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Rustomjee Cambridge International School and Junior College

Grade 5 Grammar Practice Sheet

Articles Practice Sheet

Fill in the blanks with appropriate article.
1. Does the teacher in your History class use computer?
2. Two years ago, Mary bought a computer. The computer is not very good, because it
breaks often. Last night, the computer broke again. Mary became so angry that she
threw the machine away.
3. Please meet me at the station in an hour from now.
4. I like to watch tennis on television. It is a very good sport.
5. My brother won a medal for being the best runner in school.
6. Please bring ---- oranges from the table.
7. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw an elephant crossing the road in front of my
house yesterday.
8. How much will it cost to go on a holiday to Spain?
9. The President of India will be visiting Australia next week.
10. The giant spoke very rudely.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles in following paragraph.

Australia, officially called the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country and sovereign
state in the southern hemisphere, located in Oceania. Its capital city is Canberra, and its
largest city is Sydney. Sport is an important part of Australian culture because the climate is
good for outdoor activities. In international sports, Australia has very strong teams
in cricket, hockey, netball, rugby league and rugby union, and performs well
in cycling, rowing and swimming. Famous Australian sports players include
the cricketer Sir Donald Bradman, the swimmer Ian Thorpe and the athlete Cathy Freeman.

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