the future situation of their family who are more relevant and must be
give an attention And also there are people that do not have time for love because they
are busy in their life and have more things to be done like Miss MIjares.
13. Are the events or incidents of the plot presented in flashback, foreshadowing
or in chronological order?
The incidents are presented in chronological order. The sequence of the story is in the
basic for and I did not see foreshadowing neither flashback.
14. What is the general theme of the story? What is the underlying theme? Name
any other stories with a similar theme.
The general theme of the story is “The Perfect time for Love” Miss Mijares was a
desperate lover and made herself create an illusion to make her attractive to found love
but he does not know that love will come to her life in an unexpected situation.
15. Identify yourself with any of the characters. Justify.
I can identify myself as Miss Mijares in her responsible traits. Because there are few
people living that will chose their responsibility rather than the things that can make
themselves happy.
16. Does this story contain any of the following elements? (Symbolism,
incongruity, suspense, surprise ending, irony and satire) Explain.
Yes, it contains most of the elements. The symbolism is the wooden bird which is
mostly look like a dove that symbolizes hope for Miss Mijares that she and the man has
a chance to fall in love with each other. Incongruity part is where the carpenter came
back at the office and said that he went to the province because his son died but he was
not married to his wife. After riding a jeepney, Miss Mijares wanted to get away but the
man is moving against her and their first touch happened that night and that was the
suspense part of the story. It does not have any surprise ending. It depends on the
readers though on how they understand the story and tell what happens at the last part.
The irony is the description of Miss Mijares. She was slight, almost bony, but she had
learned early how to dress herself to achieve an illusion of hips and bosom. And the
satire part is Miss Mijares was described not exactly an ugly woman, but she has no
17. Can you find any examples of figurative language? Cite them from the
Yes there is simile, metaphor and personification, the simile is “in this man’s hands,
cupped like that, it looked like a dove.” The Metaphor is “Towards the end, it had
become a thankless chore, kneading her mother’s loose flesh, hour after hour,
struggling awaken the cold, sluggish blood in her body.” And the personification in the
story is “She had gone through all these with singular patience, for it had seemed to her
that love stood behind her, biding her time, quite hand upon her shoulder.”
18. Does the story contain a single effect or impression for the reader? If so,
It leaves an impression that we must all finish our duties in our family like they did on us
when we were young. Love will come to our life unnoticed so we don’t need to be
insecure to our self. We must be proud of whom we are because it is better to love by
who we are rather than to love because of the illusion or you’re pretending of.
19. Name one major personality trait of each leading character, and tell how the
author makes the reader conscious of this trait.
Miss Mijares’s major personality is insecurity to herself. It made the reader’s conscious
about it because the story told that she had learned early how to dress herself to
achieve an illusion of hips and bosom to make herself more attractive to other people.
20. Does the story have a moral? If not, what do you think the purpose of the
author was?
In my opinion, the purpose of the author is to tell the readers that all of the things have the right
time especially love. Love must not be rushed, because it comes to our life unexpectedly and
probably change our life at the same time.
By Estella Alfon

1. Explain the title. In what way is it suitable to the story?

The title of the story is Magnificence by Estella Alfon, it is suitable because the mother
of the children showed an impressive action on what Vicente did. She showed courage
in confronting Vicente that a great mother can do for her children. If there is anyone that
has a bad intention with their son’s or daughter’s, their parents will protect them and be
at their side in able to protect their children from people with bad intentions.
2. What is the predominant element in the story – plot, theme, character, setting?
The predominant element in the story is the theme. The mother slapped Vicente
because of the immorality that he did to her daughter. Even she is a woman, she did not
show fear on Vicente and do her job as a mother. The children is the most important on
a parent, as a matter of fact, the love for the children is much greater than their love for
their husband or wife.
3. What sort of conflict confronts the leading character or characters? Explain.
The conflict start when the little girl was sitting over Vicente’s lap and kept squirming for
somehow she felt uncomfortable and then felt very queer, she did not know why, all of
sudden was immensely frightened and then she jumped away from Vicente’s lap. Then
her mother came down the stairs and Vicente jumped to soon as the little girl jumped on
his lap. The mother looked at him, stopped in her tracks, and advance to the light and
her voice was like a bell of safety to the little girl. The little girl went to her, and the
mother knelt down and said, turn around. Obediently the little girl turned around and her
mother passed her hands over the little girl’s back. The mother told the little girl to go
upstairs and went to Vicente and took away the papers that he was holding to himself.
She bade Vicente to go upstairs and she followed behind. When they reach the upper
landing the mother told her son to come up and go to his room. When the little boy has
gone, the mother raised her hand and slapped him full hard in the face and another
slapped on the other side again and again that made Vicente retreat before her until
they reached the bottom landing.
4. How is the conflict resolved?
I guess the conflict resolved because of what the mother did to Vicente. Of course after
a heavy countless slapped that land on Vicente’s face, I guess Vicente learned his
lesson that he must not ruined the innocence of a little child instead he must be a role
model for them. After that scene, maybe Vicente learned his lesson and never came
back to their house and felt ashamed on what happened to him.
5. How does the author handle characterization? Justify.
The author handled characterization by description and action of the characters. In the
whole sequence of the story, the caring mother is always at the circle of illumination that
gives an impression to the readers that she has a good intention while Vicente was
always on the blanket of darkness and just often times he went to the light when the
mother is not around, it is easily to reflect on him that he doesn’t have good intention to
the children. While the action of the characters especially the mother, showed her love
for her children and did her duty to protect her children from Vicente’s bad intention.
6. Who tells the story? What point of view is used? Explain.
The author used the omniscient point of view to be able to tell the readers what the
character feel and think on every scene. For example, “His face was all in sweat, and
his eyes looked very strange, and he indicated to her that she must turn around, attend
to the homework she was writing.”
7. How does the story get started? What is the initial incident?
The story started when there is a man named Vicente that visit the children on several
days and help them with their homework. In those days, the rage was for pencils. Many
children are having different pencils and the Japanese bazaars promoted a rage for
pencils. And because of that he promise that he would give each of the children not one
pencil but two. And for the little girl who he said who was very bright and deserved more
who would get the biggest pencil that he could find and one evening he did bring those
pencils that he bought.
8. Briefly describe the rising action of the story.
The rising action of the story is when Vicente took the girl up lightly in his arms, holding
her under the armpits and held her to sit down on his lap and ask her what your lessons
are for tomorrow. And the little girl turned to the paper on the table where she had been
writing with the jumbo pencil and told him that that was her lesson but it was easy.
9. What is the high point or climax of the story?
The climax of the story is when the mother forbade Vicente to go upstairs and followed
by her. After the mother told his son to come up and go to his room, there was a long
pause and the mother raised her hand and slapped Vicente’s face full hard. Her
retreated down one tread of the stairs with the force of the blow, but the mother followed
him. With her other hand she slapped him on the other side of the face again.
10. Discuss the falling action or denouement of the story.
The falling action is after the mother slapped Vicente until he reached the lower landing
and made his mouth shut. And with those hard forceful slaps she escorted him right to
the other doo. As soon as the cool air of the free night touched him, he recovered
enough to turn away and run, into the shadows that ate him up and the mother looked
after him and closed the door. She turned off the blazing light over the study table and
went slowly up the stairs and out into the dark.
11. Does this story create any special mood? Explain.
It does make me mad at Vicente because of what he did on an innocent child. The little
girl doesn’t have enough knowledge about those things and abused by Vicente her
virtuousness. It is good for her that her mother came down the stairs and prevents more
possibly immoral things that Vicente can do to her daughter.
12. Is this story realistic or true to life? Explain your answers by giving examples.
Yes it was realistic. The news made the people aware of it. There is news that many
young children suffered from sexual abuse and the worst is murder. Nowadays people
are conscious about that so many parents are giving much time on their children’s
security and forbidding their child on the things that can harmed them.
13. Are the events or incidents of the plot presented in flashback, foreshadowing
or in chronological order?
Yes the incident in the story is in chronological order. The author did not use
foreshadowing neither flashback. The exposition, conflict, climax, denouement and
resolution are in order.
14. What is the general theme of the story? What is the underlying theme? Name
any other stories with a similar theme.
The theme of the story is woman empowerment. The mother showed no fear and let
Vicente felt that he must not under estimate her only because she is a woman and
cannot do such a thing but he was wrong. She showed courageousness and teach
Vicente a lesson that he will never forget. The mother did her job by protecting her
children on Vicente’s take advantage on the children’s innocent minds.
15. Identify yourself with any of the characters. Justify.
I can be the mother that protects her child from Vicente. Because for me, there are no
parent that will left their child on that similar situation and will not reflect on it. if I was the
father and I have a daughter, I will never let my daughter touched by a man that I
doesn’t know deeply. Woman’s body are sacred and must not be showed any
16. Does this story contain any of the following elements? (Symbolism,
incongruity, suspense, surprise ending, irony and satire) Explain.
It has symbolism, the pencil. It was not just a learning material that use for writing but it
also symbolizes the phallus or the male reproductive organ. The incongruity part is the
character of Vicente. At first he was a guy that was so gentle, so kind and nothing to
fear but in the end his true colors revealed that he can even take advantage of an
innocent child. The mother forbade Vicente to go upstairs was the intense part because
the story showed how the mother reflect on what happened between him and her
daughter. For me, there is no surprise ending. Because I knew that the mother will
teach Vicente a lesson and also he will learn that lesson and never came back to their
house. The irony is the part where Vicente was always in the shadow in the most
scenes at the story and give an ironic impression to the readers that he doesn’t have
good intention. And lastly the satire is when the little girl went to her and she knelt down
and passed her hand over the little girl’s back. Then in silently she told her daughter to
go upstairs.
17. Can you find any examples of figurative language? Cite them from the
Yes there are simile, metaphor and personification. The simile is “She had been in the
shadow. Her voice had been like a bell of safety to the little girl.” And “Before the silence
and the grimness of her attack he cowered, retreating, until out of his mouth issued like
a whimper. The metaphor is “ he would stand for a while just beyond the pool of light,
his feet in the circle of illumination” and the personification is the woman herself stricken
almost dumb, but her eyes eloquent with that angered fire.”
18. Does the story contain a single effect or impression for the reader? If so,
It gives me an impression that as an adult, I must protect the children from exploitation
and let them aware for those things that can be harmful for them. And also unlike
Vicente, I must not take advantage on the children’s innocence.
19. Name one major personality trait of each leading character, and tell how the
author makes the reader conscious of this trait.
The major personality of Vicente is immoral because he took advantage the innocent of
the little girl while the mother is not around. The little girl’s mind was not ready or has no
idea on what Vicente was doing. It’s good for her if she was guided by her parents and
not be strangers.
20. Does the story have a moral? If not, what do you think the purpose of the
author was?\
The purpose of Estella Alfon, the author of the story, is to promote woman
empowerment that the woman must not be abuse and have their power to fight for their
rights and have equality between man and woman. The author also wants the readers
to be aware of this scenario, that many child are suffering from abuse and they cannot
approach them about that certain thing because they are not courageous enough to
confront them so all they can do is not say a thing about what they are experiencing.
The Chieftest Mourner
By Aida Rivera Ford

1. Explain the title. In what way is it suitable to the story?

The title is “The Chieftest Mourner” by Aida Rivera Ford. It was suitable because it is
about a poet that died in the story and left two women. Sophia the legal one and the 2 nd
woman, they both have the rights on the poet but, who was the chieftest mourner? At
the end of the story, they both state their rights but, for me the question was not
answered but everyone know that they both have the rights to attend the poet’s funeral.
2. What is the predominant element in the story – plot, theme, character, setting?
The predominant elements are: theme, character and setting. The theme was realistic
because it was about poet that died and being mourned by two women at his funeral.
The story has unusual characters because there are two women who love the poet and
battling who has the right to be in his funeral and lastly the setting. The funeral in the
chapel was the setting that was very unique and gives the readers an impression that it
was a serious situation.
3. What sort of conflict confronts the leading character or characters? Explain.
The leading character is Aunt Sophia, the poet came home late night and very drunk.
She always forgive most of the mistakes of the poet and the poet make up for his past
sins but Aunt Sophia cannot bear it no more so she tied the poet to a chair with a strong
rope to teach him a lesson.
4. How is the conflict resolved?
The conflict is not totally resolve because after Aunt Sophia tied the poet to a chair with
the rope, he walked out through the door and never came back as Aunt Sophia never
saw him drink again.
5. How does the author handle characterization? Justify.
The author handled characterization by conversation and action of the characters. The
conversations of the character are intense especially on the last part where the mistress
reacts on those murmurs that she heard and said, “So, you want to put me in a corner?
Do you? You think perhaps you can bully me out of here?” and the woman on Aunt
Sophia’s side said “Please don’t create a scene.” And the conflict started with them. The
action of the poet shows that he doesn’t really love Aunt Sophia because if he truly
loves her he will chose Aunt Sophia to be on her side even on his deathbed but he died
with the 2nd woman that gives an idea that she loves her more than Aunt Sophia.
6. Who tells the story? What point of view is used? Explain.
The point of view used is first-person observer. The narrator was Aida the author and
the character inside the story and a family member of the poet and Aunt Sophia. The
narrator was on the whole plot telling the story and what happened on the funeral.
7. How does the story get started? What is the initial incident?
The story started when the paper brought the news that the poet died. It was the uncle
of the narrator and she tells how she felt when she knew that he’s uncle died. The
narrator was on school and read that her uncle actually been the last of a distinct school
of Philippine poet.
8. Briefly describe the rising action of the story.
The rising action happened at the part where the poet came one night and drunk. Aunt
Sophia tied the poet with a rope in a chair to teach him a lesson. She never saw him
drunk again, for as soon as he able to, he walked out the door and never came back.
9. What is the high point or climax of the story?
It’s started when the slight woman though that they want to put her in a corner and told
her don’t make a scene. Her voice was in pitched in the benefit of the whole chapel.
She said all what she have done to the poet when he is dying in ill and the side of Aunt
Sophia was not there to care for him. She scolded that she was the one that never
leave the poet’s side the whole time.
10. Discuss the falling action or denouement of the story.
Denouement happened at the last part after the slight woman was scolded by Aunt
Sophia’s side and made her speechless and sobs came. She walked into the front of
the casket and look at the poet silently and the slight woman said “Alright, you can have
him, all that’s left on him”
11. Does this story create any special mood? Explain.
Yes, the story made confuse me on who has the right to mourned at the poet’s funeral.
12. Is this story realistic or true to life? Explain your answers by giving examples.
Yes I guess, because it is about the life of the author, narrator and character Aida
Rivera Ford. She states her dramatic life she has been with her Aunt and Uncle. These
scenes are not new to the eyes of the readers because these really happen in life.
13. Are the events or incidents of the plot presented in flashback, foreshadowing
or in chronological order?
The sequences of the plot were presented in flashback. The narrator and author Aida,
who told the scene where her Uncle was still alive, so she tell us the scene where her
aunt and uncle where still together.
14. What is the general theme of the story? What is the underlying theme? Name
any other stories with a similar theme.
The general theme of the story is “Who has the right to be with the poet?” and the
underlying theme was “Love and innocence”. I watch many shows at television having
this theme like “two wives” and many to be mention shows.
15. Identify yourself with any of the characters. Justify.
I can be Aunt Sophia who still cares even the one she loved was with other woman
because if you really love the person, distance will not stop you from loving him/her.
And the important is she still being loyal to the poet and never search for a new
16. Does this story contain any of the following elements? (Symbolism,
incongruity, suspense, surprise ending, irony and satire) Explain.
It contains symbolism, the black dramatic dress worn by the slight woman symbolizes
that she suffered a lot for the death of the poet and the white flowers formed like a dove
and scripted by the words “the loyal one” showing that she was the woman that stays on
the poet’s side whatever tragedy happen. The incongruity part is when Aunt Sophia and
Aida’s mother was talking about the new woman of the poet and Aida came in, instantly
their conference suddenly change the language to Spanish. I don’t feel any suspense
scene at the story but there is a surprise ending. I though the slight woman will stay at
the chapel whatever happen but in the end I was surprised that she left the chapel just
saying “You can have him, all that’s left on him!” The irony part is when the slight
woman stands for her rights to the funeral of the poet. She said “you think perhaps you
can bully me out of here?” she made an ironic action that is telling everyone in the
chapel that she will not leave the chapel no matter what. The satire part is when she
walked at the casket, looking down upon that infinitely sad smile on uncle’s face. It may
have been a second that the slight woman stood there but it seemed like a long time.
17. Can you find any examples of figurative language? Cite them from the
Yes, I found simile, metaphor and personification. The simile is “I looked at Aunt Sophia
and didn’t see anything dove-like about her” The metaphor is “The sweetest lyre that
ever throbbed with Malayan chords” and the personification “The mascara had indeed
run down her cheeks.”
18. Does the story contain a single effect or impression for the reader? If so,
It does contain an impression that the author has a dramatic life and tell how she
affected on what happen between her aunt and uncles relation. When she knew that her
uncle died, she felt that some part of her had died too even his uncle had not come to
her aunt for past ten year.
19. Name one major personality trait of each leading character, and tell how the
author makes the reader conscious of this trait.
The major personality trait of Aunt Sophia is a loyal wife. It makes me conscious of that
because Aunt Sophia is always forgiving all the mistakes of the poet and still care for
him even they were not together. She wants to visit the poet but he cannot because the
new woman was always on his side and keep spreading the she is the wife of the poet.
20. Does the story have a moral? If not, what do you think the purpose of the
author was?
It does have a moral lesson. We must cherish and used the time to show that they
mean a lot to us. The purpose of Aida Ford is to make an article about the poetry of life
of his uncle and share how great his father and also bringing back to life his works by
using the same style that her uncle used in making some poets.
The Summer Solstice
By Nick Joaquin

1. Explain the title. In what way is it suitable to the story?

The title of the story is Summer Solstice by Nick Joaquin. I found the title suitable to the
story because there is a celebration of St. John’s Day in the story and it was celebrated
at June 21 when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator. It was
called the summer solstice because the Philippines is a tropical country and in the
foreign countries that are far in the equator and have a winter season, the solstice came
at December 22 and they called it winter solstice.
2. What is the predominant element in the story – plot, theme, character, setting?
The predominant element of the story was theme, character and setting. The theme of
the story is Battle of the sexes and Paganism vs. Christianity. The story shows that the
men are superior that women and they must respect and adore like no other while the
battle between the religion connect with the idea of genders when the native women
create a new belief which is the tadtarin that they counterpart at St. John the Baptist and
it was exclusive for women but if a man wants to join the procession, he must wear a
bistida or skirt in able to join them. Next is the character, the main characters are Don
Paeng and Donya Lupeng. Donya Lupeng was always next to Don Paeng and always
follows what his husband want and makes him the superior and also it connects to the
theme. Lastly the setting of the story was at the country side or rural side. The people
on that place have many beliefs because there are not modernized and they are lacking
in knowledge on what is real and what is not so they create their own beliefs that they
will rejoice.
3. What sort of conflict confronts the leading character or characters? Explain.
The conflict starts when Donya Lupeng wants to see the tadtarin because she has not
seen it since she was a little girl and that night is the last night but Don Paeng forbid
her and told her that she must be crazy and warned her and do not provoke him. Donya
Lupeng said that he cannote forbid her and there is nothing wrong with it because she’s
not a child anymore.
4. How is the conflict resolved?
The issue about Donya Lupeng desire to go to the tadtarin was resolved even Don
Paeng forbid her, and because of that it’s started another conflict between her and Don
Paeng. Don Paeng followed her in the procession and beat up by a numbers of woman
because he is not welcome at the procession then after that he wait at home for Donya
Lupeng because she will teach her a lesson for what happen to him and what Donya
Lupeng’s actions.
5. How does the author handle characterization? Justify.
The author handled characterization by action of the characters. In the story the people
are celebrating St. John’s Day and the women celebrated the last night of tadtarin. Their
actions show beliefs on the things that not exist or proven. For them, the celebrations
are sacred for them and preventing a culture to be forgotten.
6. Who tells the story? What point of view is used? Explain.
The author used the omniscient point of view. There is a narrator that tells the whole
story and narrates what the characters are saying and reactions on a particular
7. How does the story get started? What is the initial incident?
The story started one hot afternoon where the Moretas were spending St. John’s Day
with the children’s grandfather, whose feast it was. Donya Lupeng woke up because of
the screaming that she heard and the children crowding around her talking at once
because they were excited to go to their grandfather’s house to join the celebration of
St. John’s Day.
8. Briefly describe the rising action of the story.
The rising action of the story is when Donya Lupeng had risen and gone to the window
and Don Paeng stood behind her, grasped her elbows and kiss the nape of her neck but
she stood still not responding then he released her sulkily and Donya Lupeng turned
around to face him and told him that she want to see the tadtarin because she have not
seen it since she was a little girl.
9. What is the high point or climax of the story?
The climax of the story is when Don Paeng waits for Donya Lupeng because he will
teach her a lesson on what attitude she showed. He will whip Donya Lupeng as a
punishment because she behaved like a lewd woman. But she told him that what she
behaved that noight is who she are and it will not change if he will whip her even if he
will whip her until she died.
10. Discuss the falling action or denouement of the story.
The falling action is when Don Paeng did not continued what he will do to Donya
Lupeng and he said he adore her, he worshipped her the air you breath and the ground
you tread is holy to him and told her that he is her dog, her slave. Then he did what
Donya Lupeng wants, he kneel down and crawl like a agonized lizard and kissed Donya
Lupeng’s foot.
11. Does this story create any special mood? Explain.
It does made me feel irritated because on what Donya Lupeng did to Don Paeng. Yes, it
is their right to treat a woman equal but on what she did to Don Paeng, it is still not
equal. She showed that the women are the real superior than men like the ancient times
where queen before king, priestess before priest and the moon before sun.
12. Is this story realistic or true to life? Explain your answers by giving examples.
No, the fiesta and the celebration were real but the spirit or supernatural beliefs in those
celebrations are not real. It was just a culture that our ancestor’s left to us and still
practicing it in the modern time but still, it depend on the person if what she will believe
and what will not.
13. Are the events or incidents of the plot presented in flashback, foreshadowing
or in chronological order?
The author did not use foreshadowing neither flashback; he presented the events in
chronological order. First he introduced the characters and set the plot in motion. Then
conflict rose at the middle of the story until it reached the climax and the falling action.
14. What is the general theme of the story? What is the underlying theme? Name
any other stories with a similar theme.
The general theme is “Paganism vs. Christianity” and the underlying theme is “Battle of
the sexes”. The women of the tadtarin created a belief that shows that women can be
superior to men.
15. Identify yourself with any of the characters. Justify.
I identify myself as Guido because he adored and respect woman and treated them as
equal or more probably that they are the superior. And even he studied at a European
country; it does not seem to have spoiled his taste for country pleasures.
16. Does this story contain any of the following elements? (Symbolism,
incongruity, suspense, surprise ending, irony and satire) Explain.
Yes it does, it has symbolism, and the moon symbolizes the Lord of women because
the tides of women, like the tides of the sea, are the tides of the moon or the
menstruation of the women every month. The incongruity is in the Don Paeng’s
personality. He has a great pride and made him as the superior but in the end Donya
Lupeng broke that tough and made him kneel, crawl and kissed on her foot. When Don
Paeng was waiting for Donya Lupeng to come home from the procession is the
suspense part because he will whip her because of her behavior. The surprise ending is
when Don Paeng kissed the foot of Donya Lupeng. I was surprised because I tough he
cannot do such a thing like that. The irony was on how Guido describes how women
came before men like queen before king, priestess before priest and moon before sun.
When Don Paeng said that he adore, worshipped and he was Donya Lupeng’s slave
and dog was the satire part.
17. Can you find any examples of figurative language? Cite them from the
Yes, there are simile, metaphor and personification. The simile is “Because the tides of
women, like the tides of the sea, are tides of the moon”, “To kiss a woman’s feet, to
follow her like a dog, to adore her like a slave” and “gaspingly clawed his way across
the floor, like a great agonized lizard.” The metaphor is “His legs had turned to water; it
was a monstrous agony to remain standing.” The personification “ it was weird. It made
my flesh crawl.”
18. Does the story contain a single effect or impression for the reader? If so,
It gives an impression that we both gender must treat equally on what each of them can
do or contributed. No one must act that he or she was superior because we are all born
equally and have the same abilities no matter the gender you have.
19. Name one major personality trait of each leading character, and tell how the
author makes the reader conscious of this trait.
The major personality of Don Paeng is prideful. He doesn’t want his pride to step on
especially by a woman specifically by her wife. So in the end of the story he did not whip
her wife not because he love her, it is because he don’t want his pride to be stepped.
20. Does the story have a moral? If not, what do you think the purpose of the
author was?
Yes it have, the purpose of the author, Nick Joaquin is to promote equality in both
gender. He showed to the story that in most time, men are not always superior. There
are many abilities that women are better than men, they also have more responsibilities
than men if we think all about it. They are the one who are responsible in producing new
life and suffer while carrying that life in their inside their womb.

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