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1040-5488/15/9204-0471/0 VOL. 92, NO. 4, PP.

Copyright * 2015 American Academy of Optometry


Different Amounts of Alcohol Consumption and

Cataract: A Meta-analysis
Yu Gong*, Kehong Feng*, Ning Yan†, Yong Xu‡, and Chen-Wei Pan§

Purpose. To evaluate the association between different amounts of alcohol consumption and the risk of age-related cataract.
Methods. We searched PubMed and Embase from their inception until May 2014 for case-control or cohort studies with
data on alcohol consumption and age-related cataract. Heavy alcohol consumption was defined as more than two
standard drinks per day, which is equal to a daily intake of 20 g of alcohol or 140 g per week. Moderate consumption was
defined as less than 20 g of alcohol per day but more than never any. We performed separate meta-analyses for
the associations of moderate or heavy alcohol consumption with age-related cataract under a random-effects model,
Results. Five case-control and five cohort studies were identified through comprehensive literature search. In the meta-
analysis of 10 studies, the associations between moderate alcohol consumption and age-related cataract were marginally
nonsignificant (pooled relative risk, 0.88; 95% confidence interval, 0.74 to 1.05; I2 = 82.1%), whereas heavy alcohol
consumption was associated with an increased risk of age-related cataract (pooled relative risk, 1.26; 95% confidence
interval, 1.06 to 1.50; I2 = 58.9%). The association between heavy alcohol consumption and cataract was stronger in case-
control than in cohort studies. Adjusting for smoking as a potential confounder attenuated the association between heavy
alcohol consumption and cataract.
Conclusions. Heavy alcohol consumption significantly increased the risk of age-related cataract, whereas moderate
consumption may be protective for this ocular condition. Clinically, information on a patient’s alcohol drinking history
might be valuable to general physicians and ophthalmologists when there is a diagnosis of age-related cataract and should
be collected on a routine basis in eye clinics.
(Optom Vis Sci 2015;92:471Y479)

Key Words: alcohol, cataract, meta-analysis, epidemiology

ge-related cataract is the leading cause of visual impair- smoking9 and ultraviolet exposure.10 In a recently published meta-
ment worldwide.1Y8 With longer life expectancies and an analysis, we found that obesity increased the risks of age-related
aging population throughout the world, the burden and cataract.11
impact of age-related cataract tend to increase, resulting in a global Alcohol consumption is a common modifiable lifestyle factor
public health concern. The key step for the prevention of age- and appears to be associated with a wide range of chronic diseases
related cataract is to identify the risk factors for this eye condi- such as cancers,12 type 2 diabetes mellitus,13 and cardiovascular
tion, especially modifiable ones. Up until now, few risk factors diseases.14 However, there is uncertainty regarding its association
have been consistently associated with age-related cataract except with age-related cataract in elderly adults. A relationship between
alcohol consumption and an increased risk of cataract has been
reported from cross-sectional studies,15,16 but several prospective
*MD cohort studies have not found this association.17,18

BSc It is especially important to understand whether the association

MSc between alcohol consumption and age-related cataract is modified
MD, PhD by the amount of alcohol consumption because there is always a
Department of Ophthalmology, Children’s Hospital of Soochow University,
Suzhou, China (YG, KF); and Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Preventive and Trans-
U-shaped association observed in epidemiologic studies between
lational Medicine for Geriatric Diseases, School of Public Health, Medical College alcohol consumption and clinical disorders. For example, light
of Soochow University, Suzhou, China (NY, YX, C-WP). and moderate alcohol consumption appears to be protective for

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Copyright © American Academy of Optometry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

472 Alcohol Consumption and CataractVGong et al.

cardiovascular diseases whereas heavy consumption appears to be a We assessed the study quality using the tool described by
risk factor.14 Therefore, a systematic approach to combine the Sanderson et al.20 The variables examined included the methods for
results of all available studies evaluating the association of alcohol selecting study participants, methods for measuring exposure (al-
consumption with age-related cataract would be informative to cohol consumption) and outcome variable (age-related cataract),
answer this research question. To address this gap, we conducted a design-specific sources of bias (excluding confounding), methods
systematic review and meta-analysis of the published literatures to for controlling confounding, statistical methods (excluding control
examine if different amount of alcohol consumption is associated of confounding), and conflict of interest.
with different risks of age-related cataract.
Statistical Methods
We performed the meta-analysis using Stata version 12.0
METHODS (StataCorp, College Station, TX). We meta-analyzed the fully
Search Strategy and Inclusion Criteria adjusted, study-specific summary estimates using a random-effects
model to account for both within- and between-study variability.
We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine Age-related cataract was treated as the outcome measure, whereas
the association of alcohol consumption with age-related cataract alcohol consumption was analyzed as the independent variable.
based on the Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemi- Heavy alcohol consumption was defined as more than two stan-
ology guidelines.19 We searched the electronic databases of PubMed dard drinks per day, which is equal to a daily intake of 20 g of
and Embase for relevant articles reporting the association published alcohol or 140 g per week. Moderate alcohol consumption was
up to May 2014 with the following search terms (formatted for defined as less than 20 g of alcohol per day but more than never.
PubMed search): (‘‘ethanol’’[MeSH Terms] OR ‘‘ethanol’’[All We treated ‘‘nonYalcohol drinker’’ as the reference category and
Fields] OR ‘‘alcohol’’[All Fields] OR ‘‘alcohols’’[MeSH Terms] OR converted summary estimates if necessary. Statistical heteroge-
‘‘alcohols’’[All Fields]) AND ((‘‘cataract’[MeSH Terms] OR neity among studies was evaluated using I2 statistic.21 Values of
‘‘cataract’’[All Fields]) OR (‘‘cataract’’[MeSH Terms] OR 0 to 24%, 25 to 49%, 50 to 74%, and more than 75% denote no,
‘‘cataract’’[All Fields] OR (‘‘lens’’[All Fields] AND ‘‘opacity’’[All low, moderate, and high heterogeneity, respectively.22 Sensitivity
Fields]) OR ‘‘lens opacity’’[All Fields])). Titles and abstracts of the analysis was performed to investigate the contribution of each
studies were independently scanned by two authors (YG and KF). study to the heterogeneity by sequentially removing one study and
Duplicate articles from the two databases were deleted. The reanalyzing the pooled estimate for the remaining studies.
extracted studies were compared, and inconsistencies were resolved The RRs were used as the common measure of association
by consensus. In addition, the reference lists of all identified studies across studies. Hazard ratios were directly considered as RRs.
were examined. This study was approved by the Medical College of Where necessary, ORs were transformed into RRs with the fol-
Soochow University Institutional Review Board. lowing formula:
We included studies if they were case-control or cohort studies
and if they reported alcohol consumption as an exposure variable RR ¼ OR=½ð1jPo Þ þ ðPo  ORÞ;
and any subtypes of age-related cataract including cataract surgery as in which Po is the rate of the outcome of interest in the
the outcome measure. Furthermore, we included studies only if the nonexposed group.14
summary estimates such as odds ratios (ORs), relative risks (RRs), The SE of the resulting converted RR was then determined with
and hazard ratios with 95% confidence interval (CI) were reported the following formula:
in the article or allowed for the calculation of the summary estimates
SE logðRRÞ ¼ SE logðORÞ  logðRRÞ= logðORÞ:
based on the data presented in the article. We only included studies
in which age-related cataract was assessed based on lens photographs In some studies, a single summary estimate was not available
or diagnosed by ophthalmologists. We excluded studies if they were for moderate/heavy drinkers versus nondrinkers because the data
not case-control or cohort studies (e.g., cross-sectional designs or were presented as only a dose-response. In these cases, we first
ecology studies) or if they measured cataract by questionnaires (self- pooled across levels of alcohol intake within the study using a
reported). For cohort studies, if one study reported two results at random-effects model to derive a single summary estimate for
different follow-up periods, the result with a longer follow-up period moderate/heavy drinkers versus nondrinkers. The resulting single,
was included in the analysis. Although we did not specifically ex- study-specific summary estimate was then pooled with those of
clude non-English literature, the studies included in the final other studies.
analysis were all in English. We evaluated publication bias using the Egger regression
asymmetry test and the Begg test. A two-sided p value of less than
0.05 was regarded as significant for all analyses.
Data Extraction and Assessment of Study Quality
For each study in the analyses, we extracted the following in-
formation: first author, publication year, study name, study de-
sign, sample size, age range of the study participants, follow-up We identified 1542 unique titles and abstracts in the electronic
periods (for cohort studies only), definitions of alcohol con- databases of PubMed and Embase. After two rounds of reviews and
sumption and age-related cataract, summary estimates and cor- searching citations of retained articles, we identified 42 studies as
responding 95% CI, and confounding factors adjusted for. potentially relevant for analysis, from which we retrieved 29 full text

Optometry and Vision Science, Vol. 92, No. 4, April 2015

Copyright © American Academy of Optometry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Alcohol Consumption and CataractVGong et al. 473

Flow chart describing the selection of studies.

articles for review. Finally, we included 5 cohort studies17,18,23Y25 summarized in Table 1. Among the identified 10 studies, 4 were
and 5 case-control studies26Y30 in this meta-analysis (Fig. 1). conducted in the United States18,24,25,29 whereas the other 6
Characteristics of the 10 studies included in the meta-analysis are were in Australia,23 Sweden,17 Nigeria,26 India,27 Scotland,30 and
Characteristics of the included studies on association between alcohol consumption and age-related cataract in the

Follow-up Cataract
Author (year) Study name Region Ethnicity Sample size Age, y Sex period, y assessment
Cohort studies
Kanthan et al. Blue Mountain Australia Whites 2078 Q49 Both 10 Extraction
(2010)23 Eye Study
Lindblad et al. Swedish Sweden Whites 34,713 49Y83 Female 7 Extraction
(2007)17 Mammography
Klein et al. Beaver Dam United States Whites 3334 43Y86 Both 10 NC, CC,
(2003)18 Eye Study PSC
Chasan-Taber Nurses’ Health United States Whites 50,461 Q45 Female 12 Extraction
et al. (2000)24 Study
Manson et al. Physicians’ Health United States Whites 17,824 40Y84 Male 5 Extraction
(1994)25 Study
Case-control studies
Echebiri et al. V Nigeria Blacks 530 Case patients/ 40Y89 Both V NC, PSC
(2010)26 530 control subjects
Ughade et al. V India Indians 262 Case patients/ 51Y70 Both V Any
(1998)27 262 control subjects cataract
Phillips et al. V Scotland Whites 990 Case patients/ NA Both V Any
(1996)30 900 control subjects cataract
Tavani et al. V Italy Whites 207 Case patients/ Median age, Both V Any
(1996)28 706 control subjects 63/62 cataract
Munoz et al. V United States Whites 119 Case patients/ NA Both V PSC
(1993)29 120 control subjects
NA indicates not available; NC, nuclear cataract; CC, cortical cataract; PSC, posterior subcapsular cataract.

Optometry and Vision Science, Vol. 92, No. 4, April 2015

Copyright © American Academy of Optometry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

474 Alcohol Consumption and CataractVGong et al.
Assessment of methodological quality of included studies on association between alcohol consumption and age-related

Methods for Methods for

measuring exposure measuring
Study Methods for selecting study participants (alcohol consumption) outcome (cataract)
Kanthan et al. (2010) At baseline examinations (1992Y1994), 3654 were Questionnaire Wisconsin Grading
interviewed and examined. All surviving participants System
were invited for reexamination after 5 y (1997Y1999)
and 10 y (2002Y2004), with 2335 (75.1% of survivors)
and 1952 (75.6% of survivors) returning for reexaminations
at these times, respectively.
Lindblad et al. (2007)17 Between March 1987 and December 1990, all women born Questionnaire National Cataract
between 1914 and 1948 living in the county of Uppsala Registry
and all women born between 1917 and 1948 living in the
county of Västmanland received by mail a self-administered
questionnaire regarding information about diet, family history
of breast cancer, and some lifestylefactors together with an
invitation to participate in a mammography screening program.
In September 1997, an extended follow-up questionnaire was
mailed to 56,030 women remaining in the cohort after
exclusion of those who had died or permanently moved out
of the study areas.
Klein et al. (2003)18 4926 persons participated in a baseline examination from March Questionnaire Wisconsin Grading
1988 to September 1990. Of the 3334 surviving persons who System
participated in a 5-y follow-up examination, 2764 (82.9%)
participated in the 10-y follow-up examination.
Chasan-Taber et al. The Nurses’ Health Study began in 1976 when 121,701, female Questionnaire Diagnosed by
(2000)24 registered nurses aged 30Y55 y and residing in 11 states ophthalmologist
returned a mailed questionnaire on medical history, use of oral
contraceptives, and risk factors for cancer and cardiovascular
disease. The follow-up rate for the cohort was 90.2% in 1992
as a percentage of total possible follow-up time.
Manson et al. (1994)25 Participants in the Physicians’ Health Study, a randomized trial Questionnaire Review of medical
of aspirin and beta-carotene among 22,071 male physicians record
aged 40Y84 y at entry in 1982, were included in these analyses
if they did not report cataract at baseline and if they provided
information about alcohol consumption and other cataract risk
factors. A total of 17,824 physicians satisfied these criteria.
Echebiri et al. (2010)26 530 subjects with visually impairing cataracts and 530 age- and Questionnaire Diagnosed by
sex-matched control subjects were recruited from patients ophthalmologist
aged 40 to 89 y attending the ophthalmology clinics at the
same hospital.
Ughade et al. (1998)27 The study included 262 cases of age-related cataract and an Questionnaire Diagnosed by
equal number of control subjects from the same hospital. ophthalmologist
Phillips et al. (1996)30 Stringently matched cataract-control pairs were included from Questionnaire Medical record
the same hospital.
Tavani et al. (1996)28 A total of 207 patients who had cataract extraction and 706 Questionnaire Diagnosed by
control subjects in a hospital for acute, nonneoplastic, ophthalmologist
nonoculistic, nondigestive tract diseases were interviewed
during their hospital stay.
Munoz et al. (1993)29 Clinical-based study including 238 case patients and Questionnaire Medical record
control subjects.
Kanthan et al. (2010)23 Lost-to-follow-up bias; survival bias; Multivariate analysis None reported
chance finding; residual confounding adjusted for age,
diabetes, myopia,
status, and
steroid use

Optometry and Vision Science, Vol. 92, No. 4, April 2015

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Alcohol Consumption and CataractVGong et al. 475

Methods for controlling

Study Design-specific sources of bias confounding and statistical methods Conflict of interest
Lindblad et al. (2007) Lost-to-follow-up bias; survival bias; Multivariate analysis adjusted for None reported
misclassification bias; chance finding; age, smoking,diabetes, hypertension,
residual confounding steroid medication use, vitamin
supplement use, body mass index,
and educational level
Klein et al. (2003)18 Lost-to-follow-up bias; survival bias; Only age and sex were adjusted in None reported
chance finding; residual confounding the analysis
Chasan-Taber et al. Lost-to-follow-up bias; survival bias; Multivariate analysis adjusted for age, None reported
(2000)24 misclassification bias; chance finding; period, smoking, body mass index,
residual confounding area of residence, number of physician
visits, aspirin use, calories, regular
physical activity, hypertension,
or diabetes
Manson et al. (1994)25 Lost-to-follow-up bias; survival bias; Multivariate analysis adjusted for age, None reported
misclassification bias; chance finding; aspirin, and beta-carotene treatment,
residual confounding smoking, history ofdiabetes, physical
activity, hypertension, and obesity
Echebiri et al. (2010)26 Selection bias; misclassification bias; Only age and sex were adjusted in None reported
chance finding; residual confounding the analysis
Ughade et al. (1998)27 Selection bias; misclassification bias; Multivariate analysis adjusted for age, sex, None reported
chance finding; residual confounding; socioeconomic status, illiteracy, history
small sample size ofdiabetes, diarrhea, glaucoma, myopia,
hypertension, and cheap cooking fuel
Phillips et al. (1996)30 Selection bias; misclassification bias; Only age and sex were adjusted in None reported
chance finding; residual confounding the analysis
Tavani et al. (1996)28 Selection bias; misclassification bias; Multivariate analysis adjusted for age, sex, None reported
chance finding; residual confounding; education, smoking, diabetes, body mass
small sample size index, and energy intake
Munoz et al. (1993)29 Selection bias; misclassification bias; Multivariate analysis adjusted for age, None reported
chance finding; residual confounding; sex, diabetes, education, smoking,
small sample size and hypertension

Italy.28 Of the 10 studies, 2 reported on all-female cohorts,17,24 In the meta-analysis of 10 studies, the associations between
1 reported on men only,25 and the other 7 included both men and moderate alcohol consumption and age-related cataract were mar-
women. Two studies26,27 did not report the findings of moderate ginally nonsignificant (pooled RR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.74 to 1.05; I2 =
alcohol consumption, whereas all identified studies reported the 82.1%) (Fig. 2), whereas heavy alcohol consumption was associated
associations between heavy alcohol consumption and cataract. with an increased risk of age-related cataract (pooled RR, 1.26; 95%
For the assessment of study quality, we examined the variables CI, 1.06 to 1.50; I2 = 58.9%) (Fig. 3).
included, methods for selecting study participants, methods for Subgroup analyses were performed on study designs (cohort
measuring exposure (alcohol consumption) and outcome variable studies vs. case-control studies) and confounders adjusted for (studies
(age-related cataract), design-specific sources of bias (excluding adjusted for smoking vs. studies that did not adjust for smoking). The
confounding), methods for controlling confounding, statistical association between heavy alcohol consumption and cataract was
methods (excluding control of confounding), and conflict of interest. stronger in case-control studies than in cohort studies. Adjusting for
In general, all studies described sampling methods in the texts, albeit smoking as a potential confounder attenuated the association between
in varying degrees. Six studies outlined specific exclusion criteria and heavy alcohol consumption and cataract. (Table 3).
provided information on nonresponders. Among the five cohort Omission of individual studies revealed that no single study had
studies, three were population based and two were on specific working a particular influence on the pooled estimate. There was no evi-
groups. All the five case-control studies were clinically based. Data on dence of publication bias as indicated by a nonsignificant Egger
alcohol consumption were all self-reported and collected from test (all p 9 0.05) and Begg test (all p 9 0.05) in all analyses.
questionnaires whereas only two studies diagnosed cataract based on
lens photographs. In most of the included studies, cataract data were
retrieved by medical records or clinically diagnosed by ophthalmol-
ogists. Age and sex were adjusted in all included studies, whereas In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we found that
smoking was adjusted in six studies. No studies reported conflict of heavy alcohol consumption significantly increased the risk of age-
interest. The detailed assessment of study quality is shown in Table 2. related cataract, whereas moderate alcohol consumption may be

Optometry and Vision Science, Vol. 92, No. 4, April 2015

Copyright © American Academy of Optometry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

476 Alcohol Consumption and CataractVGong et al.

Random-effects meta-analysis evaluating the association between moderate alcohol consumption and cataract. ID, identification.

Random-effects meta-analysis evaluating the association between heavy alcohol consumption and cataract. ID, identification.

Optometry and Vision Science, Vol. 92, No. 4, April 2015

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Alcohol Consumption and CataractVGong et al. 477
Associations of alcohol consumption and age-related cataract stratified by study design and confounders adjusted for

Moderate alcohol consumption Heavy alcohol consumption

No. studies RR 95% CI I ,% No. studies RR 95% CI I2 , %
Study design
Cohort studies 5 0.87 0.70Y1.07 87.5 5 1.09 0.93Y1.28 46.7
Case-control studies 3 0.92 0.62Y1.37 68.4 5 1.64 1.28Y2.11 15.1
Confounders adjusted for
Adjusted for smoking 6 0.93 0.75Y1.16 84 6 1.17 0.97Y1.41 52.8
Did not adjust for smoking 2 0.76 0.65Y0.90 0 4 1.49 1.01Y2.21 69.2

protective for this ocular condition, although the finding was of atherosclerosis of blood vessels.37 The protection afforded by
marginally nonsignificant. Clinically, the findings indicated that in- light to moderate alcohol consumption may possibly be attributed
formation on a patient’s alcohol drinking history might be valuable to to antithrombotic effects and inhibition of the atherogenic ac-
general physicians and ophthalmologists when there is a diagnosis of tion of high levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. The ath-
age-related cataract and should be collected on a routine basis in eye erosclerosis of local blood vessels may reduce the risk of cataract by
clinics. Ophthalmologists should be aware that risk of age-related supplying the lens with more oxygen and nutrients.
cataract appears to vary by the amount of alcohol consumption. We have noticed that smoking is a confirmed risk factor for age-
Our study indicated that there may be a U-shaped association related cataract and the observed association between alcohol
between alcohol consumption and age-related cataract, which is consumption and age-related cataract may be confounded by
commonly observed in studies assessing the association between smoking status. The subgroup analysis in our study found that
alcohol consumption and cardiovascular diseases. These findings pooling the studies that had adjusted for smoking as a potential
may not be surprising as there are some shared risk factors between confounder attenuated the associations between alcohol con-
age-related cataract and clinical cardiovascular diseases. A large sumption and age-related cataract but did not alter the trend.
retrospective case-control study31 of adults older than 50 years Considering that there are only six studies that had adjusted for
who underwent cataract surgery in Israel found that all risk factors smoking in this review, we cannot confirm whether smoking is a
for cardiovascular diseases were significantly more prevalent in confounder for the association between alcohol consumption and
cataract patients in univariate analysis. Meanwhile, multivariate age-related cataract. More well-designed cohort studies in non-
analysis also revealed a significant association of the exposures smokers are warranted to confirm if alcohol consumption is in-
related to cataractogenesis including diabetes, carotid artery dis- dependently related to cataract.
ease, systemic arterial hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, During the peer-review process of this article, another meta-
smoking, ischemic heart disease, chronic renal failure, hyperlip- analysis on the association between alcohol intake and age-
idemia, and Ashkenazi origin. In addition, the Blue Mountain Eye related cataract was published by Wang and Zhang.38 However,
Study found that baseline cardiovascular disease or vascular risk the hypotheses, methods for study selection, and statistical anal-
factors such as obesity, hypertension, or angina were associated yses between our study and theirs were completely different. First,
with incident age-related cataract.32 Therefore, the effects of al- our hypothesis was that the risk of cataract is modified by the
cohol consumption on cardiovascular system and lens may share amount of alcohol consumption whereas theirs was that the risk
common pathways in pathophysiology. of cataract differs between alcohol drinkers and nondrinkers.
The biological plausibility behind the observed association has Therefore, the main analyses as shown in the forest plots of the two
not been elucidated, and we offer several possible explanations. articles were completely different. In addition, some studies39,40
Oxidative stress is well known to be involved in the pathogenesis included in the article by Wang and Zhang were not included in
of cataract.33 Heavy alcohol consumption could induce micro- our analysis because these studies did not report the amount-
somal enzyme cytochrome CYP2E1 in the liver.34 Metabolism of stratified analysis on the association between alcohol consumption
ethanol by cytochrome CYP2E1 could produce free radicals, which and cataract. Second, we included both case-control and cohort
may also lead to aggregation of lens proteins, leading to cataract studies whereas the article by Wang and Zhang only included cohort
formation in elderly adults. Alternatively, maintenance of calcium studies. Although we acknowledge that cohort design provides
homeostasis is essential for normal functioning of the lens. Several stronger evidence than case-control design, we think that it is im-
lens enzymes are calcium dependent and higher calcium levels are portant to include case-control studies in this meta-analysis, espe-
shown to induce cataract in vitro, in both animal and human cially when the number of studies identified is small. Finally, we
studies.35 Acute alcohol exposure increases calcium permeability of believe that a stratified analysis for the studies that did and did not
lens fiber cell membrane and inhibits calcium pumps on lens fiber adjust for smoking status should be performed on this research topic
cells, resulting in higher intracellular lens calcium levels.36 This because smoking is a well-established risk factor for age-related
disruption in calcium homeostasis may lead to cataract formation. cataract and is always associated with alcohol intake. Therefore,
Despite a marginally nonsignificant association, our analysis re- smoking may be an important confounder for the association be-
vealed that moderate alcohol consumption may reduce the risk for tween alcohol intake and age-related cataract.
age-related cataract. A population-based cohort study has shown There are several strengths of the meta-analysis. From epidemio-
that light to moderate alcohol consumption could reduce the risk logic perspectives, only case-control or cohort studies were included,

Optometry and Vision Science, Vol. 92, No. 4, April 2015

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478 Alcohol Consumption and CataractVGong et al.

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