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1 The Rider
News, travel, movement and positive

2 The Clover
Luck, hope, small gains.

3 The Boat
Long trips, nostalgia, a destination or
goal to reach.

4 The House
Very positive card: indicates help and
support, family and friends.
5 The Tree
Mental and physical health, protection.

6 The Clouds
Daily worries, unforeseen

7 The Snake
Negative card: treason, betrayal.

8 The Coffin
Negative master card that changes
the meaning of surrounding cards:
radical transformation, end, painful
9 The Bouquet
Achievement, good news, young love.

10 The Scythe
Negative card: sudden changes,
suffering and loss.

11 The Broom and Whip

Arguments and fights.

12 The Birds
Worries, stress and gossip.

13 The Girl
Positive card that changes in meaning
with the surrounding cards: pleasant
news are on the way, the future.

14 The Fox
Negative master card the modifies the
meaning of the reading: lies,
fabrications, manipulation.

15 The Bear
Good investments, healthy finances.

16 The Stars
Good card that influences a whole
reading: hope and prosperity.

17 The Stork
Travels and movement, changes and

18 The Dog
Integrity, loyalty, confidence.

19 The Tower
Ambition, isolation, need of protection.

20 The Garden
Pleasant social life, new contacts.

21 The Mountain
Obstacles, delays and blocks.
22 The Path
Choice, doubts, impulsive choices.

23 The Rats
Negative master card: betrayal,

24 The Heart
Positive card that represents feelings
and love.

25 The Ring
Union, couple, respecting an
26 The Journal
Secret wishes, confidential

27 The Letter
News, communications.

28 The Gentlemen
An important male figure or the
querent, if a man.

29 The Lady
A main female figure or the same
consultant if a woman.

30 The Lily
Family, support, intimacy.
31 The Sun
Positive master card: optimism,
growth, energy, great luck.

32 The Moon
Illusions, mystery, memories, dreams.

33 The Key
New possibilities, great opportunities.

34 The Fish
Positive master card: good
investments, profits.

35 The Anchor
Master card that heralds good fortune
with matters related to work. Stability,

36 The Cross
Negative master card: suffering,

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