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SHUBHAM AMILKANTHWAR​ |​ Charlotte NC | (980)267-1040 | ​

Master of Science in​ ​Computer Science ​Anticipated Dec 2019
University of North Carolina Charlotte 3.87/4.0
Courses- Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Cloud Computing, Knowledge Discovery in Database.
Bachelor of Engineering​ ​in Computer Science Engineering ​Aug 2013 - June 2017
University of Pune, India
Courses- Data Structures and Algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming, Data Mining.
● Deep Learning (TensorFlow, Keras) ● Machine Learning & Data Analytics (Python, R)
● Cloud Computing (AWS, Oracle, Google Cloud) ● Data Analytics -MySQL, Excel, Orange, Weka
● Computer Vision (Matlab, OpenCV) ● Big Data - Hadoop, MongoDB
● Data Structures and Algorithm (Java, C++) ● Web Services- HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript

Software Engineer Intern | Best Courier and Cargo Services, Pune ​June 2019- Sep 2019
● Designed different Machine Learning algorithms to make predictions on how much couriers the company can
deliver every month with the help of Amazon SageMaker. As a result, helped the company to save 15% of
logistics cost on delivery.
● Implemented multiple dashboard proof of concepts(POCs) and finalized one for a pilot project to track the couriers
using different analytics tools such as AWS Data Lakes, SQL, and Excel (XLMiner)

Software Engineer | Best Courier and Cargo Services, Pune ​June 2017 - July 2018
● Developed a POC for a dashboard to track real-time couriers which will be delivered by the agent with the help of
AWS SDK, Tableau and Excel. It helped the company to communicate with customers and agents conveniently.
● Performed Data Analytics techniques on courier data to improve the performance on delivery as well as to get
insight for the logistic cost for the company. Significantly improve consumer feedback using this technique.

Technical Mentor & Judge​ | ​Pearl Hacks 2019​ | ​UNC-Chapel Hill ​Feb 2019
● Resolved technical issues related to Data Analytics and Machine Learning asked by 200+ candidates in

American Tire Distributor Hackathon with the Oracle Cloud analytics​ [xgboost |Oracle Cloud] ​ Mar 2019
With the help of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure implemented Xgboost and Random Forest model to predict Units of Tires
company should have in every shop In the United States with the RMSE of 6.92. Moreover, I used Oracle Autonomous
Data Warehouse Cloud Service(ADWC) to create a dashboard, visualize the Data and gain some insight.

Dashboard@Continetal ​[MongoDB | React | Python | Flask | R Shiny | AWS EC2] Jan 2019 - May 2019
Developed the FITS dashboard for Continental Inc. and implemented role-specific visualization techniques. This helped
the user base for visualization & analysis of the data. Moreover, it improved the user experience by 80%.

Captcha Solver Using Neural Network​ [Python | Keras | CNN | OpenCV] Aug 2018 - Dec 2018
Led a team of four people and designed a machine learning model using a 3 layer neural network and max-pooling with
Keras to solve given captcha with the highest possible accuracy. Implemented the Convolution Neural Networks algorithm
in python to make predictions which achieved 99.7% accuracy.

Shipping Management System​ [AWS- RDS| PHP | HTML | MySQL] ​ Aug 2018 - Dec 2018
Designed the database with AWS RDS instance along with MySQL with the help of PHP and HTML for the developing
Shipping Management System web application.

Won ​Oracle Cloud Innovate Honours​ for innovating the use of Oracle Cloud Analytics and Infrastructures.
Key Authentication based Door Lock Monitoring System using MQTT on ESP8266 (IJESC) ​May 2018
Proposed the model of Monitoring the security system in IoT Environment.

Digital Door Lock System using MQTT on ESP8266 (IJESC) ​Jan 2017
Peer-reviewed paper on automation systems used in IoT and what improvements can be done.

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