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Santos, Gracenn Ladymae M.

MD 1Y1-14



Edge of the table Sharp/Physical Hazard Engineering
Aircon Electrical Hazard Engineering
Light bulb Fire Hazard Engineering
Trash bin Biohazard Administrative
Machine Electrical Hazard Administrative

A. Blood Contaminated Glasswear
Step 1. Equipment
Deposit the gloves and check the kind of disposable gloves to guarantee that they are
appropriate for blood to tidy up.
Step 2. Remove
Use tongs to evacuate a wrecked glass that could break your defensive wear.
Step 3. Dispose
Cautiously discard your own defensive equipment into a biohazard bag.
Step 4. Decontaminate
Utilized the registered disinfectant to slaughter claim to soak any reusable equipment.
Step 5. Check
Check your body for any contamination.
Step 6. Wash Hands
Wash your hands with water and disinfectant soap.
B. Stool Specimens
Step 1. Spot the stool boxes on the one grinding of the incinerator.
Step 2.
Keep the metal drum firmly shut aside from during incinerator.
Step 3. Fill the base with paper, sticks, and wood.
Step 4. Light the fire and keep it consuming until all the contaminated material has been
lessens to debris.
Step 5. The ash created isn’t perilous and can be tossed on the reject store.
C. Picric Acid
Step 1. Picric Acid disposed of still has some water content.
Step 2. Try not to put Picric Acid down the channel, it could respond with copper or iron
funneling to shape the touchy salts.
D. Pathologic Urine
Step 1. Isolation on the off chance that you’ve verify that what you have is obsessive, it must
experience an unexpected procedure in comparison to all of your red sack squander transfer.
Step 2. Naming and isolate this waste must be appropriately named.
Step 3. Getting medical waste management since guidelines fluctuate to some degree from
state to express, it’s constantly a smart thought to contract your nearby therapeutic waste
administrative organization.
E. Non Pathologic Urine
Step 1. Place in a container then label it with necessary information
Step 2. Dispose it in a drainage

Autoclaves give a physical strategy to sanitization and disinfection. They work with a mix of
steam, weight and time. Autoclaves work at high temperature and weight so as to execute
microorganisms and spores. It is a machine that utilizations weight and steam to reach and keep
up a temperature that is unreasonably high for any microorganisms or their spores to live.
Microorganisms are what a great many people generally allude to as germs. These are the
microscopic organisms, infections, growths, parasites, and so on that can cause contaminations
in our bodies. Spores are the earth safe type of the microorganisms. Despite the fact that they
can withstand harsher conditions, regardless they can be killed if extraordinary conditions are
kept up for an all-inclusive timeframe.

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