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Technologist in Logistics Management

File # 1792945

AA13_DR_Ev 4: Supply Chain Planning

Presented to Instructor:

Diana Alexandra Rubin Delvasto

Presented by:

Gabriel Augusto Mejia Ospina

Cali, October 17, 2019

Table of contenst

Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3

Previous knowledge………………………………………………………………………….4

 Una los actores de la cadena de suministro (1- 5) con las actividades que
realizan (a- e).

 Match the verbs with their definitions or synonyms.

Con base a su proyecto formativo y enfocándose en su producto o servicio que

comercializa, desarrolle la siguiente actividad………………………………………..5

Diligencie la información en la tabla teniendo en cuenta la lectura sobre la cadena

de suministro de la compañía Amazon.

Escriba la oración afirmativa teniendo en cuenta el verbo y el auxiliar

going to……………………………………………………………………………………6

Escriba una oración afirmativa o negativa a partir de la imagen que alli se presenta y el
going to……………………………………………………………………………………7

Teniendo en cuenta su proyecto formativo y enfocándose en su producto o servicio que

comercializa describa la cadena de suministro en un párrafo de 10 (renglones) renglones
haciendo uso del tiempo verbal Going To……………………………………………8

Conclusion .............................................................................................................9

All organizations should have an operational plan that allows them to integrate all the areas
they have, seeking to intertwine supply chain processes for the effectiveness of deliveries
that focus on meeting the needs of the end customer.
Supply Chain Planning

Previous knowledge

a) Una los actores de la cadena de suministro (1- 5) con las actividades que
realizan (a- e).

1. Supplier C Supply raw material

2. Producers A Convert the materials into products

3. Warehouses E Deliver to the retailers

4. Distribution centers D Store material or products

5. Retailers B Bring the product to the ultimate user

a. convert the materials into products - 2

b. bring the product to the ultimate user - 5
c. supply raw material - 1
d. store material or products - 4
e. deliver to the retailers - 3

b) Match the verbs with their definitions or synonyms.

1. To assemble a) To emit: to give out 5

2. To convert b) To try hard; to struggle 10
3. To encompass c) To put together, to collect 6
4. To include d) To transport; to send 9
5. To issue e) To change; to transport 2
6. To link f) To demand; to want; to need. 8
7. To offer g) To surround; to include. 3
8. To require h) To propose for acceptance. 7
9. To ship i) To compromise; to contain. 4
10. To strive j) To connect; to join. 1
Con base a su proyecto formativo y enfocándose en su producto o servicio que
comercializa, desarrolle la siguiente actividad.

Diligencie la información en la tabla teniendo en cuenta la lectura sobre la cadena de

suministro de la compañía Amazon.

According to the article, why is Amazon Amazon creates a business relationship to

a Master of Supply Chain? win -win whit his suppliers, creates a system
where Amazon had a small part of space in
the warehouse of his supplier, from them he
just receive the items on the request ,so
amazon and his business partner win with
this trade.
What types of fulfillment services does Amazon commitment is to provide anything
Amazon that the final customer matter
what, sometimes is hard to tell if Amazon is
a retailer or a third party logistics provider
What is the key to supply chain Innovation is the key to supply chain
excellence in Amazon? excellence.
What is Vendor Flex by Amazon? Explain. Amazon is reversing the practice and
operating under its vendors roofs. The
operation works as follows: the supplier
picks products according to purchase orders
from amazon, and the moves the pallets
into amazon´s fenced-off area of the
warehouse. Here, a team of amazon
employees sorts the products into outbound
orders, packages them, and dispatches
them to its customers.
What is going to be Amazon in a few Amazon is making its entry into a new
years? market less expensive and more
practicable, focused in technology how the
tool for connect vendors and costumers.
Going To Grammar

Haciendo uso del material de formación desarrolle los siguientes ejercicios para afianzar
su conocimiento en este tema gramatical.

a) Escriba la oración afirmativa teniendo en cuenta el verbo y el auxiliar

going to.

1. Our customer are going to (purchase) the new product

from our stores.
2. The provider is going to (ship) the product to the
distribution centres.
3. Suppliers are going to (deliver) raw materials to produce the
new artefact in our company.
4. The distributors are going to (implement) new
transportation modes to deliver the products to different places.
b) Escriba una oración afirmativa o negativa a partir de la imagen que allí
se presenta y el going to


Supplier Warehouse

1. Retailers are going to sell a variety of clothes to their customers.

2. The consumer is going to carry many products.
3. I´m going to get a new supplier.
4. The warehouse is not going to fulfill the delivery.
c) Teniendo en cuenta su proyecto formativo y enfocándose en su producto
o servicio que comercializa describa la cadena de suministro en un
párrafo de 10 (renglones) renglones haciendo uso del tiempo verbal
Going To.

The café sello rojo distribution center is dedicated to harvesting,

manufacturing and distributing 100% Colombian coffee through a
process that is carried out from the moment of entry of the raw materials
needed for this process are exact amounts of water according to what
you want to process along with roasted grains and mills, accompanied
by sugar, milk solids, corn solids, sweetener,1% soluble pure coffee,
hydrogenated vegetable oil, saturated fat, carboxymethylcellulose,
artificial flavoring, sodium murder and bicarbonate. These raw materials
will form a consistency that will be treated by means of the threshing that
will take care of the removal of the wrapping and impurities and then
goes to the tostion machine that is in charge of processing the grains, by
applying heat that generates physical changes to obtain its aroma and
flavor. The coffee will be packed in bags or stopes that will help you to
stay oxygenated and the means of transport to use for this product to
reach the consumers is terrestrial and aerial.

There is a need to integrate basic English skills for information exchange. Not only in the
presence of foreign personnel, but also to strengthen competencies that help us to grow
personally and professionally. Through procedures that involve making use of this language,
defining the supply chain from its point of origin to its final consumer through sentences and

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