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A Gaze from beyond

Riding in a vehicle, we was happily gazing through the splendid beauty of nature as the sun was spreading
its light towards the face of the earth. An excitement sprouted inside of us as we blissfully watch the
overwhelming view, but never in mind was a touch in a hidden paradise the we know we will never forget
even at a first glimpse of it.

Sitting inside the jeepney while riding to reach the place we wanted to go, we was so amazed at every
nature’s seen we saw. The green plain of rice plantation serves as a mat of the bushy bluish sky, the
gradient curve road captures the eye of every tourist passing through the north. Friendly faces of people
with a clean and green environment inhabited by precious fresh air were everywhere on our way going
to a place called Panas.

Located at New Corella, Davao del Norte, Panas is a well-known place for having natural carves of green
and blue beauty of nature. It is like a big water falls with beautiful water and stone formations. There
where pancake-shape like landscape in the center of water. Every falls of the water made you realize how
beautiful nature is and how blessed we are of having such great asset. It’s ambiance was so relaxing with
all the cold and fresh air and everything was a captivating view that everyone would love to see.

Our eyes was being feed by it’s beautiful and wonderful several side of the place, we enjoyed the natural
moist of air, we took rest under the shade of big trees, we gather beautiful memories with it, even under
the bad weather, the energy we expended at wandering around place was all worth it.

Winning a competition, having lot of affiliation and being famous is a blessing but seeing a paradise and
making lot of good memories with friends is more, it got our heart even when just a couple of an hour.
Panas, a place to remember where we left our heart.

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