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Present tense

.A: My name is Thelma. What’s yours?

B: I’m Robert, but my friends call me Bob.

A: Hi, Bob. What book is that?

B: This is Side by Side Book Two.

A: Is it the book for this Level Three Class?

B: Yes, it is. It isn’t too expensive. It’s a good book.


A: Do you go to work after class?

B: No, I don’t, but I need a job. I ‘m a painter.

A: I’m a sales clerk. I work until 5:00 pm.

B: That’s interesting. Do you have a lot of customers?

A: Yes, we do. We have a lot of good clothing.

B: I want a part time job. I want to learn more English.


A: What days do you work?

B: I work three days a week. It’s a part time job.

A: My brother is a cook. He has a pretty good job.

B: Where does he work?

A: He works downtown. His restaurant is on Market Street

B: I never go downtown. I work in Daly City.


A: Are you married?

B: Yes, I am. My wife works as a waitress.

A: Does she study English too?

B: Yes, she does. She goes to night class.

A: Do you have any children?

B: We have one son. We want another child.


A: Do you have any brothers or sisters?

B: Yes, I do. I come from a large family.

A: Really? How many brothers or sisters do you have?

B: I have two brothers and eight sisters.

A: Wow. You certainly have a large family.

B: Most of them are here in the U.S. They live in different parts of the country.


A: Do any of your sisters live in San Francisco?

B: Yes, my sister Sylvia lives here. She studies at City College.

A: Does she speak English?

B: Yes, she does. She speaks English very well.

A: Does she speak any other languages?

B: She speaks a little French too. She took a French class last year.

A: She’s married and has two daughters.

B: How old are they?

A: They are twelve and thirteen.

B: Do they go to school?

A: Yes. They both go to Horace Mann Middle School.

B: Do her children like school?


A: They like school very much. They have excellent teachers.

B: What do they usually do on weekends?

A: They like to visit their uncle. He has a big TV.

B: My sister has three kids. They don’t go to school. They’re too young..

A: Does she work?

B: What do you mean? She has three kids. She’s a full time mother.


A: How far do you live from this campus?

B: I live about two miles from here. I have to take the bus. How about you?

A: I only live a few blocks from Mission Campus. I usually walk unless it rains.

B: The bus is slow. Sometimes I wait a long time.

A: My friend Jose drives to school.

B: That’s convenient.

A: Not always. It’s difficult to find a parking space.

A: I try to eat well and get exercise.

B: You look healthy.

A: I walk a lot, and I also ride my bicycle when I can.

B: I try to exercise, but I don’t always have time.

A: A little exercise is good for you.

B: I enjoy swimming and playing tennis.


A: Does this class meet Monday to Friday?

B: Yes, it does. This is a morning class. The afternoon classes don’t meet on Friday.

A: Do the evening classes meet on Friday?

B: No, they don’t. They only meet Monday to Thursday nights.

A: My husband works in the morning. He needs an evening class.

Past tense

Listen All | Person A | Person B

A: "What did you do last night?"

B: "I met some friends and we had some drinks at a bar."

A: "Did you drink a lot?"

B: "I got so drunk that I don't remember how I got home."

A: "Why did you drink so much?"

B: "I was so depressed. I just wanted to forget about everything."

Listen All | Person A | Person B

A: "How was the airplane ride?"

B: "It was a twelve hour flight. It was so boring. I tried to sleep but it was too uncomfortable on the

A: "How about the movies they play on international flights?"

B: "I saw both movies they played. I was just unlucky?"

A: "Did you take a book with you?"

B: "I accidentally packed it with my luggage that I checked in."

Listen All | Person A | Person B

A: "What did you do last weekend?"

B: "I went to a party."

A: "How was the party?"

B: "It was way too crowded and the food was gone before I got there."

A: "What time did you get home?"

B: "It was pretty boring so I left at ten and got home before eleven."

present continues


A: How are you?

B: I’m fine, thanks.

A: How’s your brother?

B: He’s fine also.

A: What are you doing today?

B: I’m going shopping.


A: What’s your brother doing?

B: He’s going to school

A: Really? What school?

B: Mission Campus.

A: What’s he studying?

B: He’s studying computers.


A: Are you buying clothes?

B: No, I’m not. I’m buying groceries.

A: Are you buying vegetables?

B: Yes, I am. I’m also buying fruit.

A: Is your brother going shopping?

B: No, he doesn’t have time.


A: When is he going shopping?

B: Tomorrow, I think.

A: Is he buying any food?

B: No. He needs clothes.

A: Where is he buying them?

B: I think he’s going to Macy’s.


A: Is tomorrow Saturday ?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s Sunday.

A: Are the stores open tomorrow?

B: The supermarket is open.

A: Is the clothing store open?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s closed tomorrow.

A: Is tomorrow a holiday?

B: Yes, it is. I don’t have to work.

A: Are you doing anything?

B: I might visit my grandmother.

A: Where does she live?

B: In Daly City.


A: How’s your grandmother?

B: She’s fine.

A: What is she doing?

B: She’s retired.

A: She’s enjoying life.

B: Yes, she likes to read a lot.


A: Is she reading now?

B: Yes. She’s reading a novel.

A: What novel?

B: I don’t remember.

A: I have several books.

B: Good.


A: Tomorrow is my day off.

B: What are you doing?

A: My friend and I are painting.

B: Painting? What are you painting?

A: We’re painting the living room.


A: What color are you painting it?

B: She wants to paint it blue.

A: How about you?

B: I don’t like blue.

A: What’s your favorite color?

B: I like white.


A: Is Monday a holiday?

B: Yes, my son doesn’t have school.

A: What are you doing?

B: We’re going to the park.

A: That sounds like fun.

B: After that, we’re having lunch together.


A: How’s your son?

B: He’s fine.

A: What’s he doing now?

B: He’s playing outside.

A: Does he like to play?

B: Yes, he does. What kid doesn’t?


A: Is he playing soccer?

B: Yes. It’s his favorite game.

A: Does he like baseball?

B: Yes, he’s learning baseball.

A: Is he learning basketball too?

B: No, he doesn’t like it.


A: Tomorrow is the twenty-second.

B: Thanks for reminding me.

A: You have an appointment.

B: That’s right. I almost forgot.

A: You’re going to the doctor.

B: Yes. I’m not going to miss it.


A: What are you trying to do?

B: Wash this window.

A: You’re not doing it right.

B: What do you mean?

A: You’re using the wrong soap.

B: Oh, you’re right. Thanks for telling me.

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