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Alexander Liners

Mrs. Cramer

College Comp 1

Period 8

September 6, 2019

College Application Narrative

Did you know Peter Dinklage starred in movies you didn’t even know was him? Most

people don’t know, but Dinklage has taken over film, television, and theater audiences with his

charm and wit. Peter was born to averagely sized parents, but early on was diagnosed with

achondroplasia, which is a genetic condition that affects bone growth. Dinklage was born with a

normal-sized head and torso, but short arms and legs. Peter found his love and passion for theater

in a fifth-grade production of “The Velveteen Rabbit,” playing the lead role of the show. As time

went on, he kept with his love for theater. He was a student at Bennington College, and

performed in productions that the university held. After graduating, he moved to New York City,

to pursue his acting career. I look at Peter as a role model to me because he overcomes his

limitations, works hard all the time, and shows anything can be done.

Apart from this, Peter Dinklage has left a big impact on numerous people’s lives. He

forever gives people hope. The hard work he has shown the world means anything can be

achieved. This small man has overcome huge obstacles, conquered mountains of disbelief,

hardship beyond the doubt of his strengths, and he provides hard work, commitment, and

determination. In the beginning of his career, he made a point that he didn’t want to play in films
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that portrayed him as a dwarf. This goes to say that during his teen years, he was built up from

rage and frustration because of his rare disorder. He became more tolerant and receptive once he

entered adulthood. Peter’s career started in 1995 in the film “Living in Oblivion,” when he was

offered the role as a dwarf for cliché movies that were based around making fun of his disorder.

He was filled with undoubtful rage and didn’t want to play the role, he decided to back out of it

and stand up for himself. Since then, he has won numerous awards. In 2003 he won Online

Award for Breakthrough Performance, in 2011 he won Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama

Series, and most recently won another Outstanding Supporting Actor in Drama Series in 2018.

Without a doubt, Peter Dinklage is my personal role model because he didn’t let his

disorder limit his potential to making a mark on the world. Dinklage continued pushing himself

and making himself better through high school and college, then into the big leagues where he

showed everyone that doubted him that he was what he was set out to be. I relate to him because

I struggle with limitations that I was born with, but I don’t look at the limitations that they should

bring me down, but to them as a challenge that I must overcome in life. I was diagnosed with

dyslexia at a young age. It was always tough for me to read and write, let alone, learn like the

other kids. I didn’t let my disorder define who I was or how I learned, but to push myself to show

everyone who I could be. Overcoming limitations and obstacles in life make you a stronger and

more diligent person. It does not matter what is holding you back, anything is possible with hard

work and a good mind set on what you are to overcome.

In conclusion, Peter Dinklage as my role model because he overcomes his limitations,

works hard at every moment, and shows anything can be done. He shows anyone that limitations

can be overcame with hard work and determination. I hope to accomplish what I set my mind to
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be and what people assume I cannot become. I want to prove to people that even my limitations

can be overcame with a good mind set and determination.

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