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True Marxist theory, “Pure communism” refers to a classless, stateless society, one where

decisions on what to produce and what policies to pursue are made in the best interests of the
collective society with the interests of every member of society given equal weight in the
practical decision-making process in both the political and economic spheres of life.

Jobs, health care, and education and services that is available to everyone. It is not a
system where everyone makes minimum wage, where doctors will make as much as taxi drivers,
but a place where responsibilities are divided among all equally, where there will be no rich or
poor, but a solid middle ground, where everyone works together, and strives for greatness where
we can all become billionaires.

There have been many variations of communism, where central government systems
have been put in place, and in most cases have a bad reputation for evil dictators abusing their
power and control, ultimately creating a prison for those within the society.

But what if, you took out the dictators, and put in a council or senate of elected
individuals by the people, to represent the people, acting as overseers and speakers for the
communities within the society of equal and individual workers. Establishing a government that
speaks out for the people, rather than controlling the people, and has the responsibility to
maintain organization and understanding within the society will create structure for the society.
Taken into account that laws and regulations based on moral and ethical values will be put in
place, a pure communist society with a touch of democratic regulations could perhaps bring to
life the idea of a utopian society, where all are equal and prosperous.

With the overproduction and limiting of resources, many jobs are lost and too many
people are left poor while some people are left with too much wealth in a capitalist government.
A fascist government almost always abuses their control and power over its society, leading to
much corruption as the result of pro-nationalist and totalitarian ideologies. Resources are
inefficiently allocated for production by state bureaucracies that do not have the proper
information to sufficiently provide for the society and hold basis for socialism, as these systems
have almost always failed to due to improper production practices and the overwhelming amount
of impoverished people within the society.

In a society where again, all members are working together, moving forward and
progressing together, where they are all equals and entitled to education, health care, and jobs to
advance technologies and the society itself, the possibilities are endless, as greatness will provide
us all with prosperity that we will be able to share amongst ourselves, and still be able to triumph
as very wealthy and enriched individuals. To conquer any challenge that waits in the near distant
future, and to achieve all that is possible, is more than enough incentive to work and provide for
a society. Criticize, and condemn communism as much as you would like, you are only wasting
time and holding us all back, because it is positivity which progresses a society, it is positivity
which stimulates and drives an individual to beat the standards set and to surpass them, opening
up more opportunities for progression and so on. United we stand, divided we fall. There will be
no poverty, no famine, just “peace land and bread”.

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