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Lozada, Jane Florence T.

MD 1Y1-14

Task I.


Dry hands first before
Plugging when hands are wet Electrical hazard plugging some electrical

Slippery floors Physical Hazard By putting some signages

Put some labels on it and

Trash bin Biohazard
always keep it closed
Wash the infected area with
Spill of chemicals Chemical Hazard
water for atleast 15 minutes
Avoid playing to avoid
Playing Physical Hazard

Task II. Give the proper disposal method of the following

a. Blood-contaminated glassware

First is wear gloves that are appropriate for blood to clean up. Second is use tongs to get
the glassware. Third is dispose your gloves equipment into a biohazard bag. Fourth is to disinfect
any reusable equipment. Fifth is to check your body for any contamination and lastly is, wash
your hands with water and disinfectant soap.

b. Stool specimens

The specimen must be label it first with name of person responsible for the waste and
contact details including the phone number, laboratory, description of waste details and date of
generation. After that the specimen should be placed in a suitable container and wait for the
hazardous waste authorities to collect it.
c. Concentrated Picric Acid

Picric Acid disposed of still has some water content. Housed appropriately until collection

d. Pathological urine specimen

Place the specimen in a container and labelled it then disinfect it because it is suitable for
liquid infectious waste such as urine, this will use 1% sodium hypochlorite or a diluted active
chlorine solution (O.5%).

e. Non-pathological urine specimen

Place it in a container then label it with information and dispose it in a drainage.

Task III. Discuss the principle of autoclave. Give it’s uses.

What is autoclave?

An autoclave is a piece of equipment that uses steam at high pressure to clean and
remove all bacteria from objects used in medical operations and other equipment. It is a device
for heating substances above their boiling point; used to manufacture chemicals or to sterilize
surgical instruments.

How does an autoclave work?

When the autoclave sterilizer chamber is closed, there is vacuum pump that removes all
the air from inside the device or it is forced out by pumping in steam. It works by allowing steam
to enter and maintaining extremely high pressure for at least 15 minutes. During the sterilizing
process, steam is continuously entering the autoclave to thoroughly kill all dangerous
microorganisms. High-temperature steam can surround and infiltrate the items, even reaching
within the crevices in stainless steel instruments. This process kills all bacteria, viruses and
bacterial spores

What is the use of autoclave?

To sterilize the equipments such as beaker, testubes, petriplates and other glasswares. It
is important to autoclave in microbiological experiments as the state of contamination is very
high and scientists cannot take the risk of contamination. In microbiology, the importance of an
autoclave is to heat treat to sterilize liquid/semi liquid materials, canned products, and solid
objects, using different parameters. In a microbiology laboratory this is a highly required

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