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The works of Ken Krenzel and Roy Walton inspired me to come up with this very
fun and magical effect. If you take the time to learn it, I am sure you will find this
to be a routine that you will use for a very long time.

1) Crease a card along its length and width SHARPLY. Use your nails.

2) Have the card signed by two spectators.

Make sure they sign the upper and lower
portions as depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1

3) Take the card back and in the process of

bringing the card towards your body, make
a tear along its width. The tear should be
half the width of the card. Figure 2 is an
exposed view.

Figure 2

4) Fold the card lengthwise and place it into

your left palm. The folded edge is on the
right. Figure 3 shows the orientation of
the card from the performer’s view. The
tear should be against the left fingers.
Make sure half the card is protruding over
your left fingertips so the spectators can
see it.

Figure 3

Text and Images © 2003 Vinny Marini ( All Rights Reserved.
5) With your right hand, grasp the top edge of
the card and rotate the card towards your
chest. The lower left quadrant of the
playing card should remain in an
automatic finger palm position, as shown
in Figure 4.

Figure 4

6) Rotate your left wrist towards the left so

the spectators can view the right side of
the card. Grip the top edge of the cards
once again with your right hand. Slightly
turn the card towards the right while your
left hand maneuvers the fingerpalmed
section. The fingerpalmed portion of the
card wraps around the card and you
should end up with the card in a position
like the one shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5

7) Now wiggle the card or make a magic

gesture and push the card through your
fingers. The card should slide through
your third and fourth fingers. Figure 6 is
an action shot. Stop when the card is
halfway through the fingers.

Figure 6

8) Insert your right thumb into the exposed

portion of playing card and unfold it. See
Figure 7.

Figure 7

Text and Images © 2003 Vinny Marini ( All Rights Reserved.
9) Grab the lower edge of the card with your
right hand and rotate the card clockwise.
Figure 8 is an action shot. Figure 9 shows
where you should stop rotating. When you
reach Figure 9, extend the rest of your left
fingers. Figure 10 is an exposed view of the
position of the card in Figure 9.

Figure 8

Figure 9 Figure 10

10) Unfold the card so that it is flat and cover

the tear with your left hand. Fold the
bottom half upwards (outwards) with the
faces showing as shown in Figure 11. The
tear is on the left side.

Figure 11

11) Turn the card ninety degrees counter-

clockwise and fold the top half down.
Figure 12.

Figure 12

Text and Images © 2003 Vinny Marini ( All Rights Reserved.
12) Grip the card with your right hand. Notice
the placement of the fingers in Figure 13.
Make sure the thumb contacts the edges
on the bottom.

Figure 13

13) As you place the card into your left palm,

release the lowermost edge with your left
thumb. Figure 14 is an exposed action
shot of this motion. Place the rest of the
card into the palm and close your left
fingers on the card. The card should now
be inside out. The audience is unaware of

Figure 14

14) Make a magic gesture. Open your fingers to show that the card turned inside out.

15) Unfold the card so that it is flat. With your

right hand, grab the card. The fingers
should hit the edge on the right, the thumb
the edge on the left. Rotate the hand
counter-clockwise to display the card. The
tear should not be visible if you use a tiny
amount of pressure with your right fingers
and thumb. See Figure 15.

Figure 15

16) Drop the playing card into the palm of your

left hand. The tear should be on the
bottom as depicted in Figure 16.

Figure 16

Text and Images © 2003 Vinny Marini ( All Rights Reserved.
17) You will now execute the Vinny fold.
Figures 17, 18, and 19 take you through
the fold.

Figure 17

Figure 18 Figure 19

18) Now use Jay Sankey’s fake tear to pretend to tear the card in two. Grip the card
with your right hand. Pull the hand towards your body while maintaining the card
in the same position. Your left thumbnail should contact the card as you pull
back, simulating the tearing action and sound. The right first finger covers the
extended top part of the card.

19) With your two hands, unfold the two edges

of the card so the card looks like the one
shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20

Text and Images © 2003 Vinny Marini ( All Rights Reserved.
20) Fold the right flap over to the left and you
can now show both sides of the card.
Figure 21.

Figure 21

21) Unfold the right flap once again and fold

the entire left half onto the right half.
Figure 22 depicts the card folded.

Figure 22

22) Fold the right half down so the card is now

folded into quarters. Your right second
finger should hold the outer right corner
tightly. Insert your right thumb into the
opening on the far right. Make sure your
fingers are in proper position. Figure 23.

Figure 23

23) Execute a flash restoration while bringing the cards towards your lips: Blow on the
cards while you press your thumb and middle finger together. The cards should
straighten out immediately.

24) Toss and rotate the card in the air, catch it, and tear it in half along its width.
Hand out each half of the card. The signatures remain intact

Text and Images © 2003 Vinny Marini ( All Rights Reserved.

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