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What is Dengue hemorrhagic fever
Dengue hemorrhagic fever is an acute viral infection caused by the dengue virus and
mainly attacks children with the characteristics of sudden high fever with bleeding
manifestations and tendency to cause shock and death. This disease is transmitted by the
bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito and possibly albopictus.

Causative agent

 Dengue viruses

 Encompass 4 different serotypes

 Each can lead to dengue fever and severe dengue (also known as 'dengue
haemorrhagic fever’)


 Aedes aegypti

 Aedes albopictus

Mode of transmission

 Transmitted to humans through the bites of infective female Aedes mosquitoes

 When a patient suffering from dengue fever is bitten by a vector mosquito, the
mosquito is infected and it may spread the disease by biting other people

 Cannot be spread directly from human to human

Clinical Features

 High fever
 Severe headache
 Pain beind the eyes
 Muscle and joint pain
 Nausea and vomiting
 Rash
 Some infected people may not have obvious symptoms
 Some may only have mild symptoms like fever
 young children may have milder symptoms than adult
 Or have non-specific febrile illness with rash
 Symptoms of first infection
 usually mild
 Once recovered, lifelong immunity to that serotype of dengue virus will develop
 Subsequent infections with other serotypes of dengue virus are more likely to result
in severe dengue
Severe dengue

 A complication of dengue fever

 severe and potentially fatal

 Initially, there are non-specific symptoms of dengue fever

 high fever, which lasts for 2 – 7 days and can be as high as 40 – 41°C

 Later, there may be bleeding tendency:

 such as skin bruises, nose or gum bleeding, and possibly internal bleeding

 In severe cases: circulatory failure, shock and death


 There is no specific medication for dengue fever and severe dengue

 Patients with dengue fever:

- Mostly self-limiting

- Symptomatic treatment is given to rilieve discomfort like fever and pain

 Patients with severe dengue:

- Need to be treated promptly with supportive management

- With appropriate and timely treatment, death rate is less than 1%

 Rest and fluid intake for adequate hydration is important.

Preventive measure

 Prevent breeding of mosquitoes

- Keep the environment clean

- Remove stagnant water

 Prevent mosquito bites

Environtmen clean

At all times

 Turn pails and watering cans over and store them under shelter.

 Remove water in plant pot plates. Clean and scrub the plate thoroughly to remove
mosquito eggs. Avoid the use of plant pot plates, if possible.

 Loosen soil from potted plants to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water on the
surface of the hardened soil.

 Do not block the flow of water in scupper drains.

 Cover rarely used gully traps. Replace the gully trap with non-perforated ones and
install anti-mosquito valves.

 No tray or receptacles should be placed beneath and or/ on top of any air-
conditioning unit so as not to create a condition favourable for mosquito breeding.

Every other day

Change water in flower vases. Clean and scrub the inner sides of vases. Wash roots
of flowers and plants thoroughly as mosquito eggs can stick to them easily.

Once a week

 Clear fallen leaves and stagnant water in your scupper drains and garden.

These leaves could collect water or cause blockages to the drains, thus resulting in
the build-up of stagnant water.

 Clear any stagnant water in your air cooler unit.

Once a month

Add prescribed amounts of sand granular insecticide into vases, gully traps and roof
gutters, even if they are dry.
Remove stagnant water

 Avoid using saucers underneath flower pots

 Put all used cans and bottles into covered dustbins

 Change the water in vases at least once a week

 Cover all water containers, wells and storage tanks tightly

 Keep ditches free from blockage

 Top up all defective ground surfaces

Prevent mosquito bites-Personal protection

 Wear loose, light-coloured, long-sleeved tops and trousers, and use DEET-containing
insect repellent on exposed parts of the body and clothing; and re-apply according to

 Pregnant women and children of 6 months or older can use DEET-containing insect

 Use mosquito screens or bed nets when the room is not air-conditioned

 Place anti-mosquito devices near entrances such as windows and doors

Travel tips

 If going to affected areas or countries, arrange a consultation with doctor at least 6

weeks before the trip

 For children who travel to countries or areas where mosquito-borne diseases are
endemic or epidemic and where exposure is likely, children aged 2 months or above
can use DEET-containing insect repellents with a concentration up to 30%

 People with dengue fever symptoms should seek medical advice promptly

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